Body image during sexual activity in the population of Polish adult women
Introduction. Recently it has been shown that body image during sexual activities is a better predictor of the diversity of sexual experience than body image as a psychological trait. To measure contextual body image (as a state) the Body Exposure During Sexual Activity Questionnaire (BESAQ) was developed. Material and methods. 845 women aged 18-55 years were included in the study. The original model was first translated into Polish and consulted to create the version to be further validated. The original model was tested using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The population was divided in two equal groups – group 1 was used for exploratory factor analysis. Discriminant and convergent va…
Sexual Inhibition and Sexual Excitation Scales in Men: Psychometric Properties of a Polish Adaptation.
AbstractThe present study aimed to develop a Polish version of the Sexual Inhibition/Sexual Excitation Scale (SIS/SES-PL) and explore its psychometric validity in a sample of 498 men aged between 18 and 55 years. We used exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses to obtain the best model fit. Out of the 45 items in the original scale, 32 items with eight subscales and three higher-order factors: (sexual excitation [SES], sexual inhibition due to performance failure [SIS1], and sexual inhibition due to performance consequences [SIS2]) were included in the SIS/SES-PL. The SIS/SES-PL was found to have a good and satisfactory fit (comparative fit index = .87; Tucker–Lewis Index = .85; root me…
Sexual self-schema: a cognitive schema and its relationship to choice of contraceptive method among Polish women
Objectives: The aim of the study was to examine sexual self-schema in women using different methods of contraception. Methods: Women (N = 560) aged 18–55 years were divided into two groups: those who used hormonal contraception (n = 285) and those who used non-hormonal contraception (n = 275). Participants were assessed using the Sexual Self-Schema Scale (SSSS), the Well-Matched Marriage Questionnaire and the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and were also asked to fill in a structured questionnaire, giving information on their socioeconomic status, reproductive and medical history, sexual behaviours, psychosexual orientation, sexual experience and type of contraception used. Results: W…