Tectonic significance of the Variscan suture between Brunovistulia and the Bohemian Massif
The Velke Vrbno Dome crops out at the boundary between the Brunovistulian Terrane and the internal parts of the Bohemian Massif. Here, eclogite boudins occur within an Ediacaran volcano-sedimentary sequence. Strong Nb depletion (Nb/Nb* = 0.19–0.82) combined with moderately positive Nd isotopic compositions (eNd(i) = +3.89 – +5.77) is used to argue for emplacement of the eclogite protoliths in a transitional supra-subduction to continental-rift setting. Conversely, heterogeneously enriched large ion lithophile elements and highly radiogenic Sr isotopic ratios (87Sr/86Sr = 0.705–0.720) are interpreted to have been modified following fluid infiltration subsequent to eclogite-facies metamorphis…