J. Tummavuori

Determination of copper, iron, molybdenum and silicon in hydrometallurgically roasted molybdenite concentrate solution by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry

Abstract Inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry has been applied for the estimation of major constituents in molybdenite concentrate solutions produced by hydrometallurgical alkaline digestion. Copper, iron, molybdenum and silicon were considered as major constituents to be determined. Multiple linear regression was utilized for the control of matrix effects. Using simple acid-based standards, all the elements investigated could be determined with satisfactory results using an appropriate method of calculation.

research product

Retention of vanadium (V) by three Finnish mineral soils

Summary Retention of V(V) by three Finnish mineral soils from 10−4m and 10−5m sodium vanadate solutions was investigated at room temperature in the pH range 2.3–7.5. In adsorption experiments, 0.02 m KCl was used as ionic medium, and the samples were left to equilibrate for 72 h. The solid: solution ration was 1:100 (m: v). Maximum adsorption occurred at pH ∼4, where 70–80% of the added V (350–400 μg g−1 from 10−4m solution and 35–40 μg g−1 from 10−5m solution) was retained by each soil. Retention was significant even at pH 6, where adsorption of a similar anion, molybdate, is negligible. Desorption of the retained V was measured by adding 50.0 cm3 of 0.02 M KCl into weighed soil samples an…

research product

The influence of the raw material and production method on the morphology, microstructure, chemical and phase composition of tetrabasic lead sulfate pastes

Abstract Tetrabasic lead sulfate (4BS) produced by two different methods (solution and paste) and from two different raw materials (tetragonal PbO and leady oxide) were charaterized by different analytical techniques. The techniques applied were wet-chemical methods, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray powder diffraction. The preparation method was observed to be the most decisive factor influencing the structure and the morphology of the 4BS pastes in this study.

research product

Processes during preparation of lead/acid battery positive plates from tetrabasic lead sulfate (4BS) pastes

Abstract Tthe processes studied during this investigation were paste mixing and curing. Tetrabasic lead sulfate 4BS pastes were prepared by solution and paste methods both from α-PbO and mill oxides, and the development of 4BS was carried out already during the paste mixing stage. the 4BS pastes were characterized by SEM, TEM, XRD and wet-chemical methods, and the results were compared with those obtained from the characterization of corresponding tribasic lead sulfate (3BS) pastes. The preparation method was found to be one dominating factor affecting both the morphology and structure of 4BS active masses. The selection of raw material gave an additional effect on the morphology. Additiona…

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