Inmaculada Fuentes
Relaciones entre neurocognición, procesamiento emocional y funcionamiento social en la esquizofrenia
Resumen: En la esquizofrenia se presentan una serie de déficits cognitivos que han hecho que la investigación y la práctica profesional actual se centren en el estudio de la neurocognición y la cognición social. Estos déficits tienen importantes implicaciones en el funcionamiento social. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar la relaciones entre neurocognición, cognición social, evaluada con tareas de reconocimiento de la emoción, y funcionamiento social. Sesenta personas con diagnóstico de esquizofrenia han formado la muestra y las áreas evaluadas han sido: funcionamiento ejecutivo y flexibilidad cognitiva, atención y vigilancia, memoria, velocidad de procesamiento, identificación y …
Habituation and Sensitization Processes in Depressive Disorders
The aim of the present study was to investigate further into habituation and sensitization processes in depressive disorders. The depressive subjects were 27 outpatients. All of them were diagnosed according to DSM-III-R criteria. Controls were 27 normal subjects. The amplitudes of electrodermal responses and the basal levels were recorded during a stimuli series of 15 80-dB tones and of 1 100-dB tone in the 11th trial. The depressive patients displayed lower basal conductance levels and lower conductance amplitudes in orienting responses to the first stimulus and to stimulus change. No differences were found in conductance response amplitudes of stimuli series, although a tendency towards …
Social cognition scale (SCS): A newly developed assessment instrument
Gender differences on the WAIS-IV in patients with schizophrenia
Introduccion Los resultados de los estudios que han investigado diferencias de genero en funcionamiento neuropsicologico en la esquizofrenia han sido inconsistentes. Diferencias en la fase de la enfermedad, en las caracteristicas demograficas y clinicas de las muestras y en los instrumentos utilizados podrian explicar esa heterogeneidad. Objetivo Investigar la heterogeneidad en los resultados comparando el funcionamiento cognitivo de pacientes con diagnostico de esquizofrenia. Metodo Veinticinco mujeres y veinticinco hombres pacientes con diagnostico de esquizofrenia equiparados en edad, edad al inicio de la enfermedad y nivel educativo se evaluaron en funcionamiento cognitivo utilizando la…
A Comparison of implicit memory tests in schizophrenic patients and normal controls
The objective of the current study was to compare the performance of schizophrenic patients and normal controls on implicit memory tests. Two neuropsychological tasks were administered to 29 patients and normal participant samples. The implicit tests were: Word fragment completion and Word production from semantic categories. The priming score was the variable of interest. Priming effects are obtained in normal subjects and schizophrenia patients, regardless of the implicit test used. However, a dissociation in priming between normal and patient groups was observed, depending on the test used. For word fragment test, priming was identical between... (Ver más) the two groups. However, for wo…
Smoking and neurocognition in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder
IntroductionSeveral studies have suggested that nicotine could have beneficial effects on cognitive functioning.ObjectiveTo explore the association between smoking and cognitive functioning in bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.MethodsObservational study. We analyzed data from 184 participants in 3 groups (61 healthy controls, 47 euthymic patients with bipolar-I disorder, 76 patients with clinically stable schizophrenia) assessed by a neuropsychological battery. Statistical analysis was performed comparing subgroups of smokers and non-smokers data. Both groups were demographic and clinically comparable.ResultsSmoking rate was higher in participants with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia (X…
Lost in the Social World: How Social Cognitive Deficits Affect Social Functioning of People with Asperger Syndrome
Were we to visualise autism spectrum disorders as a continuum, Asperger syndrome (AS) would be situated at one of its extremes. What appears to determine each individual’s position in this continuum is his or her symptomatology. In the case of AS symptomatology presents itself more discretely. According to Barthelemy (2000), the abovementioned symptomatology can be grouped in three major areas: a) difficulties in development of social interaction; b) difficulties in verbal and nonverbal communication; and c) presence of fixated interests, routines or rituals and repetitive behaviours. Being a developmental disorder, symptoms vary according to age. While some features tend to disappear with …
Satisfaction levels of patients and their families with a Psychiatric Hospital Unit.
Title: Satisfaction levels of patients and their families with a Psychiatric Hospital Unit. Abstract: In recent decades there has been growing interest in examining patient satisfaction since it can have great influence on the patients' adher- ence to treatment and their clinical evolution. Similarly, it has been demonstrated that the satisfaction of psychiatric patients is an indicator of the quality of mental health services. It has also been demonstrated that it is a strong predictor of the future use that psychiatric patients will make of these services and their willingness to cooperate with treatment. In Spain, there have been few studies conducted on patient satisfaction in Spanish p…