Ll. Serra

Collective excitations of 3He clusters

Collective excitations of3He clusters are studied by treating the cluster as a quantum liquid drop. We have used the Random-Phase Approximation sum rules technique within a Density Functional Formalism. Results forL=2 to 10 surface modes and theL=0 volume mode are presented.

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The response of metal clusters toq- andL-dependent external fields

We have calculated the static polarizability and mean excitation energy of metal clusters submitted toq-andL-dependent external fields ofjL(qr)YL0(Ω) type. Use has been made of an Extended Random-Phase Approximation which includes exchange and correlation effects within a local model, and of the spherical jellium model to describe the neutralizing positive background.

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Multipole response of $^3$He clusters

Ground state properties of normal 3He drops have been studied using either a correlated wave function in conjunction with a realistic potential of Aziz type1) or a mean-field description based on an effective potential 2,3). In general, an overall good agreement between both methods has been found. The second one has the advantage of being rather easily applicable to both static and dynamic calculations, although being less fundamental than the first one. In this work we are concerned with the description of the collective modes of normal 3He drops within the self-consistent Random-Phase Approximation (RPA), in which the same effective interaction is used to generate both the mean-field and…

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Bulk-plasmon dispersion relations in metals

En utilisant une technique de la regle de somme dans l'approximation de la phase aleatoire etendue, on examine la relation de dispersion des plasmons en volume, en introduisant les effets de la correlation et de l'echange dans le modele du jellium. Les resultats obtenus sont compares aux resultats experimentaux. On souligne le role cle que jouent les effets de la correlation et de l'echange dans l'amelioration de l'accord entre la theorie et l'experience. On calcule egalement la polarisabilite statique en fonction de 9. Les formules peuvent etre facilement modifiees pour incorporer les effets de la structure de bandes (a travers une masse effective electronique intrabande) et les effets de …

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A density functional for liquid3He

We present a density functional for the description of liquid3He properties at zero temperature in a mean field approximation. Its basic ingredients are a zero-range, particle- and spin-density dependent effective interaction of Skyrme type, and a long-range effective interaction of Lennard-Jones type supplemented with a weighted density approximation similar to the one used in the study of classical fluids, to phenomenologically account for short range correlations. After fixing the value of its parameters, the functional yields a good description of the equation of state and Landau parameters (spin symmetric and spin antisymmetric as well) from saturation to solidification densities. The …

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