Danuta Gibas-krzak


The development of Muslim nation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

The main goal of this article is to show the conditions and circumstances of the formation of Muslim nation in communist Yugoslavia and the increase of its significance during and after the civil war 1992-1995. Furthermore, author presents the characteristics of contemporary nationalism, and distinguishes specific Balkan nationalism, which is often chauvinistic, ahistorical, militant and exclusive, of ethnocultural character. The identity of Bosnian Muslims originated from belief that their origin, language and culture related to Bosnia and Herzegovina, which makes them different from the Turks and other Islamic nations living in the Ottoman Empire. The genesis of forming Muslim nation in Y…

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The Croatian view of the Katyn crime

The murder of Polish prisoners of war in Katyn and other places of massacre was covered by a conspiracy of silence for decades.1 1 In 1990, the suspicions that Polish prisoners of war from the camp...

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Chińska aktywność na Bałkanach w XXI wieku i jej implikacje

Celem artykułu jest szkicowe przedstawienie, na podstawie analiz i materiałów prasowych, wielosektorowej obecności Chin na Bałkanach i jej wpływu na sytuację ekonomiczną regionu. Bałkany są ważne dla mocarstw ze względu na położenie geopolityczne i geostrategiczne na skrzyżowaniu szlaków międzykontynentalnych. Chiny znacząco wpływają na ekonomikę poszczególnych państw region, wykorzystując dyplomację publiczną celem ograniczenia wpływów ze strony innych ważnych graczy: Unii Europejskiej, Rosji i USA. Autorka przedstawia hipotezę, że Chiny, tak jak USA pod koniec XX wieku, zmierzają do stworzenia sfery wpływów na Półwyspie Bałkańskim, w kontekście swoich interesów globalnych. Bałkany są post…

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The geopolitical importance of the Balkans: A general overview

The Balkan Peninsula, located in South-Eastern Europe, is the fourth of the large European Peninsulas. The Balkans are considered the least known part of the Old Continent, which has for centuries been the scene of conflicts and wars. This article presents the geographical location of the Balkans and analyzes geopolitical theories that refer to this region. The main aim of the article is to show that the Balkans were subject to complex geopolitical processes and are still a zone of instability in Europe. This region is characterized by an extraordinary dynamic of change, which is a consequence of the interrelationship between geography and history. The post-Cold War enlargement of NATO and …

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Political, Economic and Cultural Infl uences of neo-Ottomanism in post-Yugoslavian Countries. An Analysis Illustrated with Selected Examples

Political, Economic and Cultural Infl uences of neo-Ottomanism in post-Yugoslavian Countries. An Analysis Illustrated with Selected Examples

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