Abraham Duarte
Greedy randomized adaptive search procedure with exterior path relinking for differential dispersion minimization
We propose several new hybrid heuristics for the differential dispersion problem, the best of which consists of a GRASP with sampled greedy construction with variable neighborhood search for local improvement. The heuristic maintains an elite set of high-quality solutions throughout the search. After a fixed number of GRASP iterations, exterior path relinking is applied between all pairs of elite set solutions and the best solution found is returned. Exterior path relinking, or path separation, a variant of the more common interior path relinking, is first applied in this paper. In interior path relinking, paths in the neighborhood solution space connecting good solutions are explored betwe…
Intelligent Multi-Start Methods
Heuristic search procedures aimed at finding globally optimal solutions to hard combinatorial optimization problems usually require some type of diversification to overcome local optimality. One way to achieve diversification is to re-start the procedure from a new solution once a region has been explored, which constitutes a multi-start procedure. In this chapter we describe the best known multi-start methods for solving optimization problems. We also describe their connections with other metaheuristic methodologies. We propose classifying these methods in terms of their use of randomization, memory and degree of rebuild. We also present a computational comparison of these methods on solvi…
Branch and bound for the cutwidth minimization problem
The cutwidth minimization problem consists of finding a linear arrangement of the vertices of a graph where the maximum number of cuts between the edges of the graph and a line separating consecutive vertices is minimized. We first review previous approaches for special classes of graphs, followed by lower bounds and then a linear integer formulation for the general problem. We then propose a branch-and-bound algorithm based on different lower bounds on the cutwidth of partial solutions. Additionally, we introduce a Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure (GRASP) heuristic to obtain good initial solutions. The combination of the branch-and-bound and GRASP methods results in optimal solu…
Variable Neighborhood Search for the Vertex Separation Problem
The vertex separation problem belongs to a family of optimization problems in which the objective is to nd the best separator of vertices or edges in a generic graph. This optimization problem is strongly related to other well-known graph problems; such as the Path-Width, the Node Search Number or the Interval Thickness, among others. All of these optimization problems are NP-hard and have practical applications in VLSI, computer language compiler design or graph drawing. Up to know, they have been generally tackled with exact approaches, presenting polynomial-time algorithms to obtain the optimal solution for speci c types of graphs. However, in spite of their practical applications, these…
GRASP with path relinking heuristics for the antibandwidth problem
This article proposes a linear integer programming formulation and several heuristics based on GRASP and path relinking for the antibandwidth problem. In the antibandwidth problem, one is given an undirected graph with n nodes and must label the nodes in a way that each node receives a unique label from the set {1, 2,…,n}, such that, among all adjacent node pairs, the minimum difference between the node labels is maximized. Computational results show that only small instances of this problem can be solved exactly (to optimality) with a commercial integer programming solver and that the heuristics find high-quality solutions in much less time than the commercial solver. © 2010 Wiley Periodic…
A branch and bound algorithm for the maximum diversity problem
This article begins with a review of previously proposed integer formulations for the maximum diversity problem (MDP). This problem consists of selecting a subset of elements from a larger set in such a way that the sum of the distances between the chosen elements is maximized. We propose a branch and bound algorithm and develop several upper bounds on the objective function values of partial solutions to the MDP. Empirical results with a collection of previously reported instances indicate that the proposed algorithm is able to solve all the medium-sized instances (with 50 elements) as well as some large-sized instances (with 100 elements). We compare our method with the best previous line…
A parallel variable neighborhood search approach for the obnoxious p -median problem
Metaheuristics for the linear ordering problem with cumulative costs
The linear ordering problem with cumulative costs (LOPCC) is a variant of the well-known linear ordering problem, in which a cumulative propagation makes the objective function highly non-linear. The LOPCC has been recently introduced in the context of mobile-phone telecommunications. In this paper we propose two metaheuristic methods for this NP-hard problem. The first one is based on the GRASP methodology, while the second one implements an Iterated Greedy-Strategic Oscillation procedure. We also propose a post-processing based on Path Relinking to obtain improved outcomes. We compare our methods with the state-of-the-art procedures on a set of 218 previously reported instances. The compa…
A Hybrid Strategic Oscillation with Path Relinking Algorithm for the Multiobjective k-Balanced Center Location Problem
This paper presents a hybridization of Strategic Oscillation with Path Relinking to provide a set of high-quality nondominated solutions for the Multiobjective k-Balanced Center Location problem. The considered location problem seeks to locate k out of m facilities in order to serve n demand points, minimizing the maximum distance between any demand point and its closest facility while balancing the workload among the facilities. An extensive computational experimentation is carried out to compare the performance of our proposal, including the best method found in the state-of-the-art as well as traditional multiobjective evolutionary algorithms.
GRASP with path relinking for the orienteering problem
In this paper, we address an optimization problem resulting from the combination of the well-known travelling salesman and knapsack problems. In particular, we target the orienteering problem, originated in the context of sport, which consists of maximizing the total score associated with the vertices visited in a path within the available time. The problem, also known as the selective travelling salesman problem, is NP-hard and can be formulated as an integer linear program. Since the 1980s, several solution methods for this problem have been developed and applied to a variety of fields, particularly in routing and tourism. We propose a heuristic method—based on the Greedy Randomized Adapt…
Black-Box Solvers
Linear programming is perhaps the best-known tool for optimization. Linear programming is a general-purpose framework that allows a real system to be abstracted as a model with a linear objective function subject to a set of linear constraints.
Solving dynamic memory allocation problems in embedded systems with parallel variable neighborhood search strategies
International audience; Embedded systems have become an essential part of our lives, thanks to their evolution in the recent years, but the main drawback is their power consumption. This paper is focused on improving the memory allocation of embedded systems to reduce their power consumption. We propose a parallel variable neighborhood search algorithm for the dynamic memory allocation problem, and compare it with the state of the art. Computational results and statistical tests applied show that the proposed algorithm produces significantly better outcomes than the previous algorithm in shorter computing time.
Black box scatter search for general classes of binary optimization problems
The purpose of this paper is to apply the scatter search methodology to general classes of binary problems. We focus on optimization problems for which the solutions are represented as binary vectors and that may or may not include constraints. Binary problems arise in a variety of settings, including engineering design and statistical mechanics (e.g., the spin glass problem). A distinction is made between two sets of general constraint types that are handled directly by the solver and other constraints that are addressed via penalty functions. In both cases, however, the heuristic treats the objective function evaluation as a black box. We perform computational experiments with four well-k…
GRASP and path relinking for the max–min diversity problem
The max-min diversity problem (MMDP) consists in selecting a subset of elements from a given set in such a way that the diversity among the selected elements is maximized. The problem is NP-hard and can be formulated as an integer linear program. Since the 1980s, several solution methods for this problem have been developed and applied to a variety of fields, particularly in the social and biological sciences. We propose a heuristic method-based on the GRASP and path relinking methodologies-for finding approximate solutions to this optimization problem. We explore different ways to hybridize GRASP and path relinking, including the recently proposed variant known as GRASP with evolutionary p…
Tabu search and GRASP for the maximum diversity problem
In this paper, we develop new heuristic procedures for the maximum diversity problem (MDP). This NP-hard problem has a significant number of practical applications such as environmental balance, telecommunication services or genetic engineering. The proposed algorithm is based on the tabu search methodology and incorporates memory structures for both construction and improvement. Although proposed in seminal tabu search papers, memory-based constructions have often been implemented in naive ways that disregard important elements of the fundamental tabu search proposals. We will compare our tabu search construction with a memory-less design and with previous algorithms recently developed for…
Heuristics for the bi-objective path dissimilarity problem
In this paper the path dissimilarity problem is considered. The problem has previously been studied within several contexts, the most popular of which is motivated by the need to select transportation routes for hazardous materials. The aim of this paper is to formally introduce the problem as a bi-objective optimization problem, in which a single solution consists of a set of p different paths, and two conflicting objectives arise, on one hand the average length of the paths must be kept low, and on the other hand the dissimilarity among the paths in the set should be kept high. Previous methods are reviewed and adapted to this bi-objective problem, thus we can compare the methods using th…
Improved heuristics for the regenerator location problem
Telecommunication systems use optical signals to transmit information. The strength of a signal in an optical network deteriorates and loses power as it goes farther from the source, mainly due to attenuation. Therefore, to enable the signal to arrive its intended destination with good quality, it is necessary to regenerate the signal periodically using regenerators. These components are relatively expensive and therefore it is desirable to deploy as few of them as possible in the network. In the regenerator location problem (RLP), we are given an undirected graph, positive edge lengths, and a parameter specifying the maximum length that a signal can travel before its quality deteriorates a…
Tabu search for the dynamic Bipartite Drawing Problem
Abstract Drawings of graphs have many applications and they are nowadays well-established tools in computer science in general, and optimization in particular. Project scheduling is one of the many areas in which representation of graphs constitutes an important instrument. The experience shows that the main quality desired for drawings of graphs is readability, and crossing reduction is a fundamental aesthetic criterion to achieve it. Incremental or dynamic graph drawing is an emerging topic in this context, where we seek to preserve the layout of a graph over successive drawings. In this paper, we target the edge crossing reduction in the context of incremental graph drawing. Specifically…
Hybridizing the cross-entropy method: An application to the max-cut problem
Cross-entropy has been recently proposed as a heuristic method for solving combinatorial optimization problems. We briefly review this methodology and then suggest a hybrid version with the goal of improving its performance. In the context of the well-known max-cut problem, we compare an implementation of the original cross-entropy method with our proposed version. The suggested changes are not particular to the max-cut problem and could be considered for future applications to other combinatorial optimization problems.
Scatter search for the profile minimization problem
We study the problem of minimizing the profile of a graph and develop a solution method by following the tenets of scatter search. Our procedure exploits the network structure of the problem and includes strategies that produce a computationally efficient and agile search. Among several mechanisms, our search includes path relinking as the basis for combining solutions to generate new ones. The profile minimization problem PMP is NP-Hard and has relevant applications in numerical analysis techniques that rely on manipulating large sparse matrices. The problem was proposed in the early 1970s but the state-of-the-art does not include a method that could be considered powerful by today's compu…
Adaptive memory programming for constrained global optimization
The problem of finding a global optimum of a constrained multimodal function has been the subject of intensive study in recent years. Several effective global optimization algorithms for constrained problems have been developed; among them, the multi-start procedures discussed in Ugray et al. [1] are the most effective. We present some new multi-start methods based on the framework of adaptive memory programming (AMP), which involve memory structures that are superimposed on a local optimizer. Computational comparisons involving widely used gradient-based local solvers, such as Conopt and OQNLP, are performed on a testbed of 41 problems that have been used to calibrate the performance of su…
Tabu search with strategic oscillation for the maximally diverse grouping problem
We propose new heuristic procedures for the maximally diverse grouping problem (MDGP). This NP-hard problem consists of forming maximally diverse groups—of equal or different size—from a given set of elements. The most general formulation, which we address, allows for the size of each group to fall within specified limits. The MDGP has applications in academics, such as creating diverse teams of students, or in training settings where it may be desired to create groups that are as diverse as possible. Search mechanisms, based on the tabu search methodology, are developed for the MDGP, including a strategic oscillation that enables search paths to cross a feasibility boundary. We evaluate co…
Optimization procedures for the bipartite unconstrained 0-1 quadratic programming problem
The bipartite unconstrained 0-1 quadratic programming problem (BQP) is a difficult combinatorial problem defined on a complete graph that consists of selecting a subgraph that maximizes the sum of the weights associated with the chosen vertices and the edges that connect them. The problem has appeared under several different names in the literature, including maximum weight induced subgraph, maximum weight biclique, matrix factorization and maximum cut on bipartite graphs. There are only two unpublished works (technical reports) where heuristic approaches are tested on BQP instances. Our goal is to combine straightforward search elements to balance diversification and intensification in bot…
Introduction to Spreadsheet Modeling and Metaheuristics
Models, as a simplified representation of reality, are used daily in an attempt to control or understand some aspects of a real system. Simplification of reality is the accepted view of the modeling process, which assumes that reality represents the absolute truth. Without getting too deep into a philosophical discourse, it is worth mentioning the notion of model-dependent realism, a phrase coined by physicists Stephen Hawkings and Leonard Molinow in their book The Grand Design. Model-dependent realism “is based on the idea that our brains interpret the input from our sensory organs by making a model of the world to aid in the decision-making process.” This implies that more than one model …
Multi-objective memetic optimization for the bi-objective obnoxious p -median problem
Abstract Location problems have been studied extensively in the optimization literature, the p-median being probably one of the most tackled models. The obnoxious p-median is an interesting variant that appears in the context of hazardous location. The aim of this paper is to formally introduce a bi-objective optimization model for this problem, in which a solution consists of a set of p locations, and two conflicting objectives arise. On the one hand, the sum of the minimum distance between each client and their nearest open facility and, on the other hand, the dispersion among facilities. Both objective values should be kept as large as possible for a convenient location of dangerous faci…
A hybrid metaheuristic for the cyclic antibandwidth problem
We propose a hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm for the cyclic antibandwidth problem.We present a computational comparison of different parameter settings.We derive a fine-tuning hybrid artificial bee colony algorithm.The proposal is very competitive with the state-of-the-art algorithm for the cyclic antibandwidth problem. In this paper, we propose a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm to solve the cyclic antibandwidth problem. This hard optimization problem consists of embedding an n-vertex graph into the cycle Cn, such that the minimum distance (measured in the cycle) of adjacent vertices is maximized. It constitutes a natural extension of the well-known antibandwidth problem, and can be v…
Advanced Multi-start Methods
Heuristic search procedures that aspire to find globally optimal solutions to hard combinatorial optimization problems usually require some type of diversification to overcome local optimality. One way to achieve diversification is to re-start the procedure from a new solution once a region has been explored. In this chapter we describe the best known multi-start methods for solving optimization problems. We propose classifying these methods in terms of their use of randomization, memory, and degree of rebuild. We also present a computational comparison of these methods on solving the maximum diversity problem in terms of solution quality and diversification power.
Advanced Scatter Search for the Max-Cut Problem
The max-cut problem consists of finding a partition of the nodes of a weighted graph into two subsets such that the sum of the weights on the arcs connecting the two subsets is maximized. This is an NP-hard problem that can also be formulated as an integer quadratic program. Several solution methods have been developed since the 1970s and applied to a variety of fields, particularly in engineering and layout design. We propose a heuristic method based on the scatter-search methodology for finding approximate solutions to this optimization problem. Our solution procedure incorporates some innovative features within the scatter-search framework: (1) the solution of the maximum diversity prob…
Multiobjective GRASP with Path Relinking
In this paper we review and propose different adaptations of the GRASP metaheuristic to solve multiobjective combinatorial optimization problems. In particular, we describe several alternatives to specialize the construction and improvement components of GRASP when two or more objectives are considered. GRASP has been successfully coupled with Path Relinking for single-objective optimization. Moreover, we propose different hybridizations of GRASP and Path Relinking for multiobjective optimization. We apply the proposed GRASP with Path Relinking variants to two combinatorial optimization problems, the biobjective orienteering problem and the biobjective path dissimilarity problem. We report …
Improving the performance of embedded systems with variable neighborhood search
Graphical abstractDisplay Omitted Embedded systems have become an essential part of our lives, mainly due to the evolution of technology in the last years. However, the power consumption of these devices is one of their most important drawbacks. It has been proven that an efficient use of the memory of the device also improves its energy performance. This work efficiently solves the dynamic memory allocation problem, which can be formally defined as follows: given a program that has to be executed by a circuit, the objective is to fit that program in memory in such a way that the computing time required to execute it is minimized. In this work, we propose a parallel variable neighborhood se…
Max–min dispersion with capacity and cost for a practical location problem
Diversity and dispersion problems deal with selecting a subset of elements from a given set in such a way that their diversity is maximized. This study considers a practical location problem recently proposed in the context of max–min dispersion models. It is called the generalized dispersion problem, and it models realistic applications by introducing capacity and cost constraints. We propose two effective linear formulations for this problem, and develop a hybrid metaheuristic algorithm based on the variable neighborhood search methodology, to solve real instances. Extensive numerical computational experiments are performed to compare our hybrid metaheuristic with the state-of-art heurist…
Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedures
In this chapter, we describe the process of designing heuristic procedures to solve combinatorial optimization problems.
Variable neighborhood descent for the incremental graph drawing
Abstract Graphs are used to represent reality in several areas of knowledge. Drawings of graphs have many applications, from project scheduling to software diagrams. The main quality desired for drawings of graphs is readability, and crossing reduction is a fundamental aesthetic criterion for a good representation of a graph. In this paper we target the edge crossing reduction in the context of incremental graph drawing, in which we want to preserve the layout of a graph over successive drawings. We propose a hybrid method based on the GRASP (Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure) and VND (Variable Neighborhood Descent) methodologies and compare it with previous methods via simulation.
The Scatter Search Methodology
Scatter search (SS) is an evolutionary approach for optimization. It has been applied to problems with continuous and discrete variables and with a single or multiple objectives. The success of SS as an optimization technique is well documented in a constantly growing number of journal articles and book chapters. This article first focuses on the basic SS framework, which is responsible for most of the outcomes reported in the literature, and then covers advanced elements that have been introduced in a few selected papers, such as the hybridization with tabu search, a well-known memory-based metaheuristic. We consider the maximum diversity problem to illustrate the search elements, methods …
Advanced Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure for the Obnoxious p-Median problem
Abstract The Obnoxious p-Median problem consists in selecting a subset of p facilities from a given set of possible locations, in such a way that the sum of the distances between each customer and its nearest facility is maximized. The problem is NP -hard and can be formulated as an integer linear program. It was introduced in the 1990s, and a branch and cut method coupled with a tabu search has been recently proposed. In this paper, we propose a heuristic method – based on the Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure, GRASP, methodology – for finding approximate solutions to this optimization problem. In particular, we consider an advanced GRASP design in which a filtering mechanism avo…
Pseudo-Cut Strategies for Global Optimization
Motivated by the successful use of a pseudo-cut strategy within the setting of constrained nonlinear and nonconvex optimization in Lasdon et al. (2010), we propose a framework for general pseudo-cut strategies in global optimization that provides a broader and more comprehensive range of methods. The fundamental idea is to introduce linear cutting planes that provide temporary, possibly invalid, restrictions on the space of feasible solutions, as proposed in the setting of the tabu search metaheuristic in Glover (1989), in order to guide a solution process toward a global optimum, where the cutting planes can be discarded and replaced by others as the process continues. These strategies can…
Tabu search for the Max–Mean Dispersion Problem
In this paper, we address a variant of a classical optimization model in the context of maximizing the diversity of a set of elements. In particular, we propose heuristics to maximize the mean dispersion of the selected elements in a given set. This NP-hard problem was recently introduced as the maximum mean dispersion problem (MaxMeanDP), and it models several real problems, from pollution control to ranking of web pages. In this paper, we first review the previous methods for the MaxMeanDP, and then explore different tabu search approaches, and their influence on the quality of the solutions obtained. As a result, we propose a dynamic tabu search algorithm, based on three different neighb…
Heuristics for the Bi-Objective Diversity Problem
Abstract The Max-Sum diversity and the Max-Min diversity are two well-known optimization models to capture the notion of selecting a subset of diverse points from a given set. The resolution of their associated optimization problems provides solutions of different structures, in both cases with desirable characteristics. They have been extensively studied and we can find many metaheuristic methodologies, such as Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure, Tabu Search, Iterated Greedy, Variable Neighborhood Search, and Genetic algorithms applied to them to obtain high quality solutions. In this paper we solve the bi-objective problem in which both models are simultaneously optimized. No pre…
Scatter Search and Path Relinking
Scatter search (SS) and path relinking (PR) are evolutionary methods that have been successfully applied to a wide range of hard optimization problems. The fundamental concepts and principles of the methods were first proposed in the 1970s and 1980s, and were based on formulations, dating back to the 1960s, for combining decision rules and problem constraints. The methods use strategies for search diversification and intensification that have proved effective in a variety of optimization problems and that have sometimes been embedded in other evolutionary methods to yield improved performance. This paper examines the scatter search and path relinking methodologies from both conceptual and p…
Heuristics for the bandwidth colouring problem
The bandwidth colouring problem consists of assigning a colour to each vertex of a graph, so that the absolute value of the difference between the colours of adjacent vertices is at least the value of the weight of the associated edge. This problem generalises the classical vertex colouring problem and different heuristics have recently been proposed to obtain high quality solutions. In this paper we describe both memory-based and memory-less methods to solve the bandwidth colouring problem. In particular we propose new constructive and improvement methods based on tabu search and GRASP. Comparison of our results with previously reported instances and existing heuristics indicate that the m…
General Concepts in Metaheuristic Search
Metaheuristics have become a very popular family of solution methods for optimization problems because they are capable of finding “acceptable” solutions in a “reasonable” amount of time. Most optimization problems in practice are too complex to be approached by exact methods that can guarantee finding global optimal solutions. The time required to find and verify globally optimal solutions is impractical in most applications. An entire computational theory, which we will not discussed here, has been developed around problem complexity. It suffices to say that it is now known that the great majority of the optimization problems found in practice fall within a category that makes them “compu…