Daniëlle Otten

Binnenmigration und psychische Gesundheit in der Sächsischen Längsschnittstudie – Relevante Faktoren 20 und 30 Jahre nach der Wiedervereinigung

ZusammenfassungFragestellung Welche Faktoren spielen für die psychische Gesundheit von Binnenmigrierten im Vergleich zu Nichtmigrierten eine Rolle?Methode Daten der Sächsischen Längsschnittstudie aus den Jahren 2010 und 2020 wurden benutzt, um mithilfe von Bootstrapping-basierten Mediationsanalysen Binnenmigrierte mit Nichtmigrierten in ihrem Grad der psychischen Belastung zu vergleichen.Ergebnisse Binnenmigrierte berichteten 2010, aber nicht 2020, weniger psychische Belastung. Dieser Effekt verschwand, nachdem Kovariaten und Mediatoren inkludiert wurden. Wichtige Mediatoren waren Lebenssituation, enge politische Verbundenheit mit der BRD, Gewinner der deutschen Einheit, Sicherheit am Arbei…

research product

A Systematic Review on Sex- and Gender-Sensitive Research in Public Mental Health During the First Wave of the COVID-19 Crisis

Background:Sex and gender are important modifiers of mental health and behavior in normal times and during crises. We investigated whether they were addressed by empirical, international research that explored the mental health and health behavior ramifications after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.Methods:We systematically searched the databases PsyArXiv, PubMed, PsycInfo, Psyndex, PubPsych, Cochrane Library, and Web of Science for studies assessing mental health outcomes (main outcomes) as well as potential risk and protective health behavior (additional outcomes) up to July 2, 2020.Findings:Most of the 80 publications fulfilling the selection criteria reflected the static difference p…

research product

Psychosomatische Medizin in der Gutenberg- Gesundheitsstudie (GHS) – Fragestellungen, Messverfahren, ausgewählte Ergebnisse

Psychosomatic medicine in the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) - research questions, measurement instruments, selected results Goal: Main questions from the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS) related to psychosomatic medicine are presented: (1) Prevalence and incidence of mental illnesses, (2) Sex-specific risk- and protective factors for mental health, (3) Interplay between psychological and somatic diseases and (4) methodical-psychometric developments. Methods: The GHS is an ongoing, prospective and interdisciplinary cohort study in Mainz. The comprehensive examinations include psychological characteristics and clinical and laboratory tests. 15010 respondents were selected in the baseline study fro…

research product

Similarities and Differences of Mental Health in Women and Men: A Systematic Review of Findings in Three Large German Cohorts

In Germany, large, population-based cohort studies have been implemented in order to identify risk and protective factors for maintaining health across the life span. The purpose of this systematic review is to analyse findings from three large ongoing cohorts and to identify sex-specific prevalence rates, risk and protective factors for mental health. Published studies from the Cooperative Health Research in the Region Augsburg (KORA), the Study of Health in Pomerania (SHIP) and the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS)), representing the southern, north-eastern and middle parts of Germany, were identified through searches of the databases PubMed and Web of Science. A total of 52 articles was ident…

research product