Damián Molgaray
Children’s Feeling of Security
This chapter outlines the authors’ work as a research team participating in CUWB (Children’s Understanding of Well Being) since it was first created, based on a project registered with the CICS-UP, School of Social Sciences of the Universidad de Palermo, Argentina. The chapter focuses on a key aspect of their findings: children’s feelings of security. The general objective of the project is to understand the social, cultural and political dimensions of the life experiences of children living in different geographic contexts in the Buenos Aires Region, Argentina, taking account of the children’s own words. This is a qualitative study that recognizes the importance of the contexts and the mea…
La educación para el desarrollo en el nivel de posgrado: la propuesta pedagógica de la Maestría en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Palermo, Argentina
En este trabajo presentaremos la propuesta pedagógica de la Maestría en Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad de Palermo, Argentina, que es un programa de posgrado que estimula en sus participantes el desarrollo de capacidades de pensamiento complejo y crítico y el compromiso con la realidad social y la diversidad humana. Esta Maestría tiene su eje en la generación de conocimientos que respondan a los problemas de la época con proyección futura; está basado en principios éticos de respeto a las personas, en tanto protagonistas, y a sus derechos; contribuyendo a la formación personal y colectiva, respetando la interculturalidad, la cooperación, la equidad y los derechos humanos. Todas estas ca…
A Theoretical Reflection Based on Children’s Opinions About Their Safety to Rethink Different Dimensions of Sustainability in Cities
In the last years, it has increased the interest of the scientific and professional community to know especially what makes children feel satisfied and what generates well-being. Well-being is determined by cultural values from a society that seals off or facilitates the elaboration of personal goals. Addressing well-being is undoubtedly a complex task; even more when it comes to children, since it requires adopting a multicultural and multidisciplinary approach. Inquiring about the different dimensions of children’s well-being implies paying attention to their own opinions and references. Starting from the children’s reference to a local cemetery—which appeared coincidentally in various dr…