Katharina Schone
Construction de logements sociaux et stratégies électorales locales,
Our article examines if local incumbents’ choices regarding social housing construction are influenced by strategic electoral considerations, which might foil the French state’s efforts in favour of greater social mixity. By constructing a probabilistic voting model which integrates a partially mobile population, we show that such strategic considerations let the political choices of neighbouring municipalities become interdependent, and that the intensity of the resulting strategic inter-actions varies in function of the local population’s mobility. These propositions are confirmed by our empirical analysis concerning social housing construction in the Greater Lyon region. A local incumben…
Les territoires urbains polycentriques en Europe : de l'organisation économique à la gouvernance
La présente recherche a pour objectif d'étudier les nouvelles centralités au sein des territoires urbains en Europe, de mener une analyse comparative des modalités d'organisation économique et institutionnelle de ces territoires afin d'en dégager des orientations de recherches prospectives sur l'interface : Europe Polycentrique – Recomposition des centralités - Gouvernance urbaine. Cinq pays sont privilégiés : l'Allemagne, l'Espagne, la France, la Grande-Bretagne et l'Italie. Trois grilles d'analyse sont utilisées pour synthétiser les recherches : 1/ la forme "intra" ou "inter" urbaine des polarités économiques 2/ Les caractéristiques fonctionnelles des polarités 3/ les modes de gouvernance…
Quelles sont les origines des interactions stratégiques entre communes ? Le cas des politiques d’urbanisme
International audience
Stratégies d'influences et politiques de maîtrise de la croissance locale
Over the last ten years, real estate prices have risen considerably and accordingly to most observers, this can at least partly be attributed to an insufficient supply, due to local growth control measures. This thesis tries to understand what motivates local authorities implementing such policies. Local politicians are considered as opportunistic and their decision is modelled as the result of a political struggle between different land-related interests. This game for influence mainly opposes the owners of developed and undeveloped land, who find allies amongst local business interests that might form growth or ideas machines. Our first model describes this struggle under different hypoth…