Germán Delibes

Familiar Kinship? Palaeogenetic and Isotopic Evidence from a Triple Burial of the Cogotas I Archaeological Culture (Bronze Age, Iberian Peninsula)

This paper examines the identification of kinship relations in archaeological multiple burials and advocates the application of different methods and lines of research to clarify such issues in relation to funerary practices. Recognizing family relationships - an important task in research on prehistoric societies - is especially complicated and interpretations have often been made without an adequate empirical basis. Bioarchaeological, isotopic and DNA analyses applied to the triple burial of Los Tolmos (Cogotas I archaeological culture, Iberian Bronze Age) have provided direct information on this issue. In this respect, the new results also imply the need to consider gender constructs in …

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The beaker phenomenon and the Genomic transformations of Northwest Europe

Bell Beaker pottery spread across western and central Europe beginning around 2750 BCE before disappearing between 2200–1800 BCE. The mechanism of its expansion is a topic of long-standing debate, with support for both cultural diffusion and human migration. We present new genome-wide ancient DNA data from 170 Neolithic, Copper Age and Bronze Age Europeans, including 100 Beaker-associated individuals. In contrast to the Corded Ware Complex, which has previously been identified as arriving in central Europe following migration from the east, we observe limited genetic affinity between Iberian and central European Beaker Complex-associated individuals, and thus exclude migration as a signific…

research product

¿Un Ulises campaniforme en el túmulo de Tablada del Rudrón (Burgos)? ADN estépico y pendientes de oro de tipo británico en el enterramiento del fundador

Entre 1979 y 1983 el túmulo de El Virgazal en Tablada de Rudrón (Burgos) fue objeto de cuatro campañas de excavación arqueológica dirigidas por J. Campillo, gracias a las cuales pudieron reconocerse la naturaleza funeraria del yacimiento, su fundación en época campaniforme y su reutilización en la Edad del Bronce (Campillo, 1984; Bohigas et al., 1984: 20-21). Consecuencia de dichos trabajos fue la recuperación de una notable colección de cerámicas campaniformes que, en una época en la que en la provincia de Burgos apenas se conocían otras que las descubiertas por el padre Saturio González en los alrededores de Silos (Delibes, 1988), reportó gran notoriedad al yacimiento. Pero la circunstanc…

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