A. Escrivá
Caracterización de la vegetación subacuática y palustre del Ullal de Massalavés (Valencia)
En el presente trabajo se presenta la caracterización de la vegetación subacuática y palustre del Ullal de Massalvés (Valencia), un ecosistema acuático singular recientemente restaurado, incluido en el Catálogo de Zonas Húmedas de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se realizaron transectos lineales en la surgencia de agua y el primer tramo de río. La vegetación caracterizada es eminentemente pionera (como corresponde tras una restauración ambiental), aunque se encontraron especies raras o poco frecuentes, típicas de estos ambientes. In this paper we have made a study of the submerged macrophytes and marshland vegetation of Ullal de Massalavés (Valencia). This singular aquatic ecosystem is a recently …
Coupling of density wave oscillations in parallel channels with high order modal kinetics: application to BWR out of phase oscillations
Abstract In this paper, we study the behavior of a system formed by two parallel channels coupled to a multimodal kinetics. The first problem that arises is the calculation of the reactivity coefficients for the higher modes. This problem is solved by means of the introduction of distribution factors for a given reactor region which depend on the involved modes. We have also performed a detailed analysis of the different instability types which can be obtained from the model changing the boundary conditions and the feedback gains of the fundamental and first harmonic modes.