Audrius Menkis
Ten principles for conservation translocations of threatened wood-inhabiting fungi
Abstract Unlike for many other organism groups, conservation translocations of fungi are still rare. Encouraged by recent successful translocations, there is a growing interest in applying this conservation tool to threatened wood-inhabiting fungi. When combined with other conservation or restoration measures, translocation can be an effective measure for preventing further population decline in the short term, and species extinctions in the long term. Translocations can be appropriate for rare and specialist fungal species that occur as small local populations in isolated patches across fragmented landscapes, where there is a low likelihood of successful dispersal between distant host tree…
Invertebrates in Fruitbodies of Heterobasidion spp., Infected Picea abies Logs and Adjacent Soil
Heterobasidion spp. pathogenic fungi produce conspicuous fruitbodies on infected wood, which may represent a habitat for a range of organisms, including invertebrates. The aim was to: (i) assess and compare invertebrate diversity in Heterobasidion spp. fruitbodies, infected Picea abies wood and adjacent soil
Survival, Growth and Mycorrhization of Containerised Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies Seedlings of Different Provenances Outplanted in a Forest Clear-Cut
Abstract We studied field performance of containerised Pinus sylvestris and Picea abies seedlings of different provenances. Shoot height, needle chemical composition, root collar diameter, root mycorrhization and mycorrhizal species composition were evaluated after four growing seasons following outplanting. The results showed that in general spruce had better survival than pine. Ectomycorrhizas on spruce were dominated by Wilcoxina, Amphinema and Tylospora, while on pine — by Suillus and Thelephora species. Spruce and pine showing best growth rates were colonised by ectomycorrhizal fungus Amphinema sp. In conclusion, the results demonstrated that forest nursery practices as well as provena…