Viciani D.
Contributions for a vascular flora of Tuscany. XIII (813-873)
New localities and/or confirmations concerning 61 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 56 genera and 25 families are presented: Delosperma (Aizoaceae), Ridolfia (Apiaceae), Dracunculus (Araceae), Gamochaeta, Hieracium, Matricaria, Rhagadiolus, Senecio, Tolpis (Asteraceae), Atriplex (Amaranthaceae), Iberis, Thlaspi (Brassicaceae), Legousia (Campanulaceae), Canna (Cannaceae), Lonicera, Symphoricarpos, Valerianella (Caprifoliaceae), Sabulina, Scleranthus, Silene (Caryophyllaceae), Sedum (Crassulaceae), Carex, Cyperus, Eleocharis (Cyperaceae), Orthilia (Ericaceae), Acacia, Albizia, Astragalus, Lathyrus, Medicago, Trifolium, Trigonella (Fabaceae), Streptopus…
6220 *Percorsi substeppici di graminacee e piante annue dei Thero- Brachypodietea
Implementation of IUCN criteria for the definition of the Red List of Ecosystems in Italy, Plant Biosystems.
The present work is aimed at presenting the data, methods and criteria that are being used for the assessment of ecosystem collapse risk in Italy.
Contributions for a vascular flora of Tuscany. XIV (874-958)
New localities and/or confirmations concerning 85 specific and subspecific plant taxa of Tuscan vascular flora, belonging to 68 genera and 36 families are presented: Amaranthus (Amaranthaceae); Allium (Amaryllidaceae); Bifora, Bupleurum (Apiaceae); Arisarum (Araceae); Maianthemum, Ruscus (Asparagaceae); Bidens, Crepis, Galinsoga, Senecio, Taraxacum, Tolpis (Asteraceae); Anchusa, Cerinthe (Boraginaceae); Cakile, Cardamine (Brassicaceae); Butomus (Butomaceae); Campanula (Campanulaceae); Polycarpon, Silene, Stellaria (Caryophyllaceae); Convolvulus (Convolvulaceae); Phedimus (Crassulaceae); Carex, Cyperus, Schoenus (Cyperaceae); Chrozophora, Euphorbia (Euphorbiaceae); Lotus, Medicago, Ononis, T…