Isabelle Robin
O24 Obésité et perception oro-sensorielle des lipides alimentaires : impact sur la triglycéridémie et le taux de cholécystokinine
Supposition d’enfant et structure de substitution dans l’histoire de Silvie : les « phantomes de la supposition » dans les Illustres Françaises
International audience
PNPLA3 polymorphism influences liver fibrosis in unselected patients with type 2 diabetes
Context: Recently, it has been shown that an allele in the adiponutrin (PNPLA3) gene was strongly associated with increased liver fat content (LFC) and liver fibrosis independent of visceral adiposity and insulin resistance. Objective: In this study, we set out to determine whether the PNPLA3 rs738409 polymorphism was associated with liver fibrosis in unselected patients with type 2 diabetes. Design, setting and participants: Two hundred and thirty-four patients with type 2 diabetes were included in this study. Main outcome measures: LFC was evaluated using 1H-MR spectroscopy; fibrosis was measured using the non-invasive FibroTest®. Results: Advanced liver fibrosis (stage F2 or above) was o…
L’obésité interfère avec la détection oro-senorielle des acides gras à longue chaîne chez l’homme
National audience
Obesity interferes with the oro-sensory detection of long-chain fatty acids in Human
International audience
Obesity interferes with the orosensory detection of long-chain fatty acids in humans
Background: The association between the orosensory detection of lipids, preference for fatty foods, and body mass index (BMI; in kg/m 2 ) is controversial in humans. Objective: We explored the oral lipid-sensing system and the orosensory-induced autonomic reflex system in lean and obese subjects. Design: Lean (BMI: 19 to ,25; n = 30) and obese (BMI .30; n = 29) age-matched men were enrolled. Their oral threshold sensitivity to linoleic acid (LA) was determined by using a 3-alternative forced-choice ascending procedure, and their eating habits were established by the analysis of 4 consecutive 24-h food-consumption diaries. The effect of brief oral lipid stimulations on plasma triglyceride [(…
Liver methylene fraction by dual- and triple-echo gradient-echo imaging at 3.0T: Correlation with proton MR spectroscopy and estimation of robustness after SPIO administration
Purpose To assess the systematic errors in liver methylene fraction (LMF) resulting from fat–fat interference effects with dual- and triple-echo gradient-recalled-echo Dual/Triple GRE) sequences and to test the robustness of these sequences after iron overloading. Materials and Methods Forty type-2 diabetic patients underwent LMF measurement by 3.0T 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (corrected for T1 and T2 decays) as the reference standard and liver fat fraction (%Fat) measurement by four Dual/Triple GRE sequences with 20° and 60° flip angle (α), corrected for T1 recovery. The same four sequences were repeated in eight patients after ferumoxide injection. Corrections for systematic errors…
Impacts of obesity on the oro-sensory perception of lipids in Human
Accumulating evidences support the existence of a fatty acid taste both in rodents and humans. A recent study performed in lean subjects suggests the existence of a positive correlation between the oro-sensory perception of dietary lipids and body mass index (BMI) in Human. It was extrapolated that obesity might promote overconsumption of fatty foods by decreasing the detection of lipids in oral cavity. To explore this hypothesis, linoleic acid (LA) detection threshold was determined in lean (18>BMI 30, n=29) volunteers using a 3-alternative force choice ascending concentration presentation procedure in conditions known to minimize other sensory cues. A large distribution of LA detection wa…