U-Pb data on zircons for the thermal peak of metamorphism in the Variscan Odenwald, Germany
U-Pb data are presented for zircons from metamorphic rocks of the crystalline Odenwald that comprises part of the Mid-German Crystalline Rise. The Odenwald can be divided into four principal domains with different magmatic and metamorphic histories on the basis of published structural and petrological data and the presented ages. In the eastern (Boll-stein) Odenwald the metasedimentary rocks contain zircons derived from basement rocks that exceed 2.2 Ga in age. The intrusion of granitic magmas into these metasedimentary rocks took place before or close to the end of the thermal peak of metamorphism at 375 ± 5 Ma ago. Rapid uplift of the Bollstein Odenwald occurred at about 320 Ma bp, later …