Kieran Kingston
Predicting Coaches' Adherence/Dropout: A Prospective Study
The objective of this study was to examine motivational variables based on self-determination theory (SDT) and positive psychology as predictors of coaches' adherence and dropout. A prospective study was performed using a sample of 286 coaches who were tracked over a two-year period. Initially coaches' motivation and psychological need satisfaction were measured; two years later they were contacted and asked if they were still coaching in their original sport. Those who did not were considered as drop-outs for the current study. Logistic binary regression analyses were performed to analyse predictors of persistence and dropout. Need Satisfaction Index (NSI), perceived competence and percei…
Prospective study of sport dropout: A motivational analysis as a function of age and gender
Abstract Introduction: This paper aimed to analyse the predictive ability of a self-determination theory (SDT) based model describing competitive sport dropout, and variance as a function of age and gender. Variables included in the model were: psychological need satisfaction, self-determined motivation, perceived conflict between sport and study, intention to practise sport, and dropout. Methods: A prospective study was performed over a period of 19 months. Variables considered as predictors of sport dropout were measured initially, and after 19 months persistence or dropout was assessed. The sample consisted of 857 athletes aged 11–19 (mean value 15.3; standard deviation = 1.77), 680 male…