Alvaro Moreno
Assessment of MODIS imagery to track light-use efficiency in a water-limited Mediterranean pine forest
Abstract Daily values of gross primary production ( GPP ) derived from an eddy-covariance flux tower have been used to analyze the information content of the MODIS Photochemical Reflectance Index ( PRI ) on the light-use efficiency ( e ). The study has been conducted in a Mediterranean Pinus pinaster forest showing summer water stress. Advanced processing techniques have been used to analyze the effect of various external factors on e and PRI temporal variations. The intra-annual correlation between these two variables has been found to be mostly attributable to concurrent variations in sun and view zenith angles. The PRI has been normalized from these angular effects ( NPRI ), and its abil…
Environment-sensitivity functions for gross primary productivity in light use efficiency models
International audience; The sensitivity of photosynthesis to environmental changes is essential for understanding carbon cycle responses to global climate change and for the development of modeling approaches that explains its spatial and temporal variability. We collected a large variety of published sensitivity functions of gross primary productivity (GPP) to different forcing variables to assess the response of GPP to environmental factors. These include the responses of GPP to temperature; vapor pressure deficit, some of which include the response to atmospheric CO2 concentrations; soil water availability (W); light intensity; and cloudiness. These functions were combined in a full fact…
Neural Models for Rainfall Forecasting
This chapter is focused on obtaining an optimal forecast of one month lagged rainfall in Spain. It is assessed by analyzing 22 years of both satellite observations of vegetation activity (e.g. NDVI) and climatic data (precipitation, temperature). The specific influence of non-spatial climatic indices such as NAO and SOI is also addressed. The approaches considered for rainfall forecasting include classical Auto-Regressive Moving-Average with Exogenous Inputs (ARMAX) models and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), the so-called Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), in particular. The use of neural models is proven to be an adequate mathematical prediction tool in this problem due the non-linearity of th…
Intercomparison of instruments for measuring leaf area index over rice
Leaf area index (LAI) is a key biophysical parameter used to determine foliage cover and crop growth in environmental studies in order to assess crop yield. LAI estimates can be classified as direct or indirect methods. Direct methods are destructive, time consuming, and difficult to apply over large fields. Indirect methods are non-destructive and cost-effective due to its portability, accuracy and repeatability. In this study, we compare indirect LAI estimates acquired from two classical instruments such as LAI-2000 and digital cameras for hemispherical photography, with LAI estimates acquired with a smart app (PocketLAI) installed on a mobile smartphone. In this work it is shown that LAI…
Tracking seasonal drought effects on ecosystem light use efficiency in a mediterranean forest using climatic and remote sensing data
Daily values of light use efficiency (LUE) of a Mediterranean forest throughout five years have been analyzed in terms of different spectral indices obtained from MODIS products and which are informative on the water stress conditions. Although correlations between LUE and the different indices are rather high, the inter-annual variation of LUE due to the summer water stress is not well identified in most of them. In particular, the PRI (photochemical reflectance index) inter-annual variation has been found to be mostly attributable to concurrent variations in sun and view zenith angles. For the study area and at MODIS spatial resolution, the different indices are informative on changes in …
Development of an earth observation processing chain for crop bio-physical parameters at local scale
This paper proposes a full Earth observation processing chaing for biophysical parameter estimation at local scales. In particular, we focus on the Leaf Area Index (LAI) as an essential climate variable required for the monitoring and modeling of land surfaces at local scale. The main goal of this study is tied to the use of optical satellite images to retrieve Earth Observation (EO) biophysical parameters able to describe the spatio-temporal changes in agro-ecosystems at local scale. The objective of this work is two-fold: (i) to set up and update the EO products processing chain at high resolution (local) scale; and (ii) derive multitemporal LAI maps at 30 m resolution to be fed into a cr…
A global Canopy Water Content product from AVHRR/Metop
Abstract Spatially and temporally explicit canopy water content (CWC) data are important for monitoring vegetation status, and constitute essential information for studying ecosystem-climate interactions. Despite many efforts there is currently no operational CWC product available to users. In the context of the Satellite Application Facility for Land Surface Analysis (LSA-SAF), we have developed an algorithm to produce a global dataset of CWC based on data from the Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) sensor on board Meteorological–Operational (MetOp) satellites forming the EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS). CWC reflects the water conditions at the leaf level and information related …
Multitemporal Monitoring of Plant Area Index in the Valencia Rice District with PocketLAI
Leaf area index (LAI) is a key biophysical parameter used to determine foliage cover and crop growth in environmental studies in order to assess crop yield. Frequently, plant canopy analyzers (LAI-2000) and digital cameras for hemispherical photography (DHP) are used for indirect effective plant area index (PAI(eff)) estimates. Nevertheless, these instruments are expensive and have the disadvantages of low portability and maintenance. Recently, a smartphone app called PocketLAI was presented and tested for acquiring PAI(eff) measurements. It was used during an entire rice season for indirect PAI(eff) estimations and for deriving reference high-resolution PAI(eff) maps. Ground PAI(eff) value…
Un retrato de las tipologías sociales de la España de los años 50 a través de El DDT contra las penas = A portrait of social typologies of Spain from the 50’s through El DDT contra las penas
Tradicionalmente, la historieta ha sido considerada como una forma cultural menor de vocación infantil, por lo que su estudio había sido soslayado en los estudios históricos hasta la reivindicación que diferentes investigadores comenzaron a hacer de la importancia historiográfica de la historieta tanto como referente gráfico como recurso de análisis diacrónico y sincrónico. En el presente estudio se hace un análisis de las posibilidades de estudio de tipologías y estereotipos sociales que muestra una de las publicaciones humorísticas básicas de los años 50, El DDT contra las penas, de Editorial Bruguera, indicando cómo los diferentes personajes que aparecen en sus páginas se pueden clasific…
A physiology-based Earth observation model indicates stagnation in the global gross primary production during recent decades
Abstract Earth observation‐based estimates of global gross primary production (GPP) are essential for understanding the response of the terrestrial biosphere to climatic change and other anthropogenic forcing. In this study, we attempt an ecosystem‐level physiological approach of estimating GPP using an asymptotic light response function (LRF) between GPP and incoming photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) that better represents the response observed at high spatiotemporal resolutions than the conventional light use efficiency approach. Modelled GPP is thereafter constrained with meteorological and hydrological variables. The variability in field‐observed GPP, net primary productivity an…
A universal definition of life: autonomy and open-ended evolution.
Life is a complex phenomenon that not only requires individual self-producing and self- sustaining systems but also a historical-collective organization of those individual systems, which brings about characteristic evolutionary dynamics. On these lines, we propose to define univer- sally living beings as autonomous systems with open-ended evolution capacities, and we claim that all such systems must have a semi-permeable active boundary (membrane), an energy trans- duction apparatus (set of energy currencies) and, at least, two types of functionally interdependent macromolecular components (catalysts and records). The latter is required to articulate a 'phenotype- genotype' decoupling that…
Mapping Leaf Area Index with a Smartphone and Gaussian Processes
Leaf area index (LAI) is a key biophysical parameter used to determine foliage cover and crop growth in environmental studies. Smartphones are nowadays ubiquitous sensor devices with high computational power, moderate cost, and high-quality sensors. A smartphone app, which is called PocketLAI, was recently presented and tested for acquiring ground LAI estimates. In this letter, we explore the use of state-of-the-art nonlinear Gaussian process regression (GPR) to derive spatially explicit LAI estimates over rice using ground data from PocketLAI and Landsat 8 imagery. GPR has gained popularity in recent years because of its solid Bayesian foundations that offer not only high accuracy but also…
Designing a Simulation Model of a Self-Maintaining Cellular System
This paper deals with the problem of finding a suitable framework for designing computer simulations that could help us determine the minimal requirements (both material and organizational) for the origin of the first full-fledged autonomous systems. The design of a particular model that takes into account some fundamental thermodynamic requirements is offered and discussed. Behind this work, there is a belief that Artificial Life models can inform biology on several fundamental questions (such as the origin and definition of life) but only provided that they assume more realistic and grounded premises to lead us to more conclusive results.
Are remote sensing evapotranspiration models reliable across South American climates and ecosystems?
Mapping daily global solar irradiation over Spain: A comparative study of selected approaches
Abstract Three methods to estimate the daily global solar irradiation are compared: the Bristow–Campbell (BC), Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and Kernel Ridge Regression (KRR). BC is an empirical approach based on air maximum and minimum temperature. ANN and KRR are non-linear approaches that use temperature and precipitation data (which have been selected as the best combination of input data from a gamma test). The experimental dataset includes 4 years (2005–2008) of daily irradiation collected at 40 stations and temperature and precipitation data collected at 400 stations over Spain. Results show that the ANN method produces the best global solar irradiation estimates, with a mean absol…
Start of the dry season as a main determinant of inter-annual Mediterranean forest production variations
Abstract Recent investigations have highlighted the dependence of Mediterranean forest production on spring rainfall. The current work introduces the concept of the start of the dry season (SDS) and performs a three-step analysis to determine the effect of SDS on Mediterranean forest production. Seven forest zones of Tuscany (Central Italy), which present differently pronounced Mediterranean features, are considered. First, a statistical analysis investigates the influence of spring water budget on forest Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) inter-annual variations during July–August. The analysis is then extended to assess the impact of inter-annual SDS variability on forest gross…
Noise Reduction and Gap Filling of fAPAR Time Series Using an Adapted Local Regression Filter
Time series of remotely sensed data are an important source of information for understanding land cover dynamics. In particular, the fraction of absorbed photosynthetic active radiation (fAPAR) is a key variable in the assessment of vegetation primary production over time. However, the fAPAR series derived from polar orbit satellites are not continuous and consistent in space and time. Filtering methods are thus required to fill in gaps and produce high-quality time series. This study proposes an adapted (iteratively reweighted) local regression filter (LOESS) and performs a benchmarking intercomparison with four popular and generally applicable smoothing methods: Double Logistic (DLOG), sm…
Validation of daily global solar irradiation images from MSG over Spain
Abstract Daily irradiation images over Spain – area that embraces a highly heterogeneous landscape, climatic conditions and relief – are calculated from the down-welling surface short-wave radiation flux (DSSF) product derived from the MSG SEVIRI images. Their analysis and validation is carried out using two different station networks along the year 2008. The first network covers the peninsular Spain and Balearic islands. A denser one, covering the Catalonian territory and including many stations located in rugged terrain, is found useful to assess the elevation correction to be applied to the images. The statistics from the validation using the first network shows a relative mean bias of a…
Quantifying water stress effect on daily light use efficiency in Mediterranean ecosystems using satellite data
16 pages, 2 figures, 6 tables, supplemental material https://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17538947.2016.1247301
Daily GPP estimates in Mediterranean ecosystems by combining remote sensing and meteorological data
The accurate representation of terrestrial CO2 uptake (GPP) using Monteith's approach requires a frequent and site-specific parameterization of the model inputs. In this work, an optimization of this approach has been carried out by adjusting the inputs (f(APAR), PAR and epsilon) for the study area, peninsular Spain, a typical Mediterranean region. The daily GPP images have been calculated for 2008 and 2011 with a 1-km spatial resolution and validated by comparison with in situ GPP estimates from the eddy covariance data (direct validation) and by inter-comparison with the MODIS GPP product. The direct validation has evidenced an excellent agreement with correlations up to 0.98 in 2008 and …
Monitoring water stress in Mediterranean semi-natural vegetation with satellite and meteorological data
In arid and semi-arid environments, the characterization of the inter-annual variations of the light use efficiency ε due to water stress still relies mostly on meteorological data. Thus the GPP estimation based on procedures exclusively driven by remote sensing data has not found yet a widespread use. In this work, the potential to characterize the water stress in semi-natural vegetation of three spectral indices (NDWI, SIWSI and NDI7) – from MODIS broad spectral bands – has been analyzed in comparison to a meteorological factor (Cws). The study comprises 70 sites (belonging to 7 different ecosystems) uniformly distributed over Tuscany, and three eddy covariance tower sites. An operational…
Estimación de la fAPAR sobre la Península Ibérica a partir de la inversión del modelo de transferencia radiativa 4SAIL2
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste en la estimación de la fAPAR en la Península Ibérica a partir de datos MODIS. En primer lugar, se ha simulado un conjunto de datos de reflectividades y de fAPAR a partir de los modelos de transferencia radiativa de hoja (PROSPECT) y de cubiertas heterogéneas (4SAIL2). En segundo lugar, se ha entrenado un conjunto de redes neuronales artificiales (RNAs) para obtener mediante inversión la relación entre la fAPAR y las reflectividades simuladas y así calcular, por último, la fAPAR de la Península Ibérica a partir de imágenes de reflectividad de MODIS. Además, se ha analizado la influencia de la configuración de observación e iluminación, nadir y oblicua. La…