G. Niquet

Isothermal relaxation of discommensurations in K2ZnCl4

At the incommensurate-ferroelectric transition temperature T c of K 2 ZnCl 4 , the dielectric susceptibility contains an anomalous contribution both above and below T c . Previous quasi-static dielectric measurements and hysteresis loops demonstrated that this anomalous part arises from the peculiar dynamics of discommensurations. We have used isothermal dielectric measurements to get some insight into the long time dynamics of these discommensurations. We have found that the characteristic relaxation times τ are of the order of 10 4 s in the incommensurate and in the ferroelectric phase. Even more unusual is a non-monotonous relaxation which is observed in a restricted temperature range ab…

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Dynamics of sorbitol and maltitol over a wide time-temperature range

The relaxation behaviour of two molecular glass-forming systems, namely sorbitol and maltitol, are investigated in the large temperature range relevant to the glass-transition. These data are obtained by combining three techniques, i.e. low-frequency mechanical spectroscopy, medium and high frequency dielectric spectroscopy, and viscosity measurements. This procedure allows to determine the relaxation map of these polyols on a wide time range [10-9-107 s]. Two different relaxation processes can be observed. The principal α-relaxation process exhibits a complex behaviour, comprising a non-Arrhenius temperature dependence above T g (supercooled liquid state), and an Arrhenius behaviour below …

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Characterization By Electroreflectance Of Thin Films And Thin Film Interfaces In Layered Structures.

This paper reports investigations of ZnS quasi-amorphous films by electroreflectance (ER). The films were produced by thermal evaporation and their structure determined by electron diffraction. A voltage Vo cos cut was applied through the film with two evaporated Al electrodes. A lock-in amplifier gave 2 signals, Sf at f=ω/2π frequency and S2f at 2f frequency. The S2f spectrum, characteristic of the centrosymmetric bulk component of the film, reveals tails of localized states typical of amorphous semi-conductors. The Sf spectrum, characteristic of the interface layers with broken centro-symmetry, reveals tails of impurity levels which we attributed to diffusion of the electrode metal into t…

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