María Juliana Laurito
Children’s Feeling of Security
This chapter outlines the authors’ work as a research team participating in CUWB (Children’s Understanding of Well Being) since it was first created, based on a project registered with the CICS-UP, School of Social Sciences of the Universidad de Palermo, Argentina. The chapter focuses on a key aspect of their findings: children’s feelings of security. The general objective of the project is to understand the social, cultural and political dimensions of the life experiences of children living in different geographic contexts in the Buenos Aires Region, Argentina, taking account of the children’s own words. This is a qualitative study that recognizes the importance of the contexts and the mea…
Reseña del libro: Qualitative Studies in Quality of Life: Methodology and Practice Tonon, Graciela (Ed.) (2015)
Esta obra es el resultado de un arduo trabajo de la Dra. Graciela Tonon y de un equipo de investigadores: Lía Rodriguez de la Vega, Claudia Mikkelsen, Josefina Di Nucci y Milton Décima (Argentina) Antonio López y María Dilia Mieles Barrera (Colombia) y Lucía Zanabria Ruiz (Perú). Este libro trata sobre la utilización de la metodología cualitativa en los estudios sobre calidad de vida. Ha sido publicado en la prestigiosa Editorial Springer en la colección Social Indicators Research Series.
As dimensões do bem-estar das crianças que vivem em Buenos Aires
This paper presents the concept of Well-being, defined as the cognitive and affective evaluation that a person makes of his/her own life. The interest is centered in understanding what makes them happy and what generates well-being among boys and girls. In order to do so, different areas of children’s lives were accessed, trying to encompass the social, cultural and political dimensions of Well-being. Qualitative method was used, giving the children a protagonist role. Two groups of boys and girls between 8 and 12 years old participated, living in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The group technique was used, we gave voice to the children and focused on the following topics: significant people in t…
The Program of Health Volunteer Promoters for OlderAdults: The Well-Being of the Volunteers at Leisure Time
The study of ageing processes has gained increased attention in recent years, partly due to the growth of this population group (United Nations, World population prospects: The 2015 revision. New York: United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs. https://esa.un.org/unpd/wpp/publications/files/key_findings_wpp_2015.pdf. Accessed 25 Sep 2016, 2015). Research into this area has focused on older adult well-being (Au et al, Clinical Gerontologist 38:203–210, 2015) and the identification of factors having an influence on well-being at this stage of the life cycle (Carstensen, Current Directions in Psychological Science 4:151–156, 1995). These lines of research have emphasized the con…