Fernando José Pons Verdú
An Alternative to the Human Hemoglobin Test in the Investigation of Bloodstains Treated with Active Oxygen: The Human Glycophorin A Test
In criminal investigations, there are three stages involved when studying bloodstains: search and orientation, confirmation, and individualization. Confirmatory tests have two aims: to show that the stain contains a human biological fluid and to confirm the type of biological fluid. The need to determine the nature of the evidence is reflected in the latest bibliography, where the possibility of employing mRNA and miRNA markers for this purpose is proposed. While these new proposals are being investigated, the kits for determining human hemoglobin currently provide a simple solution for resolving this issue. With these kits, the possibility of obtaining false positives and false negatives i…
PPAR-alpha L162V and PGC-1 G482S gene polymorphisms, but not PPAR-gamma P12A, are associated with alcohol consumption in a Spanish Mediterranean population.
Abstract Background Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors (PPARs) and its co-activators are regulatory elements of the cellular lipid homeostasis and have been associated with feeding behavior modulation. Animal models suggest that these genes may be involved in alcohol consumption regulation. However, no studies in humans exist. Our aim is to estimate the possible association between polymorphisms in the PPAR-α , PPAR-γ and PPAR-γ co-activator 1A ( PGC-1A ) genes and alcohol consumption in humans. Methods We have conducted a cross-sectional study between the PPAR-α L162V, PPAR-γ P12A and PGC-1A G482S polymorphisms, and alcohol consumption in a general Mediterranean Spanish population…
Influencia de los Estilos de Liderazgo y las Prácticas de Gestión de RRHH sobre el Clima Organizacional de Innovación
Frente a propuestas de valor asociadas a un bajo coste productivo, numerosas naciones y organizaciones buscan convertir a la innovación en la palanca de un nuevo modelo de crecimiento económico. Por su marcado carácter social, este estudio analiza la relación entre el clima organizacional de innovación, los estilos de liderazgo y las prácticas de gestión de RRHH características en la organización. Los modelos de regresión obtenidos explican una varianza cercana al 60% del clima organizacional innovador y señalan a las prácticas dirigidas a estimular la participación de los miembros y el estilo de liderazgo inspiracional como sus principales predictores.
The effectiveness of the RSID confirmatory test kit for human alpha amylase: the effects of environmental factors and substrate materials
The investment in time and money that DNA analyses involves, provides a justification for forensic laboratories to carry out prior tests to ensure the presence of biological fluid in samples. The RSID kit has already been evaluated for forensic use, but its effectiveness on forensic casework samples is almost impossible to predict. Moreover, forensic reports presented before a court of law must justify the methods used to generate their findings. Consequently, trials to know how factors – such as the characteristics of the donor, the substrate and environmental conditions – can affect the kit’s efficacy are essential. This study evaluates some of these factors. For this aim, samples were ma…
Pràctiques de recursos humans, clima laboral i resultats de gestió. Anàlisi del cas "Verdifresh"
La crisi econòmica mundial obliga cada empresa a lliurar una batalla, a vegades amb si mateixa, per incrementar la seua competitivitat. Cada vegada més, les organitzacions són conscients de la necessitat de comptar amb treballadors alineats amb la seua estratègia. Per aconseguir-ho, algunes empreses s'esforcen a humanitzar les relacions laborals i redissenyar les seues pràctiques de gestió de recursos humans (RH). En aquest estudi s'analitza el cas de l'empresa Verdifresh. Les seues pràctiques de RH s'han dissenyat amb l'objectiu de fidelitzar els treballadors i millorar la seua percepció de les condicions laborals. En aquest treball s'analitzen aquest tipus de relacions i es descriuen les …
Death: the ultimate clinical diagnosis
Parte judicial de lesiones: uso y abuso
Sure he's dead? Be wise.
Variables psicológicas y organizacionales relacionadas con la conducta de innovación en las organizaciones
Bloodstains on Leather: Examination of False Negatives in Presumptive Test and Human Hemoglobin Test.
Presumptive tests for blood are very simple and sensitive tests used in the search for evidence. They also provide initial information on the nature of stains. A second test can confirm their nature. However, these tests can present false–negative results for different reasons. Some of those reasons have been studied, while others, those caused by the substrate material that contains the stain, are less well known. This work studies the effect of one component of a leather substrate—quebracho extract—on presumptive and human hemoglobin blood tests. Assays were performed using samples of blood dilutions contaminated with quebracho extract and others formed on a substrate containing the conta…