G. T. Maniscalco
A multicenter survey on access to care in Multiple Sclerosis-related trigeminal neuralgia
The prevalence of trigeminal neuralgia (TN) in patients with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is higher than in the general population and its management can be particularly challenging due to a number of reasons including high recurrence rates, lack of MS-specific treatment guidelines and uncertainties about pain pathophysiology. Aim of this cross-sectional, multicentre survey was to gather information on the current treatment modalities and options of MS-related TN across 23 Italian MS centres. Initial medical management (carbamazepine or oxcarbazepine) of MS-related TN was fairly homogeneous throughout Italian centres. The most commonly available surgical procedure was microvascular decompression…
Informing MS patients on treatment options: a consensus on the process of consent taking
Abstract\ud In the last years, change in multiple sclerosis (MS) therapeutic scenario has highlighted the need for an improved doctor-patient communication in advance of treatment initiation in order to allow patient’s empowerment in the decision-making process.\ud Aims\ud The aims of our project were to review the strategies used by Italian MS specialists to inform patients about treatment options and to design a multicentre shared document that homogenizes the information about disease-modifying treatment (DMTs) and the procedure of taking informed consent in clinical practice.\ud Results\ud The new resource, obtained by consensus among 31 neurologists from 27 MS Centres in Italy with the…
Clinical activity after fingolimod cessation: Disease reactivation or rebound?
Background and purpose There is debate as to whether the apparent rebound after fingolimod discontinuation is related to the discontinuation itself or whether it is due to the natural course of highly active multiple sclerosis (MS). Our aim was to survey the prevalence of severe reactivation and rebound after discontinuation of fingolimod in a cohort of Italian patients with MS. Methods Patients with relapsing-remitting MS who were treated with fingolimod for at least 6 months and who stopped treatment for reasons that were unrelated to inefficacy were included in the analysis. Results A total of 100 patients who had discontinued fingolimod were included in the study. Fourteen patients (14%…
Transition to secondary progression in relapsing-onset multiple sclerosis: Definitions and risk factors
Background: No uniform criteria for a sensitive identification of the transition from relapsing–remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) to secondary-progressive multiple sclerosis (SPMS) are available. Objective: To compare risk factors of SPMS using two definitions: one based on the neurologist judgment (ND) and an objective data-driven algorithm (DDA). Methods: Relapsing-onset MS patients ( n = 19,318) were extracted from the Italian MS Registry. Risk factors for SPMS and for reaching irreversible Expanded Disability Status Scale (EDSS) 6.0, after SP transition, were estimated using multivariable Cox regression models. Results: SPMS identified by the DDA ( n = 2343, 12.1%) were older, more disa…