Manuela Torregrosa-ruiz
Diferenças de sexo no uso de estratégias de enfrentamento em pessoas com lesão medular
12 Páginas Objetivo: profundizar en la experiencia de afrontamiento en personas con lesión medular (LM), teniendo en cuenta tanto el afron- tamiento actual como el afrontamiento durante momentos iniciales tras sufrir la LM. Materiales y métodos: estudio transversal de encuesta. Participaron 127 personas con LM de larga evolución, 95 hombres y 32 mujeres. Los datos fueron recogidos por medio de un cuestionario online con información sociodemográfica y el Cuestionario de Afrontamiento del Estrés (CAE). Se han realizado análisis descriptivos, pruebas t de Student y análisis multivariados de la varianza (Manovas) Resultados: las comparaciones intrasujetos muestran que la estrategia de focalizac…
The Relationship of Sexism and Gender Ideology to Self-Concept and Self-Esteem in Persons with Spinal Cord Injury
The process of adapting to a physical disability is complex and multi-dimensional. It is influenced by many variables that affect adequate life adjustment and psychological wellbeing. This study addresses the specific effects of sexism and gender stereotypes on self-esteem and selfconcept in persons with spinal cord injury (SCI). The research design is cross-sectional and correlational. The sample comprises 127 persons, including 95 men and 32 women, with a long-term spinal injury. The results of the MANOVAs do not demonstrate statistically significant differences based on sex for the following variables: self-esteem, self-concept, traditional sexism and neosexism. The relationships among v…
The unprecedented demographic changes due primarily to increased longevity and low fertility rates had implications for family relations, in particular for grandparent involvement with grandchildren. Grandparenting emerged as a support structure and the grandparent role became vital for many grandchildren in need of care. This paper examines the relationship between gender and caring for grandchildren on the psychological well-being of older adults. Using a sample of 652 adults 60 and older attending an educational program at the University of Valencia in Spain, we report on descriptive socio-demographic variables and examine the influence of gender and grandparenting on the participants’ p…
A Successful Aging Model Based on Personal Resources, Self-Care, and Life Satisfaction
The most internationally studied models of successful aging defend that there are several pillars for a good aging: absence of disease, good cognitive and physical function, a high commitment and social activity, social capital, personal resources, life satisfaction, and spirituality. This study examines the relationships between personal resources, perceived social support, hope, spirituality, self-care and subjective well-being variables, as bases for a successful aging. One thousand and sixteen community-dwelling Spanish adults, aged 55-92 years, participated in the study. Information on variables assessed was collected using self-reported questionnaires. Confirmatory Factor Analyses and…