Juan A. Galarza
Investigating the origin of parthenogenesis and ploidy level in Dahlica fennicella (Lepidoptera: Psychidae)
The theories for the predominance of sexual reproduction predict that parthenogens should have no long-term evolutionary potential due to the lack of genetic recombination, despite short term advantages. Although parthenogenesis is rare among high order animals, true parthenogens can be found in various taxa. The intriguing question of the proliferation and persistence of parthenogenetic species needs investigation. An ideal species for such research is a parthenogenetic mont Dahlica fennicella that appears to be as equally successful as other coexisting sexual species. We investigated whether high ploidy level of D. fennnicella is due to hybridization between closely related sexual species…
Environmentally triggered evolutionary cascade across trophic levels in an experimental phage-bacteria-insect system
Abstract Environmental changes can cause strong cascading effects in species communities due to altered biological interactions between species (Zarnetske et al., 2012). Highly specialized interactions arising from the co-evolution of hosts and parasites, such as bacteria and phages, and short generation times of these species could rapidly lead to considerable evolutionary changes in their biotic interactions (Kerr, 2012; Buck and Ripple, 2017), with potential large-scale ramifications to other trophic levels. Here we report experimental evidence of cascading environmental effects across trophic levels in an experimental system where phage-bacteria coevolution in an abiotically altered env…
Host’s genetic background determines the outcome of reciprocal faecal transplantation on life-history traits and microbiome composition
Abstract Background Microbes play a role in their host's fundamental ecological, chemical, and physiological processes. Host life-history traits from defence to growth are therefore determined not only by the abiotic environment and genotype but also by microbiota composition. However, the relative importance and interactive effects of these factors may vary between organisms. Such connections remain particularly elusive in Lepidoptera, which have been argued to lack a permanent microbiome and have microbiota primarily determined by their diet and environment. We tested the microbiome specificity and its influence on life-history traits of two colour genotypes of the wood tiger moth (Arctia…
Temporal relationship between genetic and warning signal variation in the aposematic wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis).
Many plants and animals advertise unpalatability through warning signals in the form of colour and shape. Variation in warning signals within local populations is not expected because they are subject to directional selection. However, mounting evidence of warning signal variation within local populations suggests that other selective forces may be acting. Moreover, different selective pressures may act on the individual components of a warning signal. At present, we have a limited understanding about how multiple selection processes operate simultaneously on warning signal components, and even less about their temporal and spatial dynamics. Here, we examined temporal variation of several w…
Biogeography of the smooth snake (Coronella austriaca): origin and conservation of the northernmost population
Understanding historical range expansions and population demography can be crucial for the conservation and management of endangered species. In doing so, valuable information can be obtained regarding, for example, the identification of isolated populations, associations to particular habitats and distribution range shifts. As poikilotherms, snakes are vulnerable to environmental changes that can greatly shape their distribution ranges. Here we used mitochondrial data to elucidate the origin of the smooth snake population in Aland island, which is the northernmost location where the species is found. In Aland, we used mitochondrial and microsatellite data to fine-map its spatial genetic st…
Intraspecific competition affects population size and resource allocation in an ant dispersing by colony fission
Intraspecific competition is a pervasive phenomenon with important ecological and evolutionary consequences, yet its effect in natural populations remains controversial. Although numerous studies suggest that in many cases populations across all organisms are limited by density-dependent processes, this conclusion often relies on correlative data. Here, using an experimental approach, we examined the effect of intraspecific competition on population regulation of the ant Aphaenogaster senilis. In this species females are philopatric while males disperse by flying over relatively long distances. All colonies were removed from 15 experimental plots, except for one focal colony in each plot, w…
Evaluating responses to temperature during pre-metamorphosis and carry-over effects at post-metamorphosis in the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis)
Insect metamorphosis is one of the most recognized processes delimiting transitions between phenotypes. It has been traditionally postulated as an adaptive process decoupling traits between life stages, allowing evolutionary independence of pre- and post-metamorphic phenotypes. However, the degree of autonomy between these life stages varies depending on the species and has not been studied in detail over multiple traits simultaneously. Here, we reared full-sib larvae of the warningly coloured wood tiger moth ( Arctia plantaginis ) in different temperatures and examined their responses for phenotypic (melanization change, number of moults), gene expression (RNA-seq and qPCR of candidate ge…
The complete mitochondrial genome of the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) and phylogenetic analyses within Arctiinae
We report the assembly and annotation of the complete mitochondrial genome of the warningly-coloured wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) and investigate its phylogenetic position within Arctiinae. The A.plantaginis mitogenome is 15,479 bp long with 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNAs, 2 ribosomal RNA genes, and an A + T-rich region (D-loop). The phylogenetic analyses based on 13 protein-coding genes showed A.plantaginis clustering within a clade of species with white wings and yellow or red bodies. This result can be useful in understanding the evolution of coloration in Arctiid moths. Peer reviewed
Maintenance of genetic diversity in cyclic populations-a longitudinal analysis inMyodes glareolus
Conspicuous cyclic changes in population density characterize many populations of small northern rodents. The extreme crashes in individual number are expected to reduce the amount of genetic variation within a population during the crash phases of the population cycle. By long-term monitoring of a bank vole (Myodes glareolus) population, we show that despite the substantial and repetitive crashes in the population size, high heterozygosity is maintained throughout the population cycle. The striking population density fluctuation in fact only slightly reduced the allelic richness of the population during the crash phases. Effective population sizes of vole populations remained also relative…
Comparative transcriptomics of albino and warningly coloured caterpillars
AbstractColouration is perhaps one of the most prominent adaptations for survival and reproduction of most taxa. Colouration is of particular importance for aposematic species, which rely on their colouring and patterning to act as a warning signal against predators. Most research has focused on the evolution of warning colouration by natural selection. However, little information is available for colour mutants of aposematic species, particularly at the genomic level. Here I compare the transcriptomes of albino mutant caterpillars of the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) to those of their full-sibs having their distinctive orange-black warning colouration. The results showed >300 dif…
Supplementary Figures from Evaluating responses to temperature during pre-metamorphosis and carry-over effects at post-metamorphosis in the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis)
Figures visualising statistical results
Intensive Management and Natural Genetic Variation in Red Deer (Cervus elaphus)
The current magnitude of big-game hunting has outpaced the natural growth of populations, making artificial breeding necessary to rapidly boost hunted populations. In this study, we evaluated if the rapid increase of red deer (Cervus elaphus) abundance, caused by the growing popularity of big-game hunting, has impacted the natural genetic diversity of the species. We compared several genetic diversity metrics between 37 fenced populations subject to intensive management and 21 wild free-ranging populations. We also included a historically protected population from a national park as a baseline for comparisons. Contrary to expectations, our results showed no significant differences in geneti…
The effect of a temperature-sensitive prophage on the evolution of virulence in an opportunistic bacterial pathogen
AbstractViruses are key actors of ecosystems and have major impacts on global biogeochemical cycles. Prophages deserve particular attention as they are ubiquitous in bacterial genomes and can enter a lytic cycle when triggered by environmental conditions. We explored how temperature affects the interactions between prophages and other biological levels by using an opportunistic pathogen, the bacterium Serratia marcescens, that harbours several prophages and that had undergone an evolution experiment under several temperature regimes. We found that the release of one of the prophages was temperature-sensitive and malleable to evolutionary changes. We further discovered that the virulence of …
Correction to: A haplotype-resolved, de novo genome assembly for the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) through trio binning
De novo transcriptome assembly and its annotation for the aposematic wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis)
In this paper we report the public availability of transcriptome resources for the aposematic wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis). A comprehensive assembly methods, quality statistics, and annotation are provided. This reference transcriptome may serve as a useful resource for investigating functional gene activity in aposematic Lepidopteran species. All data is freely available at the European Nucleotide Archive (http://www.ebi.ac.uk/ena) under study accession number: PRJEB14172. Peer reviewed
Antibiotics accelerate growth at the expense of immunity
Antibiotics have long been used in the raising of animals for agricultural, industrial or laboratory use. The use of subtherapeutic doses in diets of terrestrial and aquatic animals to promote growth is common and highly debated. Despite their vast application in animal husbandry, knowledge about the mechanisms behind growth promotion is minimal, particularly at the molecular level. Evidence from evolutionary research shows that immunocompetence is resource-limited, and hence expected to trade off with other resource-demanding processes, such as growth. Here, we ask if accelerated growth caused by antibiotics can be explained by genome-wide trade-offs between growth and costly immunocompete…
The effect of a temperature-sensitive prophage on the evolution of virulence in an opportunistic bacterial pathogen.
https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.16638 Abstract Viruses are key actors of ecosystems and have major impacts on global biogeochemical cycles. Prophages deserve particular attention as they are ubiquitous in bacterial genomes and can enter a lytic cycle when triggered by environmental conditions. We explored how temperature affects the interactions between prophages and other biological levels by using an opportunistic pathogen, the bacterium Serratia marcescens, that harbours several prophages and that had undergone an evolution experiment under several temperature regimes. We found that the release of one of the prophages was temperature-sensitive and malleable to evolutionary changes. We furthe…
Genetic colour variation visible for predators and conspecifics is concealed from humans in a polymorphic moth
The definition of colour polymorphism is intuitive: genetic variants express discretely coloured phenotypes. This classification is, however, elusive as humans form subjective categories or ignore differences that cannot be seen by human eyes. We demonstrate an example of a 'cryptic morph' in a polymorphic wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis), a phenomenon that may be common among well-studied species. We used pedigree data from nearly 20,000 individuals to infer the inheritance of hindwing colouration. The evidence supports a single Mendelian locus with two alleles in males: WW and Wy produce the white and yy the yellow hindwing colour. The inheritance could not be resolved in females as t…
Comparative transcriptomics of albino and warningly‐coloured caterpillars
Abstract Coloration is perhaps one of the most prominent adaptations for survival and reproduction of many taxa. Coloration is of particular importance for aposematic species, which rely on their coloring and patterning acting as a warning signal to deter predators. Most research has focused on the evolution of warning coloration by natural selection. However, little information is available for color mutants of aposematic species, particularly at the genomic level. Here, I compare the transcriptomes of albino mutant caterpillars of the aposematic wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) to those of their full sibs having their distinctive orange‐black warning coloration. The results showed >29…
Origin and distribution of desert ants across the Gibraltar Straits
The creation of geographic barriers has long been suspected to contribute to the formation of new species. We investigated the phylogeography of desert ants in the western Mediterranean basin in order to elucidate their mode of diversification. These insects which have a low dispersal capacity are recently becoming important model systems in evolutionary studies. We conducted an extensive sampling of species belonging to the Cataglyphis albicans group in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) and the northern Morocco (North Africa; NA). We then combined genetic, chemical and morphological analyses. The results suggest the existence of at least three and five clades in the IP and NA, respectively, whose…
A haplotype-resolved, de novo genome assembly for the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) through trio binning
ABSTRACT Background Diploid genome assembly is typically impeded by heterozygosity because it introduces errors when haplotypes are collapsed into a consensus sequence. Trio binning offers an innovative solution that exploits heterozygosity for assembly. Short, parental reads are used to assign parental origin to long reads from their F1 offspring before assembly, enabling complete haplotype resolution. Trio binning could therefore provide an effective strategy for assembling highly heterozygous genomes, which are traditionally problematic, such as insect genomes. This includes the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis), which is an evolutionary study system for warning colour polymorphism. F…
Global phylogeography and geographical variation in warning coloration of the wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis)
Aim To investigate the phylogeography of the aposematic wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis) across its Holarctic distribution and to explore how its genetic structure relates to geographical differences in hindwing warning coloration of males and females. Males have polymorphic hindwing coloration, while female hindwing coloration varies continuously, but no geographical analyses of coloration or genetic structure exist. Location The Holarctic. Methods We sequenced a fragment of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I gene (COI) from 587 specimens. We also examined more current population structure by genotyping 569 specimens at 10 nuclear microsatellite loci. Species distribut…
Recent speciation and secondary contact in endemic ants
Gene flow is the main force opposing divergent selection, and its effects are greater in populations in close proximity. Thus, complete reproductive isolation between parapatric populations is not expected, particularly in the absence of ecological adaptation and sharp environmental differences. Here, we explore the biogeographical patterns of an endemic ant species, Cataglyphis floricola, for which two colour morphs (black and bicolour) coexist in parapatry throughout continuous sandy habitat in southern Spain. Discriminant analyses of six biometric measurements of male genitalia and 27 cuticular hydrocarbons reveal high differentiation between morphs. Furthermore, the low number of shared…
Supplementary Figures from Antibiotics accelerate growth at the expense of immunity
Antibiotics have long been used in the raising of animals for agricultural, industrial or laboratory use. The use of subtherapeutic doses in diets of terrestrial and aquatic animals to promote growth is common and highly debated. Despite their vast application in animal husbandry, knowledge about the mechanisms behind growth promotion is minimal, particularly at the molecular level. Evidence from evolutionary research shows that immunocompetence is resource-limited, and hence expected to tradeoff with other resource-demanding processes, such as growth. Here, we ask if accelerated growth caused by antibiotics can be explained by genome-wide trade-offs between growth and costly immunocompeten…
Data from: De novo synthesis of chemical defences in an aposematic moth
Many animals protect themselves from predation with chemicals, both self-made or sequestered from their diet. The potential drivers of the diversity of these chemicals have been long studied, but our knowledge them, and their acquisition mode, is heavily based on specialist herbivores that sequester their defences. The wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis, Linnaeus, 1758) is a well-studied aposematic species, but the nature of its chemical defences has not been fully described. Here we report the presence of two methoxypyrazines, 2-sec-butyl-3-methoxypyrazine and 2-isobutyl-3-methoxypyrazine, in the moths’ defensive secretions. By raising larvae on an artificial diet, we confirm, for the fir…
Data from: Temporal relationship between genetic and warning signal variation in the aposematic wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis)
Many plants and animals advertise unpalatability through warning signals in the form of colour and shape. Variation in warning signals within local populations is not expected because they are subject to directional selection. However, mounting evidence of warning signal variation within local populations suggests that other selective forces may be acting. Moreover, different selective pressures may act on the individual components of a warning signal. At present, we have a limited understanding about how multiple selection processes operate simultaneously on warning signal components, and even less about their temporal and spatial dynamics. Here, we examined temporal variation of several w…
Data from: Recent speciation and secondary contact in endemic ants
Gene flow is the main force opposing divergent selection, and its effects are greater in populations in close proximity. Thus, complete reproductive isolation between parapatric populations is not expected, particularly in the absence of ecological adaptation and sharp environmental differences. Here, we explore the biogeographical patterns of an endemic ant species, Cataglyphis floricola, for which two colour morphs (black and bicolour) coexist in parapatry throughout continuous sandy habitat in southern Spain. Discriminant analyses of six biometric measurements of male genitalia and 27 cuticular hydrocarbons reveal high differentiation between morphs. Furthermore, the low number of shared…
Supplementary tables from Evaluating responses to temperature during pre-metamorphosis and carry-over effects at post-metamorphosis in the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis)
Details of statistical analyses
Supplementary tables from Antibiotics accelerate growth at the expense of immunity
This file contains the enrichment, annotation, a list of pathogenic bacteria, the primer sequences, and life-history data