Influence of the conservation status on carbon balances of semiarid coastal Mediterranean wetlands
Permanent freshwater and brackish marshes are the typical wetland type of the Mediterranean Spanish coast. Historically, alterations to the original morphological and hydrological characteristics o...
Efficiency in hydrocarbon degradation and biosurfactant production by Joostella sp. A8 when grown in pure culture and consortia
Abstract Joostella strains are emerging candidates for biosurfactant production. Here such ability was analyzed for Joostella strain A8 in comparison with Alcanivorax strain A53 and Pseudomonas strain A6, all previously isolated from hydrocarbon enrichment cultures made of polychaete homogenates. In pure cultures Joostella sp. A8 showed the highest stable emulsion percentage (78.33%), hydrophobicity rate (62.67%), and an optimal surface tension reduction during growth in mineral medium supplemented with diesel oil (reduction of about 12 mN/m), thus proving to be highly competitive with Alcanivorax and Pseudomonas strains. During growth in pure culture different level of biodegradation were …
A European Multi Lake Survey dataset of environmental variables, phytoplankton pigments and cyanotoxins
Under ongoing climate change and increasing anthropogenic activity, which continuously challenge ecosystem resilience, an in-depth understanding of ecological processes is urgently needed. Lakes, as providers of numerous ecosystem services, face multiple stressors that threaten their functioning. Harmful cyanobacterial blooms are a persistent problem resulting from nutrient pollution and climate-change induced stressors, like poor transparency, increased water temperature and enhanced stratification. Consistency in data collection and analysis methods is necessary to achieve fully comparable datasets and for statistical validity, avoiding issues linked to disparate data sources. The Europea…
Plankton assembly in an ultra-oligotrophic Antarctic lake over the summer transition from the ice-cover to ice-free period: A size spectra approach
Abstract Lakes from the Antarctic maritime region experience climate change as a main stressor capable of modifying their plankton community structure and function, essentially because summer temperatures are commonly over the freezing point and the lake's ice cap thaws. This study was conducted in such seasonally ice-covered lake (Lake Limnopolar, Byers Peninsula, Livingston Is., Antarctica), which exhibits a microbial dominated pelagic food web. An important feature is also the occurrence of benthic mosses ( Drepanocladus longifolius ) covering the lake bottom. Plankton dynamics were investigated during the ice-thawing transition to the summer maximum. Both bacterioplankton and viral-like…
Stratification strength and light climate explain variation in chlorophyll a at the continental scale in a European multilake survey in a heatwave summer
The authors acknowledge COST Action ES 1105 "CYANOCOST Cyanobacterial blooms and toxins in water resources: Occurrence impacts and management" and COST Action Global Change Biology ES 1201 NETLAKE -Networking Lake Observatories in Europe" for contributing to this study through networking and knowledge sharing with European experts in the field. We acknowledge the members of the Global Lake Ecological Observatory Network (GLEON) for their collaborative spirit and enthusiasm that inspired the grassroots effort of the EMLS. E.M. was supported by a grant from the Swiss State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation to Bas Ibelings and by supplementary funding from University of Geneva…
Effect of wastewater management on phosphorus content and sedimentary fractionation in Mediterranean saline lakes
The La Mancha Húmeda Biosphere Reserve is the largest wetland district in the Iberian Peninsula, containing many temporary saline lakes undergoing different anthropogenic pressures. Eleven of these lakes were selected to assess phosphorus (P) burial, fractionation and mobilization in their sediments. Wastewater inputs, wherever they occurred, favored accumulation of all P sedimentary fractions, which took place mainly via precipitation with divalent cations (i.e. calcium or magnesium) and as buried organic matter, both representing relatively occluded P forms, although they can also be involved in P release. P immobilization would be partially restrained in the volcanic lakes of the region,…
Effect of experimentally increased nutrient availability on the structure, metabolic activities, and potential microbial functions of a maritime Antarctic microbial mat.
The role of competitive interactions based on resource utilisation was explored in a phototrophic microbial mat from Byers Peninsula (Maritime Antarctica). Shotgun metagenomic profiling of the mat showed a taxonomic and functionally diverse microbial community. The heterotrophic bacterial community was dominated by Proteobacteria, where genera typically found in polar habitats, such as Janthinobacterium, Pseudomonas, and Polaromonas, were highly prevalent. Cyanobacteria played the main role as primary producers, accompanied by diatoms and chlorophytes. To test the potential effects of the inorganic nutrient (N and P) availability on this community, a fully factorial nitrate and phosphorus a…
Vertical structure of bi-layered microbial mats from Byers Peninsula, Maritime Antarctica
AbstractA summer study of the vertical structure of bi-layered microbial mats was carried out on Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands). These benthic communities had a common basic structure that consisted of two distinct layers differing in composition, morphology and colour. Our sampling focused on mats showing more layering, which thrived over moist soils and at the bottom of ponds. The photosynthetic pigments analysis performed by high-performance liquid chromatography demonstrated a major occurrence of cyanobacteria and diatoms on these mats, the former being more abundant in relative terms on the surface and composed by morphospecies grouping into orders Oscillat…
Carbon metabolic rates and GHG emissions in different wetland types of the Ebro Delta
Deltaic wetlands are highly productive ecosystems, which characteristically can act as C-sinks. However, they are among the most threatened ecosystems, being very vulnerable to global change, and require special attention towards its conservation. Knowing their climate change mitigating potential, conservation measures should also be oriented with a climatic approach, to strengthen their regulatory services. In this work we studied the carbon biogeochemistry and the specific relevance of certain microbial guilds on carbon metabolisms of the three main types of deltaic wetlands located in the Ebro Delta, north-eastern Spain, as well as how they deal with human pressures and climate change ef…
Environmental and Human Drivers of Carbon Sequestration and Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the Ebro Delta, Spain
Functional Metabolic Diversity of Bacterioplankton in Maritime Antarctic Lakes
A summer survey was conducted on the bacterioplankton communities of seven lakes from Byers Peninsula (Maritime Antarctica), differing in trophic and morphological characteristics. Predictions of the metabolic capabilities of these communities were performed with FAPROTAX using 16S rRNA sequencing data. The versatility for metabolizing carbon sources was also assessed in three of the lakes using Biolog Ecoplates. Relevant differences among lakes and within lake depths were observed. A total of 23 metabolic activities associated to the main biogeochemical cycles were foreseen, namely, carbon (11), nitrogen (4), sulfur (5), iron (2), and hydrogen (1). The aerobic metabolisms dominated, althou…
Geochemistry of streams from Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island
AbstractIn January and February 2009, a series of water samples were collected from streams on Byers Peninsula. These samples were analysed for major elements and δ18O to determine the role of lithology and landscape position on stream geochemistry, and to understand better the hydrology (i.e. residence time of water) of these systems. Precipitation chemistry is enriched in Na+, as are the streams located close to the coast. Streams originating from inland locations have much higher percentages of Ca2+. In contrast, Mg2+ varied little, though streams that are in greater contact with volcanic-derived soils have slightly higher concentrations. Anion percentages varied greatly between streams …
Bacterioplankton Community Composition Along Environmental Gradients in Lakes From Byers Peninsula (Maritime Antarctica) as Determined by Next-Generation Sequencing
This study comprises the first attempt to describe the planktonic bacterial communities of lakes from Byers Peninsula, one of the most significant limnological districts in the Maritime Antarctica, leveraging next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. For the survey, we selected 7 lakes covering the environmental gradient from inland to coastal lakes, some of them sampled both in surface and deep waters. Analysis provided just over 85,000 high quality sequences that were clustered into 864 unique Zero-radius Operational Taxonomic Units (ZOTUs) (i.e., 100% sequence similarity). Yet, several taxonomic uncertainties remained in the analysis likely suggesting the occurrence of local bacteri…
Byers Peninsula: A reference site for coastal, terrestrial and limnetic ecosystem studies in maritime Antarctica
Abstract This article describes the development of an international and multidisciplinary project funded by the Spanish Polar Programme on Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetlands). The project adopted Byers Peninsula as an international reference site for coastal and terrestrial (including inland waters) research within the framework of the International Polar Year initiative. Over 30 scientists from 12 countries and 26 institutions participated in the field work, and many others participated in the processing of the samples. The main themes investigated were: Holocene changes in climate, using both lacustrine sediment cores and palaeo-nests of penguins; limnology of the lakes, …
Heterogeneous vertical structure of the bacterioplankton community in a non-stratified Antarctic lake
10 páginas, 4 figuras, 2 tablas.
Modeling the Response of the Planktonic Microbial Community to Warming Effects in Maritime Antarctic Lakes
Abstract In this chapter, we describe the design and prognoses given by the simulation of an ecological model dealing with the functioning of the microbial community of a maritime Antarctic lake, whose main ecological features are also reported. The model is based on carbon fluxes through the planktonic community and the carbon subsides from the benthic mosses covering the lake bottom and microbial mats spread over the lake’s catchment. It describes the dynamics of the bacterioplankton, phytoplankton, and organic matter, both particulate and dissolved, during the austral summer, with temperature and solar radiation as the main forcing functions driving the response of the modeled state vari…
Metacommunity dynamics of Ostracoda in temporary lakes: Overall strong niche effects except at the onset of the flooding period
Abstract Metacommunity research usually focuses on the structure of species assemblages and their influencing factors, chiefly environment and space. However, the temporal dynamics of metacommunities and their structuring processes are rarely investigated. Here, we analyze the temporal variations in a metacommunity of ostracods from temporary shallow lakes of the Iberian Peninsula. Our aims were to determine the variability of the ostracod assemblages throughout a hydrological cycle by means of partial triadic analysis (PTA), and to analyze the response of these communities to both environmental and spatial variables. The metacommunity was moderately stable through the study period, with la…
Stability and endemicity of benthic diatom assemblages from different substrates in a maritime stream on Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island, Antarctica: the role of climate variability
16 páginas, 3 tablas, 9 figuras.
Carbon dynamics modelization and biological community sensitivity to temperature in an oligotrophic freshwater Antarctic lake
Lake Limnopolar, located in one of the areas on Earth experiencing the strongest local warming, has been studied as a maritime Antarctic lake model by the Limnopolar Research Team during the last decade. Data collected during this period revealed the existence of an important meteorological interannual variability in the area of Byers Peninsula. With the aim of increasing the knowledge of this ecosystem and its sensibility to climate change as a model ecosystem, as well as to calibrate the extent of the interannual variability, a carbon flow model was developed partly describing its microbial food web. This preliminary model aims to describe part of the carbon dynamics, especially for bacte…
Limnology and Aquatic Microbial Ecology of Byers Peninsula: A Main Freshwater Biodiversity Hotspot in Maritime Antarctica
Here we present a comprehensive review of the diversity revealed by research in limnology and microbial ecology conducted in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) during the last two decades. The site constitutes one of the largest ice-free areas within the Antarctic Peninsula region. Since it has a high level of environmental protection, it is less human-impacted compared to other sites within the South Shetland archipelago. The main investigations in Byers Peninsula focused on the physical and chemical limnology of the lakes, ponds, rivers, and wetlands, as well as on the structure of their planktonic and benthic microbial communities, and on the function…
Temperature effects explain continental scale distribution of cyanobacterial toxins
Insight into how environmental change determines the production and distribution of cyanobacterial toxins is necessary for risk assessment. Management guidelines currently focus on hepatotoxins (microcystins). Increasing attention is given to other classes, such as neurotoxins (e.g., anatoxin-a) and cytotoxins (e.g., cylindrospermopsin) due to their potency. Most studies examine the relationship between individual toxin variants and environmental factors, such as nutrients, temperature and light. In summer 2015, we collected samples across Europe to investigate the effect of nutrient and temperature gradients on the variability of toxin production at a continental scale. Direct and indirect…
Structure of planktonic microbial communities along a trophic gradient in lakes of Byers Peninsula, South Shetland Islands
AbstractA systematic limnological survey of water bodies of Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands) was carried out during the summer of 2001/02. Abundances of microbial plankton were determined which allowed a delineation of the pelagic food web structure. We also report the nutrient status of these lakes. We demonstrate the occurrence of a trophic gradient that extended from upland lakes (oligotrophic) to the coastal ones (eutrophic). The study shows that a lake's morphology regulates the relative importance of the pelagic and benthic habitats, whereas nutrient loads mainly determine its trophic status. Yet, some of the variability observed could be also a legacy of th…
Maritime antarctic lakes as sentinels of climate change
Remote lakes, such as lakes from the Maritime Antarctica, can be used as sentinels of climate change, because they are mostly free of direct anthropogenic pressures, and they experience climate change as a main stressor capable of modifying the ecosystem structure and function. In this paper, the content of a lecture that has been presented at the First Conference of Lake Sustainability, which has been centred in our studies on lakes from Byers Peninsula (Maritime Antarctica), are summarized. These included physical, chemical and biological studies of these lakes and other freshwater ecosystems, which highlighted the relevance of biotic interactions for these ecosystems and its sensibility …
Community structure and physiological characterization of microbial mats in Byers Peninsula, Livingston Island (South Shetland Islands, Antarctica)
The community structure and physiological characteristics of three microbial mat communities in Byers Peninsula (Livingston Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica) were compared. One of the mats was located at the edge of a stream and was dominated by diatoms (with a thin basal layer of oscillatorian cyanobacteria), whereas the other two mats, located over moist soil and the bottom of a pond, respectively, were dominated by cyanobacteria throughout their vertical profiles. The predominant xanthophyll was fucoxanthin in the stream mat and myxoxanthophyll in the cyanobacteria-dominated mats. The sheath pigment scytonemin was absent in the stream mat but present in the soil and pond mats. …
Total mercury and methyl-mercury contents and accumulation in polar microbial mats.
Although polar regions are considered isolated and pristine areas, the organisms that inhabit these zones are exposed to global pollution. Heavy metals, such as mercury, are global pollutants and can reach almost any location on Earth. Mercury may come from natural, volcanic or geological sources, or result from anthropogenic sources, in particular industrial or mining activities. In this study, we have investigated one of the most prominent biological non-marine communities in both polar regions, microbial mats, in terms of their Hg and methyl-mercury (MeHg) concentrations and accumulation capacities. The main hypotheses posed argued on the importance of different factors, and to test them…
Influence of the conservation status on carbon balances of semiarid coastal Mediterranean wetlands
Permanent freshwater and brackish marshes are the typical wetland type of the Mediterranean Spanish coast. Historically, alterations to the original morphological and hydrological characteristics of some these ecosystems have increased their trophic status, which could influence the carbon (C) balance, while other ecosystems remain close to their natural condition. In this work, the main processes related to the C cycle were studied in several Mediterranean coastal marshes with different degrees of alteration and in sites restored and managed in different ways. Carbon associated with greenhouse gases (CO2 and CH4) was determined using gas exchange methods for plankton, benthos, and sediment…