C. Calabuig

Linfoma angiocéntrico localizado en paladar

Resumen Los linfomas angiocentricos son neoplasias muy poco frecuentes en nuestra area geografica. Suelen presentarse en la region oronasal como lesiones de tipo necrotico, en concreto en la zona mediofacial, con una evolucion rapida y un pronostico sombrio. Inmunohistoquimicamente se ha detectado que en estas neoplasias las celulas malignas corresponden a linfocitos T. Ademas estudios recientes apoyan la hipotesis del posible papel del virus de Epstein-Barr como posible factor etiologico. Presentamos en este articulo el caso clinico de un hombre de 67 anos con una lesion ulcerada en el paladar, de corto tiempo de evolucion y que tras estudio histopatologico e inmunohistoquimico se confirmo…

research product

Fibroblast and Myofibroblast Participation in Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma (MFH) of Bone

Eight malignant fibrous histiocytomas (MFH) of bone were studied with immunohistochemistry and electron microscopy. Ultrastructurally, fibroblasts and myofibroblasts were the main tumor cells in four cases and abundant in two other cases; these cells showed immunohistochemical positivity to alpha 1-antitrypsin, vimentin and anti-muscle antigen (HHF 35). Moreover, histiocytic-like tumor cells were electron-microscopically detected in four cases, being the main tumor cell type in two of the cases; immunohistochemically these cells expressed positivity to alpha-1-antichymotrypsin (A1ACT), alpha-1-antitrypsin (A1AT) and vimentin. Present results confirm the cellular heterogeneity of MFH of bone…

research product

Application of molecular topology to the prediction of antifungal activity for a set of dication-substituted carbazoles, furans and benzimidazoles

In this paper, the endpoint is the application of molecular topology to the search of QSAR relations into a group of dicationsubstituted carbazoles, furans and benzimidazoles, all showing antifungal activity against C. albicans. Mathematical and statistical methods such as linear regression and discriminant analysis, are used to goal. The obtained results clearly show a high efficiency of the formalism on the prediction and classification of antifungal activity. 83% of the compounds showing MIC , 10 mg/ml (active group) are correctly classified, whilst 100% overall accuracy is achieved for those compounds showing MIC . 100 mg/ml (inactive group). q 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights rese…

research product

New hypoglycaemic agents selected by molecular topology.

Abstract New compounds showing hypoglycaemic activity have been designed through a computer aided method based on quantitative structure–activity relationship (QSAR) and molecular connectivity. After calculation of topological indices for a set of 89 compounds including active and inactive with regards to hypoglycaemic action, linear discriminant analysis was performed so that a useful model to predict such an activity was achieved. Later on, the discriminant model was applied on a huge database so that fourteen compounds were selected as potential new hypoglycaemics. From them, just five were finally selected for experimental test on expected hypoglycaemic activity. Among the selected comp…

research product