Jossa S
Sentieri interrotti e coincidenze casuali: Ariosto oggi
Ludovico Ariosto
Modernità italiana e Weltliteratur
The author
«Rimuovere alquanto l'ingombro dell'ordinaria letteratura dantesca»: poesia e polemica nel Dante di Croce
Finzioni metastoriche e sguardi politici dalla narrativa contemporanea
Contemporary Italian Literature
All'ombra di Ariosto. Lodovico Domenichi editore dell'«Orlando Innamorato» e del «Morgante»
Un monumento per Johnny
Fenoglio, Partigiano Johnny, monumenti
Ariosto Redivivus: A Year of Centenary Celebrations and Critical Reassessment
La prima edizione dell’Orlando furioso di Ludovico Ariosto (stampata nel 1516 a Ferrara da Giovanni Mazocco del Bondeno) ha compiuto 500 anni nel 2016. L’articolo ripercorre gli eventi che hanno caratterizzato le celebrazioni, individuando tendenze critiche e suggerendo sviluppi di ricerca. First published in 1516 by Giovanni Mazocco del Bondeno in Ferrara, Ludovico Ariosto’s masterpiece, the Orlando furioso, celebrated its quincentenary in 2016. The article reports on the various events that took place on the occasion, highlighting their scholarly relevance and suggesting new critical developments.
Ariosto o Boiardo? Giovan Battista Giraldi Cinzio critico dell'Orlando furioso
Ludovico Ariosto
L'Italia: un'identità letteraria?
Questo volume è pubblicato nell’ambito del Progetto di Ricerca Italian Novellieri and Their Influence on Renaissance and Baroque European Literature: Editions, Translations, Adaptations dei Dipartimenti di Studi Umanistici e di Lingue e Letterature Straniere e Culture Moderne dell’Università degli Studi di Torino, finanziato dalla Compagnia di San Paolo attraverso l’accordo con l’Ateneo per il potenziamento della ricerca scientifica.
Ariosto’s Religion
To many readers of Orlando Furioso, Ariosto appears to be essentially disinterested in religious matters, a poet who thinks religion and morality should be kept away from literary creation. However, in this paper I will argue that Ariosto, far from being a-religious, or even un-Christian, was deeply engaged with contemporary religious debates. And without understanding this, it is impossible to comprehend Ariosto’s historical location. The author of a 1498 letter to Aldo Manuzio, where he requested Marsilio Ficino’s hermetic books on behalf of his fellow ferrarese literati, Ariosto needs to be read against the background of his own culture: he was walking the roads of Ferrara when Savonarol…
Giraldi e Pigna sui romanzi: una polemica in contesto
The essay reconstructs the polemic between Giraldi and Pigna as a generational and ideological gap: Giraldi and Pigna are seen in their dialogue with their literary interlocutors (Castelvetro, Speroni, Bocchi), against the background of the historical transition from humanistic culture, founded on the primacy of history and trust in nature, to a new philosophical culture, characterized by a disposition towards allegory and a process of professionalization of intellectual works.
Storia della letteratura italiana e storia d'Italia
The essay reconstructs the longue durée of De Sanctis’s legacy in the Italian pedagogical tradition, showing the extent to which his Storia della letteratura italiana has permeated the relationship between literature and national identity in Italy, even when it was simply reasserted, or betrayed. Things have changed since the 1990s, especially with the advent of media power in politics, but Italians continue to be educated within the mythology of a literature that constructs the nation, which stems from De Sanctis’s lesson: is there any way to make a step forward without renouncing the privileged position of literature in the formation of Italian public discourse?
"Non giucando ... ma novellando": Primi appunti per una lettura comunitaria del Decameron
Giovanni Boccaccio
Pinocchio all'Inferno : Benigni lettore del XXX canto dell'Inferno
Il viaggio infernale di Rodomonte. Una fonte della Cena delle ceneri, tra Doni e l'Aretino
Giordano Bruno
From Emperor to Pawn: Charlemagne in the Orlando Furioso
In Ludovico Ariosto’s Orlando Furioso (1516, 1521, 1532), Charlemagne is mentioned in the very first stanza of the poem (line 8) and gives the historical background to the poem’s matter. The carolingian context of the poem’s paladins has always been given for granted and related to the matter of arms as opposed to the connection between the matter of Britain and loves: therefore, Charlemagne’s name is chiefly associated to the most epic and official moments in the narrative – he takes action to solve the contest between Orlando and Rinaldo (1.7), giving birth to the narrative machine of the poem, prays the Christian God before the battle (14.69), fights valorously at the siege of Paris (15-…
Studi culturali
Cultural studies
Ariosto filosofo naturale?
La trave e la pagliuzza a Corte. Il primo Furioso tra Orazio ed Erasmo
Ariosto, the Orlando Furioso and English Culture
Marking the fifth centenary of the publication of the first edition of the Italian masterpiece, Ariosto, the Orlando Furioso and English Culture brings together an international team of Renaissance scholars from a wide variety of disciplines to analyse in detail the diffuse impact which the epic poem had upon English culture from the Tudor century to the present day. Translated into English in the 1590s by Sir John Harington, godson of Elizabeth I, the influence of Ariosto's poem can be traced in literature, music and the visual arts, from Spenser and Milton to modern media adaptations. In addition, the collection reflects upon the ways in which successive editions and translations, example…