L.b. Tecchio
Neutron yield from a thick target irradiated by 90MeV protons
In the context or the design of an intense source of low and intermediate energy, neutrons, the angular and energy distributions of neutrons produced in the interaction of 90 MeV protons in a C-12 target, in which the protons are stopped, have been measured by time-of-flight and activation techniques, As compared to C-12 the yield is less than a factor two higher, while it is somewhat less than for a Be-9 target. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Neutron yields from a thick 13C target irradiated by 30 MeV protons
Abstract Total neutron yields resulting from the proton bombardment of a thick 13 C target have been measured for 30 MeV protons. Absolute intensities, angular distributions and energy spectra of neutrons have been obtained by the time-of-flight technique where the detectors provided continuous coverage from 0° to 120°. Resonances have been found, some of which can be attributed to known states in 14 N. A total yield of 0.022(3) n/p was observed with a slight angular anisotropy towards forward angles. The measured yields are compared to the neutron yields produced by using deuterons on thick 12 C and 9 Be targets.
Neutron yield from a 13C thick target irradiated by protons of intermediate energy
Abstract Angular and energy distributions of neutrons produced by the interaction of protons of 20, 25 and 40 MeV in 13C targets, in which they are stopped, have been measured by time-of-flight and activation methods. Neutron yields are compared with a Monte-Carlo based model prediction and with the experimental neutron yields of proton and deuteron beams impinging on natural carbon thick targets. The gain with respect to p + 12C is only sizeable at the lowest proton energies. The neutron yield curve of p + 13C versus proton energy is definitely lower than the one of d + 12C, in contrast to the suggestion by an earlier published measurement at 30 MeV.
Yields of neutron-rich rubidium and cesium isotopes from fast-neutron induced fission of 238U, obtained by studying their release from a thick ISOL target
Abstract In the framework of the EURISOL project, the production of neutron-rich isotopes of rubidium and cesium has been studied. The intensities of mass-separated beams of rubidium and cesium isotopes generated from a thick 238 UC x target connected to a surface ionizer have been measured. The release properties of 140 Cs and 91 Rb have been investigated. The obtained results allowed us to determine the relative fission yields of rubidium and cesium isotopes with high accuracy.
Production of neutron-rich nuclei in fission induced by neutrons generated by the p + 13C reaction at 55 MeV
Cross-sections for the production of neutron-rich nuclei obtained by neutron-induced fission of natural uranium have been measured. The neutrons were generated by bombarding a 13C target with 55 MeV protons. The results, position of the maximum in the (Z, A)-plane, width and magnitude, are very comparable with those where the neutrons are generated by bombardment of natural 12C graphite with 50 MeV deuterons. Depending on the geometry of the converter/target assembly the isotope yields, however, are a factor of 2-3 lower due to less efficient production of neutrons per primary projectile, especially at small forward angles.
Production of neutron-rich surface-ionized nuclides at PARRNe
Yields of neutron-rich isotopes produced by fast neutron induced fission of 238 U were measured at the ISOL set-up Production dAtomes Radioactifs Riches en Neutrons. A surface ion source was used to ionize selectively elements with low ionization potentials. In order to observe also the most n-rich isotopes, the identification was achieved by a combined measurement of b- and c-rays and b-delayed neutrons. The flux of fast neutrons inducing fission was generated by a 1 lA beam of 26 MeV deuterons stopped in a graphite converter. The target was a standard ISOLDE type 238 UC