Alessandra Amore
Diritto alla privacy e accesso agli atti del fascicolo telematico processuale da parte di terzi-giornalisti: “quo vadis” Italia?
In this work, we want to try to examine what might be – today – the consequences of a contrast between the national legislation, artt. 51 and 52 of 30 June 2003, n. 196 (so-called Privacy Code) and art. 17 of the d.P.C.M. of 16 February 2016, n. 40, and the European legislation, art. 55 of the Privacy Regulation of 25 May 2016, n. 679, regarding the relationship between the protection of personal data, the right of access to the deeds of the electronic file of the administrative process by third parties (here of interest to journalists) and the right to information.
Il deficit di tipicità delle interdittive antimafia
In 2019, according to the report drawn up by the National Anti-Corruption Authority, they were banned 2044 Italian companies, of which 1458 based in the Southern Regions. An alarming fact which, if on the one hand, would seem acceptable to prevent the infiltration of associations mafia groups in the national economy in the public procurement system and in the loans disbursed by the State; on the other hand, it could reasonably be understood due to the very broad regulatory framework and articulated that characterizes the anti-mafia documentation system. The present work starting from the motivation system of the sentence of 5 September 2019, n. 6105 aims to investigate, first of all, the la…
Effetti “inibitori” della interdittiva antimafia e bilanciamento fra principi costituzionali: alcune questioni di legittimità dedotte in una recente ordinanza di rimessione alla Consulta
Moving from a very recent order of submission to the Italian Constitutional Court, the paper analyses some of the critical profiles that – in the last years – are related to the institute if the s.c. “interdittiva antimafia” (i.e. “anti-mafia interdictive), among the wider discipline provided against the organized crime. Regarding the parameters evoked by the Administrative Judge, it is intended to reflect on the delicate balancing procedure between rights and liberties that – equally guaranteed by the Constitution – inevitably collide as the aforementioned institute is enforced and that require, then, a particular care by the proceeding Public Administration: the private economic initiativ…
Lo Stato interventista nello scenario del PNRR: un'organizzazione amministrativa socio sanitaria di natura egualitaria
The Covid-19 pandemic has confirmed the universal value of health, its natureas a fundamental public good and the macro-economic relevance of publichealth services. During the pandemic - in fact - the serious territorial inequali-ties that compromise the right to health of citizens, in territories where there isless organizational and administrative capacity, have emerged again.The article examines the objectives crystallized in Mission 6 "Health" ofthe PNRR to reflect on whether the re-emergence of the interventionist State and a new perspective of administrative organization are indispensable for"good administration" to overcome territorial inequalities.
Luci e ombre del procedimento di aggiornamento in tema di interdittiva antimafia
The article tends to highlight the obscure profiles of the updating process regarding the field of the s.c. interdittiva antimafia. In analyzing the reason underlying the most relevant jurisprudential interpretative approaches on such matter, specific attention is paid: to the Pergect's power-duty to provide under a party request; to the nature; either discretionary or tied, of the Perfect activity and to the need of having a clear provision clarifying the relevant elements ex art. 91, par. 5, of the Anti Mafe Code to the enterprises; finally, to the uncertainty of the term for the conclusion of such procedure and to the inexhaustible nature of the Perfect power. The reflections carried out…
Il ricorso all'istituto dell'autonomia processuale in materia di rapporto tra ricorso incidentale e principale: scacco al Re, alla Corte di giustizia europea?
After having retraced the many stages that characterize the tortuous jurisprudential evolution that has taken place regarding the relationship between the incidental and main appeal in the field of public procurement, the present work aims to highlight the legal argument that could form the basis of the preferred option by the Council of State as well as to identify in the theory c.d. of the counter-limits a further institution which could be used to guarantee the constitutional principles referred to in articles 24,103,97 and 111 of the Constitution which would appear to be violated if one opts for the objective nature of the administrative jurisdiction
Il dovere di solidarietà nelle dinamiche della responsabilità da attività lecita della pubblica amministrazione
Il tema della responsabilità da atto lecito o da attività lecita della p.A. è al centro di un dibattito molto risalente. Alla luce di un’articolata ricostruzione storica e dogmatica, connotata da un significativo disordine, lo studio mira a disegnare un quadro completo e sistematico di tale modello di responsabilità. In particolare, l’indagine contribuisce a chiarire i molteplici profili oscuri sorti nel corso del tempo: quando si configura la responsabilità in esame? Quali sono gli elementi costitutivi della medesima? Qual è la sua funzione? Si potrebbe accettare quale principio fondamentale quello c.d. di giustizia distributiva, il cui carattere variabile - secondo Giovanni Vacchelli - co…
Sicilia. Il ricorso alle ordinanze contingibili e urgenti per ostacolare le politiche di accoglienza e integrazione sociale dei migranti: il sistema di governance multilivello a presidio dei diritti fondamentali
Il lavoro si propone di esaminare il sistema di governance multi-level (Prefetto-Sindaco9 indispensabile per prevenire l'adozione di ordinanze d'urgenza lesive dei diritti fondamentali dei cittadini e dei migranti.