Inmaculada Fuentes-durá

Evaluación de un programa psicoterapéutico para cuidadores de pacientes con TCA: Estudio piloto

El estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar el nivel de discapacidad funcional, dolor y agotamiento, el autoconcepto-autoestima, y grandes dimensiones de personalidad, en personas con y sin fibromialgia (FM). El estudio se realizó con 190 participantes, 140 afectados de FM y 50 no afectados, entre 28 y 75 años (M= 52,16; DT= 9,18), 10 varones y 180 mujeres. Se utilizaron 4 instrumentos de evaluación para medir las variables objeto de estudio: impacto de la fibromialgia, autoconcepto, autoestima y personalidad. Los resultados evidenciaron que las personas con FM, comparadas con las que no están afectadas por esta enfermedad, tienen significativamente un nivel superior de discapacidad funcional, d…

research product

Short forms of the Wechsler adult scales: a systematic review

espanolIntroduccion.Desde la aparicion de la primera escala WAIS, ha habido un intento generalizado por parte de investigadores/as en la evaluacion de las habilidades cognitivas por encontrar formas abreviadas que faciliten la practica clinica de los/as profesionales en aquellas situaciones en las que las condiciones, bien por el tiempo disponible o por las caracteristicas clinicas de los/as pacientes, no aconsejan utilizar un ins-trumento extenso. Objetivo.Llevar a cabo una revision sistematica de las formas breves de hasta cuatro subtests elaboradas a partir de las escalas WAIS-III y WAIS-IV. Metodologia.Busqueda de informacion en la base de datos PsycINFO y revision sistematica de la inf…

research product

Revisión de las formas abreviadas de la Escala de Inteligencia de Wechsler para Adultos

RESUMEN: El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo presentar una revisión teórica de las principales formas abreviadas que han sido desarrolladas por varios autores a partir de las distintas versiones de la Escala de inteligencia de Wechsler para adultos que han ido surgiendo a lo largo del tiempo. El desarrollo de formas cortas ha ido creciendo en paralelo a la aparición de las nuevas versiones de la escala completa. Una forma abreviada permite estimar la capacidad intelectual con un tiempo de administración menor, por lo que puede ser de gran utilidad si el objetivo de evaluación es obtener una medida general de la capacidad intelectual.Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale: Review of short for…

research product

Clozapine-related drug reaction with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms (DRESS) syndrome: a systematic review.

The Drug Reaction with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms (DRESS) syndrome is a severe, multiorganic, and potentially life-threatening drug-induced hypersensitivity reaction, linked to several common drugs, including antiepileptics, antibiotics, and several psychotropic drugs, including clozapine. Due to the importance of clozapine in the management of treatment-resistant schizophrenia, a systematic review and characterization of clozapine-related DRESS syndrome is long overdue.This systematic review was conducted following PRISMA guidelines. PubMed, Embase, PsychINFO, and the Cochrane Library databases were independently reviewed up to 1 November 2019 for articles reporting clozapine-relat…

research product

Four-subtest short-form of the WAIS-IV for assessment of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.

Abstract Introduction The present study aimed to obtain a short form of the Spanish version of the WAIS-IV for patients diagnosed with schizophrenia that requires about half an hour to be administered. The reduced test can be very useful in clinical and research settings when an estimation of the intelligence quotient (IQ) is required to decide about intervention programs or to describe the sample. Materials and methods A sample of 143 patients participated in the study, 91 out of them were the test group, and the other 52 were used for a cross-validation analysis. To increase the content validity, the decision was made to create a short form composed of a subtest of each of the four cognit…

research product

Forma corta de cuatro subtest de la WAIS-IV para la evaluación de pacientes con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia

Resumen Introduccion El objetivo de este estudio ha sido obtener una forma corta de la version espanola de la WAIS-IV para pacientes con diagnostico de esquizofrenia que necesite entorno a media hora para ser administrada. Una forma abreviada puede ser muy util en contextos clinicos y de investigacion cuando se necesite una estimacion del cociente intelectual de pacientes con diagnostico de esquizofrenia para su adscripcion a programas de intervencion o para la descripcion de la muestra. Materiales y metodos Participo en el estudio una muestra de 143 pacientes. Noventa y uno formaron el grupo de test, y los otros 52 se utilizaron en un analisis de validacion cruzada. Para aumentar la valide…

research product

Precuneus and insular hypoactivation during cognitive processing in first-episode psychosis: Systematic review and meta-analysis of fMRI studies

Abstract Introduction The neural correlates of the cognitive dysfunction in first-episode psychosis (FEP) are still unclear. The present review and meta-analysis provide an update of the location of the abnormalities in the fMRI-measured brain response to cognitive processes in individuals with FEP. Methods Systematic review and voxel-based meta-analysis of cross-sectional fMRI studies comparing neural responses to cognitive tasks between individuals with FEP and healthy controls (HC) according to PRISMA guidelines. Results Twenty-six studies were included, comprising 598 individuals with FEP and 567 HC. Individual studies reported statistically significant hypoactivation in the dorsolatera…

research product

WAIS-IV Performance in Patients With Schizophrenia.

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS) is one of the most widely used instruments to measure cognitive functioning. The aims of this study were 1) to obtain the cognitive profile of Spanish patients with schizophrenia on the WAIS-IV; 2) to compare their profile to the profile of a healthy control group; and 3) to compare the cognitive profile of patients with schizophrenia to the performance observed in two separate previous studies in Canada and China. A sample of 99 outpatients and 99 healthy control participants, matched on age, sex, and educational level, were measured using the WAIS-IV, including 10 core subtests, 4 indices, and 2 general intelligence scores, to obtain their cognitiv…

research product

Visual memory dysfunction as a neurocognitive endophenotype in bipolar disorder patients and their unaffected relatives. Evidence from a 5-year follow-up Valencia study.

BACKGROUND: Scarce research has focused on Visual Memory (VM) deficits as a possible neurocognitive endophenotype of bipolar disorder (BD). The main aim of this longitudinal, family study with healthy controls was to explore whether VM dysfunction represents a neurocognitive endophenotype of BD. METHODS: Assessment of VM by Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (ROCF) was carried out on a sample of 317 subjects, including 140 patients with BD, 60 unaffected first-degree relatives (BD-Rel), and 117 genetically-unrelated healthy controls (HC), on three occasions over a 5-year period (T1, T2, and T3). BD-Rel group scores were analyzed only at T1 and T2. RESULTS: Performance of BD patients was sig…

research product

Brain activity changes with emotional words in different stages of psychosis.

Abstract Background To date, a large number of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) studies have been conducted on psychosis. However, little is known about changes in brain functioning in psychotic patients using an emotional auditory paradigm at different stages of the disease. Such knowledge is important for advancing our understanding of the disorder and thus creating more targeted interventions. This study aimed to investigate whether individuals with first-episode psychosis (FEP) and chronic schizophrenia show abnormal brain responses to emotional auditory processing and to compare the responses between FEP and chronic schizophrenia. Methods Patients with FEP (n = 31) or chron…

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