Mehdi Daneshpanah
Coherent Microscopy for 3-D Movement Monitoring and Super-Resolved Imaging
In this chapter we present three types of microscopy-related configurations while the first one is used for 3-D movement monitoring of the inspected samples, the second one is used for super-resolved 3-D imaging, and the last one presents an overview digital holographic microscopy applications. The first configuration is based on temporal tracking of secondary reflected speckles when imaged by properly defocused optics. We validate the proposed scheme by using it to monitor 3-D spontaneous contraction of rat’s cardiac muscle cells while allowing nanometric tracking accuracy without interferometric recording. The second configuration includes projection of temporally varying speckle patterns…
Digital slicing of 3D scenes by Fourier filtering of integral images
We present a novel technique to extract depth information from 3D scenes recorded using an Integral Imaging system. The technique exploits the periodic structure of the recorded integral image to implement a Fourier-domain filtering algorithm. A proper projection of the filtered integral image permits reconstruction of different planes that constitute the 3D scene. The main feature of our method is that the Fourier-domain filtering allows the reduction of out-of-focus information, providing the InI system with real optical sectioning capacity.
Three Dimensional Sensing, Visualization, and Display
This keynote address will present an overview of recent advances in Three-dimensional (3D) sensing, imaging and display. We shall discuss both passive sensing integral imaging and active sensing computational holographic imaging for 3D visualization, display, and image recognition. Mathematical analysis, computer simulations, and optical experimental results will be presented. There are numerous applications of these technologies including medical 3D imaging, 3D visualization, 3D identification and inspection, 3D television, 3D video, 3D multimedia, interactive communication, education, entertainment, and commerce.