Vicent Quilis


Estimate of the gravitational-wave background from the observed cosmological distribution of quasars

We study the gravitational-wave background from the observed cosmological quasar distribution. Using the DR9Q quasar catalogue from the ninth data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS), we create a complete, statistically consistent sample of quasars from $z=0.3$ to $5.4$. Employing the spectroscopic information from the catalogue we estimate the masses of the supermassive black holes hosted by the quasars in the sample, resulting in a log-normal distribution of mean $10^{8.32\pm0.33}M_{\odot}$. The computation of the individual gravitational-wave strains relies on specific functional forms derived from simulations of gravitational collapse and mergers of massive black hole binarie…

research product

Non-Gaussian Signatures in the Lens Deformations of the CMB Sky. A New Ray-Tracing Procedure

We work in the framework of an inflationary cold dark matter universe with cosmological constant, in which the cosmological inhomogeneities are considered as gravitational lenses for the CMB photons. This lensing deforms the angular distribution of the CMB maps in such a way that the induced deformations are not Gaussian. Our main goal is the estimation of the deviations with respect to Gaussianity appeared in the distribution of deformations. In the new approach used in this paper, matter is evolved with a particle-mesh N-body code and, then, an useful ray-tracing technique designed to calculate the correlations of the lens deformations induced by nonlinear structures is applied. Our appro…

research product

Structure finding in cosmological simulations: the state of affairs

The ever increasing size and complexity of data coming from simulations of cosmic structure formation demands equally sophisticated tools for their analysis. During the past decade, the art of object finding in these simulations has hence developed into an important discipline itself. A multitude of codes based upon a huge variety of methods and techniques have been spawned yet the question remained as to whether or not they will provide the same (physical) information about the structures of interest. Here we summarize and extent previous work of the "halo finder comparison project": we investigate in detail the (possible) origin of any deviations across finders. To this extent we decipher…

research product

Radio mode feedback: Does relativity matter?

Radio mode feedback, associated with the propagation of powerful outflows in active galaxies, is a crucial ingredient in galaxy evolution. Extragalactic jets are well collimated and relativistic, both in terms of thermodynamics and kinematics. They generate strong shocks in the ambient medium, associated with observed hotspots, and carve cavities that are filled with the shocked jet flow. In this Letter, we compare the pressure evolution in the hotspot and the cavity generated by relativistic and classical jets. Our results show that the classical approach underestimates the cavity pressure by a factor larger or equal to 2 for a given shocked volume during the whole active phase. The tensio…

research product

The star formation activity in cosmic voids

Using a sample of cosmic voids identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 7, we study the star formation activity of void galaxies. The properties of galaxies living in voids are compared with those of galaxies living in the void shells and with a control sample, representing the general galaxy population. Void galaxies appear to form stars more efficiently than shell galaxies and the control sample. This result can not be interpreted as a consequence of the bias towards low masses in underdense regions, as void galaxy subsamples with the same mass distribution as the control sample also show statistically different specific star formation rates. This highlights the fact that g…

research product

Massive relic galaxies prefer dense environments

We study the preferred environments of $z \sim 0$ massive relic galaxies ($M_\star \gtrsim 10^{10}~\mathrm{M_\odot}$ galaxies with little or no growth from star formation or mergers since $z \sim 2$). Significantly, we carry out our analysis on both a large cosmological simulation and an observed galaxy catalogue. Working on the Millennium I-WMAP7 simulation we show that the fraction of today massive objects which have grown less than 10 per cent in mass since $z \sim 2$ is ~0.04 per cent for the whole massive galaxy population with $M_\star > 10^{10}~\mathrm{M_\odot}$. This fraction rises to ~0.18 per cent in galaxy clusters, confirming that clusters help massive galaxies remain unalter…

research product

Cosmic magnetic fields with masclet: an application to galaxy clusters

We describe and test a new version of the adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) cosmological code MASCLET. The new version of the code includes all the ingredients of its previous version plus a description of the evolution of the magnetic field under the approximation of the ideal magneto-hydrodynamics (MHD). To preserve the divergence-free condition of MHD, the original divergence cleaning algorithm of Dedner et al. (2002) is implemented. We present a set of well-known 1D and 2D tests, such as several shock-tube problems, the fast rotor and the Orszag-Tang vortex. The performance of the code in all the tests is excellent with estimated median relative errors of $\nabla \cdot {\bf B}$ in the 2D t…

research product

Intracluster Medium reheating by relativistic jets

Galactic jets are powerful energy sources reheating the intra-cluster medium in galaxy clusters. Their crucial role in the cosmic puzzle, motivated by observations, has been established by a great number of numerical simulations missing the relativistic nature of these jets. We present the first relativistic simulations of the very long term evolution of realistic galactic jets. Unexpectedly, our results show no buoyant bubbles, but large cocoon regions compatible with the observed X-ray cavities. The reheating is more efficient and faster than in previous scenarios, and it is produced by the shock wave driven by the jet, that survives for several hundreds of Myrs. Therefore, the X-ray cavi…

research product

CGCG 480-022: A Distant Lonesome Merger?

[EN]We present a complete analysis, which includes morphology, kinematics, stellar populations, and N-body simulations, of CGCG 480-022, the most distant (cz = 14,317 km s-1) isolated galaxy studied so far in such detail. The results all support the hypothesis that this galaxy has suffered a major merger event with a companion of ~0.1 times its mass. Morphology reveals the presence of a circumnuclear ring and possibly further ring debris. The radial velocity curve looks symmetrical, while the velocity dispersion increases with radius, reaching values that do not correspond to a virialized system. Moreover, this galaxy deviates significantly from the fundamental plane and the Faber-Jackson r…

research product

Secondary gravitational anisotropies in open universes

The applicability of the potential approximation in the case of open universes is tested. Great Attractor-like structures are considered in the test. Previous estimates of the Cosmic Microwave background anisotropies produced by these structures are analyzed and interpreted. The anisotropies corresponding to inhomogeneous ellipsoidal models are also computed. It is proved that, whatever the spatial symmetry may be, Great Attractor-like objects with extended cores (radius $\sim 10h^{-1}$),located at redshift $z=5.9$ in an open universe with density parameter $\Omega_{0}=0.2$, produce secondary gravitational anisotropies of the order of $10^{-5}$ on angular scales of a few degrees. This aniso…

research product

The structure of cosmic voids in a LCDM Universe

Eulerian cosmological codes are especially suited to properly describe the low density regions. This property makes this class of codes excellent tools to study the formation and evolution of cosmic voids. Following such ideas, we present the results of an Eulerian adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) hydrodynamical and N-body simulation, that contrary to the common practice, has been designed to refine the computational grid in the underdense regions of the simulated volume. Thus, the void regions are better described due to the combined effect of the Eulerian character of the numerical technique and the use of high numerical resolution from the AMR approach. To analyse the outcome of this simul…

research product


Minor merging has been postulated as the most likely evolutionary path to produce the increase in size and mass observed in the massive galaxies since z$\sim$2. In this Letter, we test directly this hypothesis comparing the population of satellites around massive galaxies in cosmological simulations versus the observations. We use state-of-the-art, publically available, Millennium I and II simulations and the associated semi-analytical galaxy catalogues to explore the time evolution of the fraction of massive galaxies that have satellites, the number of satellites per galaxy, the projected distance at which the satellite locate from the host galaxy, and the mass ratio between the host galax…

research product

Gravitational waves from galaxy clusters: a new observable effect

A rich galaxy cluster showing strong resemblance with the observed ones is simulated. Cold dark matter spectrum, Gaussian statistics, flat universe, and two components -- baryonic gas plus dark matter particles -- are considered. We have calculated the gravitational-wave output during the epoch of the fully nonlinear and nonsymmetric cluster evolution. The amplitudes and frequencies of the resulting gravitational waves are estimated. Since frequencies are very small --of the order of $10^{-17} Hz$ -- a complete pulse cannot be observed during an admissible integration time; nevertheless, it is proved that these waves can produce an interesting secular effect which appears to be observable w…

research product

Sedation During Neurocritical Care

AbstractSedation is an essential therapeutic strategy in the care of neurocritical patients. Intravenous sedative agents are the most widely used, with promising alternatives (dexmedetomidine, ketamine, and volatile agents) to propofol and midazolam arising. Studies designed to evaluate superiority and avoid biases are required. A neurological awakening test is safe in most patients. Potential risks and benefits of limiting deep sedation and daily interruption of sedation in these patients remain unclear. The aim of this review was to report recent clinical evidence on sedation in this subgroup of patients, focusing on its effects on clinical prognosis.

research product

Expected number of massive galaxy relics in the present-day Universe

The number of present-day massive galaxies that has survived untouched since their formation at high-z is an important observational constraint to the hierarchical galaxy formation models. Using three different semianalytical models based on the Millenium simulation, we quantify the expected fraction and number densities of the massive galaxies form at z>2 which have evolved in stellar mass less than 10% and 30%. We find that only a small fraction of the massive galaxies already form at z~2 have remained almost unaltered since their formation (<2% with Delta_M*/M*<0.1 and <8% with Delta_M*/M*<0.3). These fractions correspond to the following number densities of massive relics…

research product

On the accretion history of galaxy clusters: temporal and spatial distribution

We analyse the results of an Eulerian AMR cosmological simulation in order to quantify the mass growth of galaxy clusters, exploring the differences between dark matter and baryons. We have determined the mass assembly histories (MAHs) of each of the mass components and computed several proxies for the instantaneous mass accretion rate (MAR). The mass growth of both components is clearly dominated by the contribution of major mergers, but high MARs can also occur during smooth accretion periods. We explored the correlations between MARs, merger events and clusters' environments, finding the mean densities in $1 \leq r/R_{200m} \leq 1.5$ to correlate strongly with $\Gamma_{200m}$ in massive …

research product

Exploring the role of cosmological shock waves in the Dianoga simulations of galaxy clusters

Cosmological shock waves are ubiquitous to cosmic structure formation and evolution. As a consequence, they play a major role in the energy distribution and thermalization of the intergalactic medium (IGM). We analyze the Mach number distribution in the Dianoga simulations of galaxy clusters performed with the SPH code GADGET-3. The simulations include the effects of radiative cooling, star formation, metal enrichment, supernova and active galactic nuclei feedback. A grid-based shock-finding algorithm is applied in post-processing to the outputs of the simulations. This procedure allows us to explore in detail the distribution of shocked cells and their strengths as a function of cluster ma…

research product

Troubled cosmic flows: turbulence, enstrophy and helicity from the assembly history of the intracluster medium

Both simulations and observations have shown that turbulence is a pervasive phenomenon in cosmic scenarios, yet it is particularly difficult to model numerically due to its intrinsically multiscale character which demands high resolutions. Additionally, turbulence is tightly connected to the dynamical state and the formation history of galaxies and galaxy clusters, producing a diverse phenomenlogy which requires large samples of such structures to attain robust conclusions. In this work, we use an adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) cosmological simulation to explore the generation and dissipation of turbulence in galaxy clusters, in connection to its assembly history. We find that major mergers…

research product

BRAF V600E Mutation in Two Distinct Meningeal Melanocytomas Associated With a Nevus of Ota

research product

A new multidimensional adaptive mesh refinement hydro + gravity cosmological code

A new cosmological multidimensional hydrodynamic and N-body code based on an Adaptive Mesh Refinement scheme is described and tested. The hydro part is based on modern high-resolution shock-capturing techniques, whereas N-body approach is based on the Particle Mesh method. The code has been specifically designed for cosmological applications. Tests including shocks, strong gradients, and gravity have been considered. A cosmological test based on Santa Barbara cluster is also presented. The usefulness of the code is discussed. In particular, this powerful tool is expected to be appropriate to describe the evolution of the hot gas component located inside asymmetric cosmological structures.

research product

Cosmological shock waves: clues to the formation history of haloes

Shock waves developed during the formation and evolution of cosmic structures encode crucial information on the hierarchical formation of the Universe. We analyze an Eulerian AMR hydro + N-body simulation in a $\Lambda$CDM cosmology focused on the study of cosmological shock waves. The combination of a shock-capturing algorithm together with the use of a halo finder allows us to study the morphological structures of the shock patterns, the statistical properties of shocked cells, and the correlations between the cosmological shock waves appearing at different scales and the properties of the haloes harbouring them. The shocks in the simulation can be split into two broad classes: internal w…

research product

Large-scale jets from active galactic nuclei as a source of intracluster medium heating: cavities and shocks

The evolution of powerful extragalactic jets is not only interesting by itself, but also for its impact on the evolution of the host galaxy and its surroundings. We have performed long-term axisymmetric numerical simulations of relativistic jets with different powers to study their evolution through an environment with a pressure and density gradient. Our results show key differences in the evolution of jets with different powers in terms of the spatial and temporal scales of energy deposition. According to our results, the observed morphology in X-ray cavities requires that an important fraction of the jet’s energetic budget is in the form of internal energy. Thus, light, lepton-dominated …

research product

Gravitational waves from galaxy cluster distributions

Galaxy clusters are sources of gravitational radiation. The main aim of this paper is to give numerical estimates and theoretical description of the relevant features of the gravitational radiation coming from an appropriate spatial distributions of galaxy clusters. Since no analytical approaches are currently available to describe the strongly nonlinear regime, our numerical approach - combining numerical simulations with statistical arguments - seems to be an useful way of studying the main features of that radiation. Although far to be detectable with present technology, we advance some ideas about future observational strategies and its cosmological implications.

research product

Multi-wavelength mock observations of the WHIM in a simulated galaxy cluster

About half of the expected total baryon budget in the local Universe is `missing'. Hydrodynamical simulations suggest that most of the missing baryons are located in a mildly overdense, warm-hot intergalactic medium (WHIM), which is difficult to be detected at most wavelengths. In this paper we explore multi-wavelength synthetic observations of a massive galaxy cluster developed in a full Eulerian-AMR cosmological simulation. A novel numerical procedure is applied on the outputs of the simulation, which are post-processed with a full-radiative transfer code that allows to compute the change of the intensity at any frequency along the null-geodesic of photons. We compare the emission from th…

research product

A multidimensional hydrodynamic code for structure evolution in cosmology

A cosmological multidimensional hydrodynamic code is described and tested. This code is based on modern high-resolution shock-capturing techniques. It can make use of a linear or a parabolic cell reconstruction as well as an approximate Riemann solver. The code has been specifically designed for cosmological applications. Two tests including shocks have been considered: the first one is a standard shock tube and the second test involves a spherically symmetric shock. Various additional cosmological tests are also presented. In this way, the performance of the code is proved. The usefulness of the code is discussed; in particular, this powerful tool is expected to be useful in order to study…

research product

Neutrino halos in clusters of galaxies and their weak lensing signature

We study whether non-linear gravitational effects of relic neutrinos on the development of clustering and large-scale structure may be observable by weak gravitational lensing. We compute the density profile of relic massive neutrinos in a spherical model of a cluster of galaxies, for several neutrino mass schemes and cluster masses. Relic neutrinos add a small perturbation to the mass profile, making it more extended in the outer parts. In principle, this non-linear neutrino perturbation is detectable in an all-sky weak lensing survey such as EUCLID by averaging the shear profile of a large fraction of the visible massive clusters in the universe, or from its signature in the general weak …

research product

Long-term FRII jet evolution: Clues from three-dimensional simulations

We present a long-term numerical three-dimensional simulation of a relativistic outflow designed to be compared with previous results from axisymmetric, two-dimensional simulations, with existing analytical models and state-of-art observations. We follow the jet evolution from 1~kpc to 200~kpc, using a relativistic gas equation of state and a galactic profile for the ambient medium. We also show results from smaller scale simulations aimed to test convergence and different three-dimensional effects. We conclude that jet propagation can be faster than expected from axisymmetric simulations, covering tens of kiloparsecs in a few million years, until the dentist drill effect produced by the gr…

research product

On the interplay between cosmological shock waves and their environment

Cosmological shock waves are tracers of the thermal history of the structures in the Universe. They play a crucial role in redistributing the energy within the cosmic structures and are also amongst the main ingredients of galaxy and galaxy cluster formation. Understanding this important function requires a proper description of the interplay between shocks and the different environments where they can be found. In this paper, an Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) Eulerian cosmological simulation is analysed by means of a shock-finding algorithm that allows to generate shock wave maps. Based on the population of dark matter halos and on the distribution of density contrast in the simulation, we…

research product

Long-term simulations of extragalactic jets: cavities and feedback

AbstractWe present long-term numerical simulations of powerful extragalactic relativistic jets in two dimensions. The jets are injected in a realistic atmosphere with powers 1044, 1045 and 1046 erg/s, during tens of Myrs. After this time, the jet injection is switched off. We follow the evolution of the jets and associated shocks from 1 kpc to hundreds of kiloparsecs during more than 100 Myrs. The 1045 erg/s jet was simulated with leptonic and baryonic composition. Our results show that, for powerful jets, the main heating mechanisms are the driving shock-wave and mixing. We discuss the implications that these results have in the frame of cooling flows in clusters.

research product

Momentum transfer across shear flows in Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamic simulations of galaxy formation

We investigate the evolution of angular momentum in SPH simulations of galaxy formation, paying particular attention to artificial numerical effects. We find that a cold gas disc forming in an ambient hot gas halo receives a strong hydrodynamic torque from the hot gas. By splitting the hydrodynamic force into artificial viscosity and pressure gradients, we find that the angular momentum transport is caused not by the artificial viscosity but by the pressure gradients. Using simple test simulations of shear flows, we conclude that the pressure gradient-based viscosity can be divided into two components: one due to the noisiness of SPH and the other to ram pressure. The former is problematic …

research product

ASOHF: a new adaptive spherical overdensity halo finder

We present and test a new halo finder based on the spherical overdensity (SO) method. This new adaptive spherical overdensity halo finder (ASOHF) is able to identify dark matter haloes and their substructures (subhaloes) down to the scales allowed by the analysed simulations. The code has been especially designed for the adaptive mesh refinement cosmological codes, although it can be used as a stand-alone halo finder for N-body codes. It has been optimised for the purpose of building the merger tree of the haloes. In order to verify the viability of this new tool, we have developed a set of bed tests that allows us to estimate the performance of the finder. Finally, we apply the halo finder…

research product

Structure and dynamics of massive galaxies at z=0 in a fully cosmological simulation

In this contribution we present the results of an Eulerian adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) hydrodynamical and N-body simulation in a ΛCDM cosmology. The simulation used was performed with the cosmological code MASCLET (Quilis et al. 2004). Galaxies have been identified in the simulation outputs by means of an adaptive friends of friends algorithm applied to the star particles. To give light to our virtual galaxies we have assigned a spectrum to each stellar particle using the MIUSCAT stellar population models (Vazdekis et al. 2012; Ricciardelli et al. 2012).

research product

Unravelling cosmic velocity flows: a Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition algorithm for cosmological simulations

In the context of intra-cluster medium turbulence, it is essential to be able to split the turbulent velocity field in a compressive and a solenoidal component. We describe and implement a new method for this aim, i.e., performing a Helmholtz-Hodge decomposition, in multi-grid, multi-resolution descriptions, focusing on (but not being restricted to) the outputs of AMR cosmological simulations. The method is based on solving elliptic equations for a scalar and a vector potential, from which the compressive and the solenoidal velocity fields, respectively, are derived through differentiation. These equations are addressed using a combination of Fourier (for the base grid) and iterative (for t…

research product

Galaxy cluster mergers

We present the results of an Eulerian adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) hydrodynamical and N-body simulation in a $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. The simulation incorporates common cooling and heating processes for primordial gas. A specific halo finder has been designed and applied in order to extract a sample of galaxy clusters directly obtained from the simulation without considering any resimulating scheme. We have studied the evolutionary history of the cluster halos, and classified them into three categories depending on the merger events they have undergone: major mergers, minor mergers, and relaxed clusters. The main properties of each one of these classes and the differences among them are di…

research product

Is ram-pressure stripping an efficient mechanism to remove gas in galaxies?

We study how the gas in a sample of galaxies (M* > 10e9 Msun) in clusters, obtained in a cosmological simulation, is affected by the interaction with the intra-cluster medium (ICM). The dynamical state of each elemental parcel of gas is studied using the total energy. At z ~ 2, the galaxies in the simulation are evenly distributed within clusters, moving later on towards more central locations. In this process, gas from the ICM is accreted and mixed with the gas in the galactic halo. Simultaneously, the interaction with the environment removes part of the gas. A characteristic stellar mass around M* ~ 10e10 Msun appears as a threshold marking two differentiated behaviours. Below this mas…

research product

Relic galaxies: Where are they?

The finding that massive galaxies grow with cosmic time fired the starting gun for the search of objects which could have survived up to the present day without suffering substantial changes (neither in their structures, neither in their stellar populations). Nevertheless, and despite the community efforts, up to now only one firm candidate to be considered one of these relics is known: NGC 1277. Curiously, this galaxy is located at the centre of one of the most rich near galaxy clusters: Perseus. Is its location a matter of chance? Should relic hunters focus their search on galaxy clusters? In order to reply this question, we have performed a simultaneous and analogous analysis using simul…

research product

Gravitational waves from galaxy encounters

We discuss the emission of gravitational radiation produced in encounters of dark matter galactic halos. To this aim we perform a number of numerical simulations of typical galaxy mergers, computing the associated gravitational radiation waveforms as well as the energy released in the processes. Our simulations yield dimensionless gravitational wave amplitudes of the order of $10^{-13}$ and gravitational wave frequencies of the order of $10^{-16}$ Hz, when the galaxies are located at a distance of 10 Mpc. These values are of the same order as those arising in the gravitational radiation originated by strong variations of the gravitational field in the early Universe, and therefore, such gra…

research product

Masclet: a new multidimensional AMR cosmological code

A new cosmological multidimensional hydrodynamic and N-body code based on an Adaptive Mesh Refinement scheme is described and tested. The hydro part is based on modern high-resolution shock-capturing techniques, whereas N-body approach is based on a Particle Mesh method. The code has been specifically designed for cosmological applications.To search for other articles by the author(s) go to: http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abstract_service.html

research product

On the role of shock waves in galaxy cluster evolution

Numerical simulations of galaxy clusters including two species -- baryonic gas and dark matter particles --are presented. Cold Dark Matter spectrum, Gaussian statistics and flat universe are assumed. The dark matter component is evolved numerically by means of a standard particle mesh method. The evolution of the baryonic component has been studied numerically by using a multidimensional (3D) hydrodynamical code based on modern high resolution shock capturing techniques. These techniques are specially designed for treating accurately complex flows in which shocks appear and interact. With this picture, the role of shock waves in the formation and evolution of rich galaxy clusters is analyze…

research product

AMR simulations of the low bar-mode instability of neutron stars

It has been recently argued through numerical work that rotating stars with a high degree of differential rotation are dynamically unstable against bar-mode deformation, even for values of the ratio of rotational kinetic energy to gravitational potential energy as low as O(0.01). This may have implications for gravitational wave astronomy in high-frequency sources such as core collapse supernovae. In this paper we present high-resolution simulations, performed with an adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamics code, of such low T/|W| bar-mode instability. The complex morphological features involved in the nonlinear dynamics of the instability are revealed in our simulations, which show that the…

research product

Fully cosmological virtual massive galaxies at z=0: kinematical, morphological, and stellar population characterisation

We present the results of a numerical adaptive mesh refinement hydrodynamical and N-body simulation in a $\Lambda CDM$ cosmology. We focus on the analysis of the main properties of massive galaxies ($M_* > 10^{11}\,M_{\odot}$) at $z=0$. For all the massive virtual galaxies we carry out a careful study of their one dimensional density, luminosity, velocity dispersion, and stellar population profiles. In order to best compare with observational data, the method to estimate the velocity dispersion is calibrated by using an approach similar to that performed in the observations, based on the stellar populations of the simulated galaxies. With these ingredients, we discuss the different properti…

research product

On the universality of void density profiles

The massive exploitation of cosmic voids for precision cosmology in the upcoming dark energy experiments, requires a robust understanding of their internal structure, particularly of their density profile. We show that the void density profile is insensitive to the void radius both in a catalogue of observed voids and in voids from a large cosmological simulation. However, the observed and simulated voids display remarkably different profile shapes, with the former having much steeper profiles than the latter. Sparsity can not be the main reason for this discrepancy, as we demonstrate that the profile can be recovered with reasonable accuracy even with very sparse samples of tracers. On the…

research product

Exploring Mergers of Galaxy Clusters in a Cosmological Context

We present results of an Eulerian Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) hydrodynamical and N-body simulation in a ΛCDM cosmology. The simulation incorporates common cooling and heating processes, a phenomenological description of the star formation and supernovae feedback. A specific halo finder has been designed and applied in order to extract a sample of galaxy clusters directly obtained from the simulation without considering any resimulating scheme. We have studied the evolutionary history of the cluster halos, and classified them in three categories depending on the merger events they have undergone. We pay special attention to discuss the role of merger events as a source of feedback and reh…

research product