Jouni Huotari


Versatile tool for competence management - an e-portfolio management system for higher education in applied sciences

In the line of outcome based education and transferability of credits, we study a Higher Education case and propose an e-Portfolio solution as a versatile tool for assessment tasks. The solution tackles the problems firstly, of accreditation of prior achievements from both institutional and experiential learning. Secondly, the developed tool carries the process of learning outcome definitions management (derived from the real employment world), and the learner self-assessment and self-reflection as well as the guidance and support for these. The e-Portfolio management system, ePofo, supports the identification, assessment, recognition and accreditation of prior learning achievements and lea…

research product

Towards Advanced Visualisation Techniques in Case

The complexity of information systems has resulted in more sophisticated CASE tools which integrate multifaceted design information using metamodeling and hypertext technologies. A designer can use this vast amount of tightly coupled information efficiently only if it is presented based on his needs and cognitive capabilities. In this paper we discuss how representations in CASE can be improved using advanced visualisation techniques.

research product

Improving graphical information system model use with elision and connecting lines

Graphical information system (IS) models are used to specify and design IS from several perspectives. Due to the growing size and complexity of modern information systems, critical design information is often distributed via multiple diagrams. This slows search performance and results in reading errors that later cause omissions and inconsistencies in the final designs. We study the impact of large screens and the two promising visual integration techniques of elision and connecting lines that can decrease the designers' cognitive efforts to read diagrams. We conduct a laboratory experiment using 84 computer science students to investigate the impact of these techniques on the accuracy of t…

research product

Integrating graphical information system models with visualization techniques

Elektronisessa muodossa olevan tiedon määrä kasvaa jatkuvasti. On yhä vaikeampaa ymmärtää yksittäisen tiedon suhdetta kokonaisuuteen ja muihin tietoihin. Sama ongelma esiintyy myös tietojärjestelmäkuvauksissa. Tietojärjestelmäkuvauksia tarvitaan kommunikoinnin helpottamiseksi ja monimutkaisuuden vähentämiseksi. Kuvaukset ilmentävät tulevan tai nykyjärjestelmän rakennetta ja käyttäytymistä eri tasoilla. Tasoja voidaan tarkastella muun muassa yleisestä yksityiskohtiin tai vaihejaon mukaan analyysistä suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen. Huotari selvitti väitöstutkimuksessaan voidaanko visualisointitekniikoilla auttaa tietojärjestelmäkuvauksia arvioivia henkilöitä löytämään kuvauksista virheitä, puu…

research product