Cüneyt Akal

Chemo-probe into the mantle origin of the NW Anatolia Eocene to Miocene volcanic rocks: Implications for the role of, crustal accretion, subduction, slab roll-back and slab break-off processes in genesis of post-collisional magmatism

Post-collisional Cenozoic magmatic activity in NW Anatolia produced widespread volcanism across the region. In the Biga Peninsula, in the west, medium-K calc-alkaline to ultra-K rocks with orogenic geochemical signature were emplaced at similar to 43-15 Ma (Biga orogenic volcanic rocks; BOVR). Volcanic activity in the Central Sakarya region, to the east, is mainly restricted to-53-38 Ma, but also continued during the Early Miocene with small basaltic extrusives (Sakarya orogenic volcanic rocks; SOVR). This study presents a new set of geochemical data (whole rock major and trace elements and Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic compositions), obtained from the Cenozoic calc-alkaline volcanic rocks from these t…

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Lamproites as indicators of accretion and/or shallow subduction in the assembly of south-western Anatolia, Turkey

IntroductionThe Western Anatolian region of Tur-key is tectonically one of the mostcomplex parts of the Alpine–Himala-yan orogenic belt (Fig. 1) because ofits long accretional palaeotectonicevolution. One of the major tectonicfeatures shaping the structure ofwestern Anatolia is the Menderesmetamorphic massif, which consistsof several assembled and imbricatedterranes exhumed during the exten-sion that affected the entire Aegeanprovince during the Late Miocene(Yilmaz et al., 2000; Okay, 2002).The Menderes Massif is usually inter-preted as a core complex delineated bylow-angle detachment faults (Bozkurtand Park, 1994; Hetzel et al., 1995;Ring et al., 2003). An alternativeexplanation associates …

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Kinematics and U-Pb zircon ages of the sole metamorphics of the Marmaris Ophiolite, Lycian Nappes, Southwest Turkey

In the eastern Mediterranean, the Lycian Nappes are found in the structurally uppermost position in the Anatolide-Tauride belt related to the closure of the Neotethys. In Western Turkey, the Marmaris Ophiolite with the metamorphic sole occupies the uppermost tectonic position in the Lycian belt. The metamorphic sole is represented by discontinuous tectonic slices composed of amphibolites, phyllites, micashists and quartzo-feldspathic micaschists. Zircons from the micashists and quartzo-feldspathic micaschists display dark cores and rims. The cores yield ages between 229 and 175 Ma, inner rims yield ages between 153 and 143 Ma and the outer rims show a concordia age of 96.7 ± 0.79 Ma. In ter…

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Ultrapotassic Mafic Rocks as Geochemical Proxies for Post-collisional Dynamics of Orogenic Lithospheric Mantle: the Case of Southwestern Anatolia, Turkey

High-Mg ultrapotassic volcanic rock occurrences of lamproitic affinity are exposed in southwestern Anatolia, mostly within the Menderes Massif. From north to south the lamproitic volcanism shows increasingly younger ages ranging from 20 to 4 Ma. Volcanism is contemporaneous with more voluminous shoshonitic, high-K calc-alkaline, and ultrapotassic magmatic activity in the Simav-Selendi, Usak, Kirka, Koroglu, Afyon and Isparta-Golcuk areas. The southward decrease in the age of the volcanism correlates with changes in geochemical composition, particularly a decrease in Sr-87/Sr-86, Pb-207/Pb-204, Zr/Nb and Th/Nb, and an increase in Nd-143/Nd-144, Hf-176/Hf-177, Pb-206/Pb-204, Pb-208/Pb-204 and…

research product

Miocene NNE-directed extensional unroofing in the Menderes Massif, southwestern Turkey

Structural investigations in the central part of the Menderes Massif (Odemis-Kiraz submassif) reveal the presence of a large-scale, low-angle extensional shear zone with a top-to-the-N-NE shear sense. Regional ductile deformation was accompanied by the intrusion of two syntectonic granodiorites that have been dated with the Ar-40/Ar-39 method. One hornblende isochron age of 19.5 +/- 1.4 Ma and two biotite plateau ages of 13.1 +/- 0.2 and 12.2 +/- 0.4 Ma, respectively, constrain that extension was already active in the early Miocene. Successive tectonic denudation of the Odemis-Kiraz submassif resulted in the formation of a N-dipping detachment fault, in which ductile fabrics were severely r…

research product

Orogenic vs anorogenic lamproites in a single volcanicprovince: Mediterranean-type lamproites from Turkey

Lamproites are mantle-derived ultrapotassic volcanic rocks, derived from phlogopite-bearing harzburgitic source. The origin of the metasomatism which enriched their mantle source is either an old event with a metasomatic component derived from the convecting mantle, or is a more recent introduction of an already aged metasomatic component. Together with different trace element signatures, this view serves for a general distinction between anorogenic and orogenic lamproites worldwide. In Turkey, lamproitic volcanism resulted from interplay of subduction/collisional and postcollisional/extensional regime since Miocene until Pliocene, in the Western Anatolia-Aegean and Kirka-Afyon-Isparta regi…

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U-Pb Zircon Geochronology Of The Paleogene - Neogene Volcanism In The Nw Anatolia: Its Implications For The Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic Geodynamic Evolution Of The Aegean

The northern Aegean region was shaped by subduction, obduction, collision, and post-collisional extension processes. Two areas in this region, the Rhodope-Thrace-Biga Peninsula to the west and Armutlu-Almacik- Nallihan (the Central Sakarya) to the east, are characterized by extensive Eocene to Miocene post-collisional magmatic associations. We suggest that comparison of the Cenozoic magmatic events of these two regions may provide insights into the Late Mesozoic to Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the Aegean. With this aim, we present an improved Cenozoic stratigraphy of the Biga Peninsula derived from a new comprehensive set of U-Pb zircon age data obtained from the Eocene to Miocene volcani…

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Geochemistry and origin of ultramafic enclaves and their basanitic host rock from Kula Volcano, Turkey

Abstract The Quaternary Kula Volcanic Province is located in western Anatolia, Turkey. This Na-alkaline anorogenic volcanism includes exposures of around 80 cinder cones, lava flows, and tuffs, representing one of the youngest volcanic activities in this region (1.9–0.026 Ma). The magmatism is related to an extensional regime and is interpreted as being derived predominantly from the asthenospheric mantle. The lava flows are mostly of a basanitic composition and host rare comagmatic enclaves. The enclaves are composed of two dominant lithologies: amphibolites and clinopyroxenites with and without olivine. Amphibole is usually resorbed and replaced by a rhoenite-rich breakdown corona. The mi…

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Carboniferous granites on the northern margin of Gondwana, Anatolide-Tauride Block, Turkey - Evidence for southward subduction of Paleotethys

Carboniferous metagranites with U-Pb zircon crystallization ages of 331-315 Ma crop out in the Afyon zone in the northern margin of the Anatolide-Tauride Block, which is commonly regarded as part of Gondwana during the Late Palaeozoic. They are peraluminous, calc-alkaline and are characterized by increase in Rb and Ba, decrease in Nb-Ta, and enrichment in Sr and high LILE/HFSE ratios compatible with a continental arc setting. The metagranites intrude a metasedimentary sequence of phyllite, metaquartzite and marble; both the Carboniferous metagranites and metasedimentary rocks are overlain unconformably by Lower Triassic metaconglomerates, metavolcanics and Upper Triassic to Cretaceous recry…

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