Adrienn Karoly
A fordítás és közvetítés változó szerepe az idegennyelv-oktatásban: a tudományos nézőpontok közeledése
In multilingual and multicultural contexts, individuals who speak foreign languages but are not translation professionals increasingly engage in oral or written translation and language mediation activities both at the workplace and in everyday life. These formal or informal translational actions are connected to various formal or informal interactions for a variety of purposes, and are often done on an ad hoc basis. In applied linguistics, more and more authors emphasize that integrating translation with foreign language learning and teaching not only has a number of benefits related to language learning, but can serve more general educational purposes as well. Unfortunately, translation h…
Translation and dealing with “the other” in scholarly research and publishing:
Although languages other than English, along with various forms of translation, are intrinsic to multilingual researchers’ scholarly activities, they generally remain less visible in English-medium publications. In this discussion paper, I explore this topic from a broader sociopolitical perspective by looking at the use and function of translation in various stages of research and writing for publication. Drawing on recent studies on multilingualism in academia and my own experience as a teacher of research communication, I argue that in the academic context, translation cannot be seen as a mere linguistic act or a communication tool as it is inextricably tied to complex and multilayered c…
A finnországi kötelezô egyetemi nyelvi képzés egy lehetséges megvalósítási módja : a Jyväskyläi Egyetem Nyelvi Központjának új képzési programja II. rész
An alternative way of organizing compulsory university language studies in Finland: a new development project at the Language Centre of the University of Jyväskylä II. Following on from the first part of the article published in the previous issue, which outlined the education policy background of the mandatory language studies in Finnish higher education institutions, the second instalment provides a concrete example by introducing the Language Centre of the University of Jyväskylä and offering an insight into their pedagogical practices. Responding to the recent economic, social and political changes and trying to keep abreast with the latest research, the Language Centre is currently exp…
Assemblages of language, impact and research
Three scholars—of languages and knowledges, of translation and writing, and of higher education—discuss societal impact as a higher education policy goal and the language ideologies that link with that discussion. We first criticize the problematic notion of impact that is common in higher education policy and discuss language and impact in terms of their assumed predictable, definable, and linear nature. From there, we move on to advocate for a multimodal, multidirectional, locally, and globally relevant impact that is focused on direct engagement, participatory approaches, support for promoting community activities, and introducing more epistemologically just understandings of the relatio…
Feedback on individual academic presentations: exploring Finnish university students’ experiences and preferences
With an increasing emphasis on measuring the outcomes of learning in higher education, assessment is gaining an ever more prominent role in curriculum design and development as well as in instructional practices. In formative assessment, feedback is regarded as a powerful pedagogical tool driving student engagement and deep learning. The efficacy of feedback, however, depends on a multitude of factors. From a learning cultures perspective (James 2014), assessment strives for an appropriate balance between structural constraints and individual agency. To have a better grasp of how feedback functions in practice, it is useful to investigate students’ views and preferences as well as the immed…
Translating EU text in the English BA programme: exploring teachers' views and practices
Recent research into using translation as a communicative and functional activity in foreign language learning and teaching has pointed out a wide range of benefits for advanced language learners. The research reported in this paper involved teachers teaching translation in the EU-specialisation module integrated into the English bachelor’s degree programme in Hungary. The survey set out to explore teachers’ instructional practices as well as their views and experiences regarding translation. Results indicate that translation in this pedagogical setting is used not merely as a tool to develop language competence and other generic skills, but is regarded as a useful skill in its own right. T…
Nyelvi képzés a finn egyetemeken a közelmúlt oktatáspolitikai változásainak tükrében I. rész
In addition to Finnish and the co-official Swedish language, bachelor’s students in Finnish higher education are required by law to take language and communication studies. This twopart paper, published here and in the next issue, focuses on these mandatory language and communication studies at Finnish universities. The first part offers a broad overview of the most recent changes in Finnish educational policy. It outlines the most relevant legislative measures, presents the rationale behind them and looks at the initial responses from those most directly concerned. The second part, published in the next issue, approaches the topic from the perspective of pedagogical practice, and presents …