Francisco José Santonja Gómez
Efectividad de un tratamiento psicológico para dependientes a cocaina en atención primaria
El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la viabilidad y la efectividad del Programa de Reforzamiento Comunitario (CRA) en un grupo de adictos a la cocaína y comprobar qué variables pronosticaban mejor la retención en tratamiento. Se realizó en la Unidad de Conductas Adictivas de Catarroja (Departamento 10 de la Consellería de Sanitat de Valencia).Participaron 26 pacientes con diagnóstico de dependencia a la cocaína, a los que se les aplicó el CRA, con las adaptaciones necesarias para poder ser aplicado en una UCA de atención primaria. Se realizaron mediciones pre-post (seis meses) con EuropASI, MAST, SCL-90-R y BDI, utilizando contraste de Wilconxon. La abstinencia se evaluó con el test Mu…
Addictive Severity in Cocaine Addicts Measured with the EuropASI: Differences between Composite Scores and Severity Ratings
In this study we present the addiction severity profile in a sample of 202 cocaine addicts, using the composite scores for each area of the EuropASI (European version of the ASI), which are compared with the severity ratings obtained through interviewers' subjective assessments. The results showed that the areas of the EuropASI which reflected the greatest severity according to the composite scores were, in the following order: employment/support, family/social situation, use of alcohol and psychiatric state. The results obtained with the composite scores show discrepancies with those obtained from the severity rating. Statistically significant differences were found in the areas of alcohol…
A Multivariate Age-Structured Stochastic Model with Immunization Strategies to Describe Bronchiolitis Dynamics
Bronchiolitis has a high morbidity in children under 2 years old. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is the most common pathogen causing the disease. At present, there is only a costly humanized monoclonal RSV-specific antibody to prevent RSV. However, different immunization strategies are being developed. Hence, evaluation and comparison of their impact is important for policymakers. The analysis of the disease with a Bayesian stochastic compartmental model provided an improved and more natural description of its dynamics. However, the consideration of different age groups is still needed, since disease transmission greatly varies with age. In this work, we propose a multivariate age-struct…
Urine Testing During Treatntent Predicts Cocaine Abstinence
The objective of this study was to analyze the influence of the variables that predict cocaine abstinence on an outpatient program for the treatment of addiction to this substance. Participants were 80 patients (85% men and 15% women) selected at random from those receiving treatment at a Spanish health service outpatient unit. For detecting the predictor variables the authors carried out a chi-square automatic interaction detection (CHAID) analysis. Logistic regression analysis and discriminant analysis were performed to estimate the probability of abstinence according to/using the predictor variables detected by CHAID analysis. Abstinence rate after six months of treatment was 37.5%. The …
Psychosocial predictors of relapse in cocaine-dependent patients in treatment.
Relapses in cocaine abusers in treatment are an important problem. The majority of patients are incapable of sustaining abstinence over any length of time. To identify the factors associated to relapses risk in the cocaine use can be an optimal choice to improve the treatment strategies. The aim of this study was to analyze relapse-risk factors in cocaine-dependent patients on treatment. Participants were 102 patients who had begun outpatient treatment at a public health center in Spain. Some functional areas and cocaine use are evaluated for a period of six months. A structural equations model was used to identify possible predictive variables. The results show that social-family environme…