Andrew Foxley

A pharmacokinetically (PK) and pharmacodynamically (PD) driven phase I trial of the pan-AKT inhibitor AZD5363 with expansion cohorts in PIK3CA mutant breast and gynecological cancers.

Background: AZD5363 is a novel potent pan-AKT inhibitor (IC50of AKT1, AKT2 and AKT3 of 3, 7 and 7nM respectively) with preclinical activity across a range of models. Methods: The trial had an adaptive design that allowed changes in schedule based on toxicity, PK, and PD findings. AZD5363 was administered orally (PO) twice a day (BID). Three schedules were explored: continuous dosing (7/7), four days a week, (4/7) and two days a week (2/7). PD biomarkers including pAKT, pGSK3?, and pPRAS40 were measured by IHC in pre- and post-treatment tumor biopsies. Once a RP2D was established, two expansion cohorts of PIK3CA-mutant ER+ve breast (B) and gynecological (G) cancers were explored. Results: 47…

research product

Abstract B109: AZD5363, a catalytic pan-Akt inhibitor, in Akt1 E17K mutation positive advanced solid tumors

Abstract This abstract has been withheld from publication due to its inclusion in the AACR-NCI-EORTC Molecular Targets Conference 2015 Official Press Program. It will be posted online at the time of its presentation in a press conference or in a session: 10:00 AM ET Saturday, November 7. Citation Format: David M. Hyman, Lillian Smyth, Philippe L. Bedard, Amit Oza, Emma Dean, Anne Armstrong, Joao Lima, Hideaki Bando, Peter Kabos, J. Alejandro Perez-Fidalgo, Kathleen Moore, Shannon N. Westin, Benoit You, Sarat Chandarlapaty, Leila Alland, Helen Ambrose, Andrew Foxley, Justin Lindemann, Martin Pass, Paul Rugman, Shaista Salim, Gaia Schiavon, Kenji Tamura, Jose Baselga, Udai Banerji. AZD5363, a…

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