Bettina Weich

A vertebrate globin expressed in the brain.

Haemoglobins and myoglobins constitute related protein families that function in oxygen transport and storage in humans and other vertebrates. Here we report the identification of a third globin type in man and mouse. This protein is predominantly expressed in the brain, and therefore we have called it neuroglobin. Mouse neuroglobin is a monomer with a high oxygen affinity (half saturation pressure, P50 approximately 2 torr). Analogous to myoglobin, neuroglobin may increase the availability of oxygen to brain tissue. The human neuroglobin gene (NGB), located on chromosome 14q24, has a unique exon-intron structure. Neuroglobin represents a distinct protein family that diverged early in metaz…

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Transposition of minisatellite-like DNA in Chironomus midges.

Cla elements are a family of tandem repetitive DNA sequences present in the genome of several Chironomus species. Interspersed clusters of Cla elements are widely distributed all over the chromosomes in C. thummi thummi, while they seem to be limited to the centromeric regions in the closely related subspecies C. t. piger. Here we present molecular evidence that this differential distribution is due to a transposition of Cla elements during evolution of the C. t. thummi genome. We have cloned a "filled" integration site (containing a Cla element cluster) from C. t. thummi and the corresponding "empty" genomic site from C. t. piger and other related species. The comparison shows that tandem…

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Neuroglobin and cytoglobin in search of their role in the vertebrate globin family

Neuroglobin and cytoglobin are two recent additions to the family of heme-containing respiratory proteins of man and other vertebrates. Here, we review the present state of knowledge of the structures, ligand binding kinetics, evolution and expression patterns of these two proteins. These data provide a first glimpse into the possible physiological roles of these globins in the animal's metabolism. Both, neuroglobin and cytoglobin are structurally similar to myoglobin, although they contain distinct cavities that may be instrumental in ligand binding. Kinetic and structural studies show that neuroglobin and cytoglobin belong to the class of hexa-coordinated globins with a biphasic ligand-bi…

research product

Chironomus riparius(Diptera) genome sequencing reveals the impact of minisatellite transposable elements on population divergence

AbstractActive transposable elements (TEs) may result in divergent genomic insertion and abundance patterns among conspecific populations. Upon secondary contact, such divergent genetic backgrounds can theoretically give rise to classical Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities (DMI), a way how TEs can contribute to the evolution of endogenous genetic barriers and eventually population divergence. We investigated whether differential TE activity created endogenous selection pressures among conspecific populations of the non-biting midgeChironomus riparius,focussing on aChironomus-specific TE, the minisatellite-likeCla-element, whose activity is associated with speciation in the genus. Using an …

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Molecular Evolution of the Globin Gene Cluster E in Two Distantly Related Midges, Chironomus pallidivittatus and C. thummi thummi

We have studied the evolutionary dynamics of a cluster of insect globin genes by comparing the organization and sequence of the gene group in two distantly related species, Chironomus pallidivittatus and C. t. thummi. Although the general architecture of the globin gene cluster has been conserved, we have found an additional, previously undescribed gene (named Cpa F) in C. pallidivittatus which shows signs of accelerated sequence evolution at nonsynonymous codon positions. This new gene is clearly functional, as demonstrated by Northern analysis. Comparison of paralogous and orthologous genes reveals patterns of intraspecific sequence homogenization. The head-to-head-oriented globin 3 and 4…

research product

Expression analysis of neuroglobin mRNA in rodent tissues

Neuroglobin is a respiratory protein which was reported to be preferentially expressed in the vertebrate brain. Here we present the first detailed analysis of the expression of neuroglobin in mouse and rat tissues. Neuroglobin mRNA was detected in all brain areas studied. Most, but not all, nerve cells were labeled, suggesting differential expression of Ngb. Neuroglobin mRNA was detected in the peripheral nervous system, explaining previous northern hybridization signals in organs other than the brain. Substantial neuroglobin expression was also found in metabolically active endocrine tissues such as the adrenal and pituitary glands. The granule localization of neuroglobin transcripts in va…

research product

Interspecies comparison of neuroglobin, cytoglobin and myoglobin: Sequence evolution and candidate regulatory elements

Neuroglobin and cytoglobin are two novel members of the vertebrate globin family. Their physiological role is poorly understood, although both proteins bind oxygen reversibly and may be involved in cellular oxygen homeostasis. Here we investigate the selective constraints on coding and non-coding sequences of the neuroglobin and cytoglobin genes in human, mouse, rat and fish. Neuroglobin and cytoglobin are highly conserved, displaying very low levels of non-synonymous nucleotide substitutions. An oxygen supply function predicts distinct modes of gene regulation, involving hypoxia-responsive transcription factors. To detect conserved candidate regulatory elements, we compared the neuroglobin…

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Cytoglobin: A Novel Globin Type Ubiquitously Expressed inVertebrate Tissues

Vertebrates possess multiple respiratory globins that differ in terms of structure, function, and tissue distribution. Three types of globins have been described so far: hemoglobin facilitates the transport of oxygen in the blood, myoglobin serves oxygen transport and storage in the muscle, and neuroglobin has a yet unidentified function in nerve cells. Here we report the identification of a fourth and novel type of globin in mouse, man, and zebrafish. It is expressed in apparently all types of human tissue and therefore has been called cytoglobin (CYGB). Mouse and human CYGBs comprise 190 amino acids; the zebrafish CYGB, 174 amino acids. The human CYGB gene is located on chromosome 17q25. …

research product

Data from: Chironomus riparius (Diptera) genome sequencing reveals the impact of minisatellite transposable elements on population divergence

Active transposable elements (TEs) may result in divergent genomic insertion and abundance patterns among conspecific populations. Upon secondary contact, such divergent genetic backgrounds can theoretically give rise to classical Dobzhansky-Muller incompatibilities (DMI), thus contributing to the evolution of endogenous genetic barriers and eventually cause population divergence. We investigated differential TE abundance among conspecific populations of the non-biting midge Chironomus riparius and evaluated their potential role in causing endogenous genetic incompatibilities between these populations. We focussed on a Chironomus-specific TE, the minisatellite-like Cla-element, whose activi…

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