Bradley C. Nindl

Perspectives on Aerobic and Strength Influences on Military Physical Readiness: Report of an International Military Physiology Roundtable

Physical fitness training of military recruits is an enduring focus of armies. This is important for safe and effective performance of general tasks that anyone may have to perform in a military setting as well as preparation for more specialized training in specific job specialties. Decades of studies on occupationally specific physical requirements have characterized the dual aerobic and strength demands of typical military tasks; however, scientifically founded strategies to prepare recruits with a good mix of these 2 physiologically opposing capabilities have not been well established. High levels of aerobic training can compromise resistance training gains and increase injury rates. Re…

research product

Circulating IGF-I is associated with fitness and health outcomes in a population of 846 young healthy men

Abstract Context Insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) is thought to mediate many of the beneficial outcomes of physical activity. While IGF-I has previously been shown to be positively related with aerobic fitness, few studies have examined IGF-I relationships with other fitness and health parameters. The robustness of IGF-I as a biomarker of fitness and health has yet to be fully determined. Objective To determine the association of circulating IGF-I with fitness, body composition and health parameters in young, healthy men. Design and subjects A cross-section of 846 young, healthy Finnish men (25 ± 5 yr, 180 ± 6 cm, 81 ± 13 kg). Subjects were divided into quintiles of IGF-I concentrations…

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The effect of heavy resistance exercise on the circadian rhythm of salivary testosterone in men.

Circadian rhythms of serum testosterone concentrations in men have been shown, in general, to be highest in the morning and lowest in the evening. Thus, the purpose of this investigation was to determine the effects of acute resistance exercise upon the waking circadian rhythm of salivary testosterone over 2 days (with or without resistance exercise). The subjects included ten resistance-trained men (with at least 1 year of lifting experience) with the following characteristics [mean (SD)]: age 21.6 (1.1) years; height 177.8 (9.5) cm; body mass 80.5 (11.5) kg; percent body fat 7.9 (1.7)%. A matched, randomized, crossover study design was used such that each subject was tested under both the…

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Acute hormonal responses to heavy resistance exercise in younger and older men

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the acute responses of several hormones [total and free testosterone (TT and FT, respectively), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), cortisol (C), growth hormone (GH), and insulin (INS)] to a single bout of heavy resistance exercise (HRE). Eight younger [30-year (30y) group] and nine older [62-year (62y) group] men matched for general physical characteristics and activity levels performed four sets of ten repetitions maximum (RM) squats with 90 s rest between sets. Blood samples were obtained from each subject via an indwelling cannula with a saline lock pre-exercise, immediately post-exercise (IP), and 5, 15 and 30 min post-exercise. Levels o…

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Elevated endogenous testosterone concentrations potentiate muscle androgen receptor responses to resistance exercise.

The purpose of this study was to determine the influence of endogenous circulating testosterone (T) on muscle androgen receptor (AR) responses to acute resistance exercise (RE). Six healthy men (26+/-4 years; 176+/-5 cm; 75.8+/-11.4 kg) performed a knee extension exercise protocol on two occasions separated by 1-3 weeks. Rest preceded one trial (i.e., control [CON] trial) and a high-volume upper-body RE protocol designed to increase circulating T preceded the other trial (i.e., high T [HT] trial). Serial blood samples were obtained throughout each trial to determine circulating T concentrations. Biopsies of the vastus lateralis were obtained pre-RE (REST), 10-min post-RE (+10), and 180-min …

research product

PGC-1 isoforms and their target genes are expressed differently in human skeletal muscle following resistance and endurance exercise

The primary aim of the present study was to investigate the acute gene expression responses of PGC-1 isoforms and PGC-1a target genes related to mitochondrial biogenesis (cytochrome C), angiogenesis (VEGF-A), and muscle hypertrophy (myostatin), after a resistance or endurance exercise bout. In addition, the study aimed to elucidate whether the expression changes of studied transcripts were linked to phosphorylation of AMPK and MAPK p38. Nineteen physically active men were divided into resistance exercise (RE, n = 11) and endurance exercise (EE, n = 8) groups. RE group performed leg press exercise (10 9 10 RM, 50 min) and EE walked on a treadmill (~80% HRmax, 50 min). Muscle biopsies were ob…

research product

Changes in muscle morphology, electromyographic activity, and force production characteristics during progressive strength training in young and older men.

Effects of a 10-week progressive strength training program composed of a mixture of exercises for increasing muscle mass, maximal peak force, and explosive strength (rapid force production) were examined in 8 young (YM) (29+/-5 yrs) and 10 old (OM) (61+/-4 yrs) men. Electromyographic activity, maximal bilateral isometric peak force, and maximal rate of force development (RFD) of the knee extensors, muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) of the quadriceps femoris (QF), muscle fiber proportion, and fiber areas of types I, IIa, IIb, and IIab of the vastus lateralis were evaluated. Maximal and explosive strength values remained unaltered in both groups during a 3-week control period with no training…

research product

Hormonal Responses of Multiset Versus Single-Set Heavy-Resistance Exercise Protocols

The purpose of this study was to compare serum growth hormone (GH), testosterone (T), cortisol (C) and whole blood lactate (L) responses to single set (1S) versus multiple set (3S) heavy-resistance exercise protocols. Eight recreationally weight-trained men completed two identical resistance exercise workouts (1S vs. 3S). Blood was obtained prexcerise (PRE), immediately postexercise (0P), and 5 min (5P), 15 min (15P), 30 min and 60 min (60P) postexercise and was analyzed for GH, T, C, and L levels. For 1S and 3S, GH, L, and T significantly increased from PRE to 0P and remained significantly elevated to 60P, except for 1S. For GH, T, and L, 3S showed significantly greater increases compared…

research product

Effects of heavy-resistance training on hormonal response patterns in younger vs. older men.

To examine the adaptations of the endocrine system to heavy-resistance training in younger vs. older men, two groups of men (30 and 62 yr old) participated in a 10-wk periodized strength-power training program. Blood was obtained before, immediately after, and 5, 15, and 30 min after exercise at rest before and after training and at rest at −3, 0, 6, and 10 wk for analysis of total testosterone, free testosterone, cortisol, growth hormone, lactate, and ACTH analysis. Resting values for insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I and IGF-binding protein-3 were determined before and after training. A heavy-resistance exercise test was used to evaluate the exercise-induced responses (4 sets of 10-repe…

research product

Physical Fitness Profiles of Young Men

Obesity in youth has increased during the last 10 years in Western countries. Several studies have investigated physical activity and its effects on obesity and health, showing that regular physical activity combined with improved physical fitness reduces the risk of obesity and several metabolic problems (e.g. diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome, heart disease) and also improves overall health. However, there is only limited scientific information available concerning the changes in the physical fitness profiles of youth. It is obvious that only slight changes observed in endurance-type physical activity can also be observed in aerobic capacity. Today and in the future, a major public he…

research product

Microdialysis-Assessed Exercised Muscle Reveals Localized and Differential IGFBP Responses to Unilateral Stretch Shortening Cycle Exercise

Microdialysis allows for a preview into local muscle metabolism and can provide physiological insight that blood measurements cannot. Purpose: To examine the potential differential IGF-I system regulation in interstitial fluid during unilateral stretch shortening cycle exercise. Methods: 10 men (26 ± 7 year) performed unilateral jumping [stretch shortening cycle (SSC) exercise at 50% of optimal jump height] until volitional fatigue on a sled apparatus. Biological sampling took place using a catheter inserted into an antecubital vein (serum), and 100 kDa microdialysis probes inserted into the thigh muscle of each exercise/control leg (dialysate). Serum was drawn before (Pre; −3 h) and after …

research product

Basal Endogenous Steroid Hormones, Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin, Physical Fitness, and Health Risk Factors in Young Adult Men.

Purpose: Few large-scale population-based studies have adequately examined the relationships between steroid hormones, health status and physical fitness. The purpose of the study was to describe the relationship of serum basal endogenous steroid hormones (testosterone, TES; empirical free testosterone, EFT; cortisol, COR) and sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) to body composition, cardiovascular risk factors, and physical fitness in young healthy men. Methods: Male reservists (25 ± 4 years, N = 846) participated in the study. Basal TES, EFT, COR, and SHBG were measured in morning fasted blood. Stepwise regression analyses were used to examine associations between individual hormones to fo…

research product

Active recovery shows favorable IGF-I and IGF binding protein responses following heavy resistance exercise compared to passive recovery

IGF-I and IGFBPs have important physiological modulatory effects and this study sought to examine the influence of active vs. passive recovery following a heavy resistance exercise on IGF-I and IGF binding protein (IGFBP) recovery responses. It was hypothesized that increased IGF-I and decreased inhibitory IGFBPs during active recovery may be reflective of cascades promoting physiological recovery. 18 untrained men ((AR n = 7, PR n = 11), age: 26 ± 4 years, height: 174 ± 8 cm, body mass: 75 ± 13 kg) performed either a protocol-specific 10 × 10 × 30% 1RM active (AR) or passive recovery (PR) session following a heavy resistance exercise session performed on a leg press device (10 × 10 1RM). M…

research product

Hormonal stress responses of growth hormone and insulin-like growth factor-I in highly resistance trained women and men

Abstract The purpose of this study was to examine the responses of growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF I) to intense heavy resistance exercise in highly trained men and women to determine what sex-dependent responses may exist. Subjects were highly resistance trained men (N = 8, Mean ± SD; age, yrs., 21 ± 1, height, cm, 175.3 ± 6.7, body mass, kg, 87.0 ± 18.5, % body fat, 15.2 ± 5.4, squat X body mass, 2.1 ± 0.4; and women (N = 7; Mean ± SD, age, yrs. 24 ± 5, height, cm 164.6 ± 6.7, body mass, kg 76.4 ± 8.8, % body fat, 26.9 ± 5.3, squat X body mass, 1.7 ± 0.6). An acute resistance exercise test protocol (ARET) consisted of 6 sets of 10 repetitions at 80% of the 1 RM w…

research product

Effect of alkalosis on plasma epinephrine responses to high intensity cycle exercise in humans

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of alkalosis on epinephrine concentrations in response to a 90 s maximal exercise test. A group of ten healthy men ingested either a bicarbonate (BS) supplement (0.3 g x kg(-1) of body mass of sodium bicarbonate) or placebo mixture (P) prior to performing a 90 s maximal cycle ergometer test. An indwelling Teflon cannula was placed in the antecubital vein and blood samples were drawn at three times at rest separated by 10 min, immediately following the protocol, and at 2.5, 5, and 10 min post exercise to determine plasma epinephrine concentrations. Sodium bicarbonate ingestion significantly ( P0.05) induced alkalosis both at rest [mean (…

research product

The effects of short-term resistance training on endocrine function in men and women.

This investigation examined hormonal adaptations to acute resistance exercise and determined whether training adaptations are observed within an 8-week period in untrained men and women. The protocol consisted of a 1-week pre-conditioning orientation phase followed by 8 weeks of heavy resistance training. Three lower-limb exercises for the quadriceps femoris muscle group (squat, leg press, knee extension) were performed twice a week (Monday and Friday) with every other Wednesday used for maximal dynamic 1 RM strength testing. Blood samples were obtained pre-exercise (Pre-Ex), immediately post-exercise (IP), and 5 min post-exercise (5-P) during the first week of training (T-1), after 6 weeks…

research product

Human skeletal muscle type 1 fibre distribution and response of stress-sensing proteins along the titin molecule after submaximal exhaustive exercise.

Early responses of stress-sensing proteins, muscle LIM protein (MLP), ankyrin repeat proteins (Ankrd1/CARP and Ankrd2/Arpp) and muscle-specific RING finger proteins (MuRF1 and MuRF2), along the titin molecule were investigated in the present experiment after submaximal exhaustive exercise. Ten healthy men performed continuous drop jumping unilaterally on a sledge apparatus with a submaximal height until complete exhaustion. Five stress-sensing proteins were analysed by mRNA measurements from biopsies obtained immediately and 3 h after the exercise from exercised vastus lateralis muscle while control biopsies were obtained from non-exercised legs before the exercise. Decreased maximal jump h…

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