M. Kundzins

The Effects of 3d Admixtures on Properties of Relaxor PLZT8/65/35 Ceramics

A study of the effects of the 3d dopants Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu on relaxor behavior and other properties of the ferroelectric PLZT8/65/35(La8) ceramic compound by X-ray diffraction, electron microscopy and other techniques is reported. The complex dielectric permittivity ϵ* = ϵ′-iϵ′′ is measured in the 20–400°C range of temperature at frequencies within the range of 102 – 106 Hz. Essential changes caused by the admixtures in the behavior of dielectric permittivity with frequency and temperature are observed along with changes in the XRD SEM patterns are observed. The mechanisms of the phenomena are discussed.

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PLZT laser beam modulator

Abstract Laser beam modulator on transparent electrooptic PLZT ceramics are developed for the use in teaching process in schools and universities. Characteristics of the modulator and its electronic control unit are given.

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Electromechanical properties in CaTiO 3 modified Na 0.5 Bi 0.5 TiO 3 -BaTiO 3 solid solutions above morphotropic phase boundary

This work was supported by Mutual funds Taiwan–Latvia–Lithuania cooperation project (Application No. LV-LT-TW/2020/10). The Institute of Solid State Physics, University of Latvia at the Center of Excellence, received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Framework Programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017-TeamingPhase2 under Grant Agreement No. 739508, project CAMART.2 This project also received funding from the Research Council of Lithuania (LMTLT; Agreement No. S-LLT-20-4). The authors are also indebted to D. Bocharov for technical assistance.

research product

Thermo‐optical investigations of NaNbO 3 thin films by spectral ellipsometry

In this work a spectroscopic ellipsometry was applied to the thermo-optical investigations of sodium niobate NaNbO3 (NN) thin films at the wide temperature range of 5–820 K. The temperature dependence of complex refractive index dispersions and optical bang energy of the direct allowed electron transitions were evaluated. Additionally dynamic scans of the main ellipsometric angles at the several fixed wave lengths of 300, 400, 500 and 635 nm were performed to acquire more detailed temperature dependences of the refractive index and extinction coefficient. Pronounced minima/maxima and substantial jumps in the temperature dependence of complex refractive index and band gap energy were found a…

research product

Aging and Memory Effects in PLZT 8/65/35 Ceramics Modified with 3d Transition-Metal Ions

The temperature and frequency dependencies of the dielectric susceptibility in relaxor electro-optical PLZT 8/65/35 modified with 3d transition-metal ions (Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) measured to study the aging and memory effects are reported. The studies of aging at room temperature show that 3d admixtures (Me) in PLZT 8/65/35 ceramics at small to medium concentration range (Me < 1.0 wt.%) change the depth of dispersion, the aging amplitude and the temperature range of the memory effect. At admixture concentrations Me →1.0 wt% the aging and memory effect are significantly reduced (or eliminated).The obtained results suggest that aging effects are determined by two substantial acceptor effects of the …

research product

Effects of Mn doping on dielectric properties of ferroelectric relaxor PLZT ceramics

This work has been supported by Latvian state research program IMIS2 .

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