A. Schneiders

Prognostic value of E-cadherin expression in 413 gastric carcinomas

E-cadherin is a Ca(2+)-dependent intercellular adhesion molecule known to exert an invasion-suppressor function. In the present study, E-cadherin expression was immunohistochemically investigated in a retrospective series of 413 RO-resected gastric carcinomas using the monoclonal antibody (MAb) 5H9. Of these cases, 108 tumors revealed a preserved E-cadherin expression similar to that of normal gastric mucosa. In 95 tumors, E-cadherin expression was moderately reduced and in 86 tumors highly reduced. In 124 tumors, no or only a very weak dotted expression could be detected. There was a significant correlation between the degree of E-cadherin expression and the grade of tumor differentiation,…

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Expression and prognostic value of the CD44 splicing variants v5 and v6 in gastric cancer

In the present study, the expression and prognostic role of the CD44 splicing variants v5 and v6 were immunohistochemically investigated in 418 curatively resected gastric carcinomas. CD44v5 was expressed in 65·3 per cent (n=273) and CD44v6 in 77·0 per cent (n=322) of the tumours. Whereas the expression of CD44v5 was correlated with advanced pT categories, with lymph node involvement, and with the presence of blood and lymphatic vessel invasion, such a correlation could not be found for the variant v6. As shown by univariate analysis, patients with CD44v5-positive tumours had a significantly shorter overall survival than patients with CD44v5-negative tumours (P=0·049). In contrast, expressi…

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E-Cadherin, ein neuer, unabhängiger Prognoseparameter beim Magenkarzinom

Das transmembranose Glykoprotein E-Cadherin ist in normalen Epithelien und in Tumorzellen fur die Zell-Zell-Haftung verantwortlich. In Magenkarzinomen wird E-Cadherin, dessen Gen auch als Metastasierungs- oder Invasionssuppressorgen bezeichnet wird, je nach Differenzierungsgrad unterschiedlich exprimiert. Bei einer Reihe von malignen Tumoren wie dem Mamma-, Kolon- oder Nierenkarzinom konnte eine reduzierte E-Cadherin-Expression mit einer schlechteren Prognose korreliert werden. Zum Magenkarzinom liegen derzeit nur zwei Studien an nur geringen Fallzahlen vor, die auf einen negativen prognostischen Einflus der reduzierten E-Cadherin-Expression hinweisen [4, 5].

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