R. Herr
Brief depression among patients in general practice
Depression with substantial psychosocial impairment, but not qualifying as depressive disorder according to the standard diagnostic manuals, is frequent among primary care patients. Recurrent brief depression (RBD) is a diagnostic category intended to identify a major proportion of this group of patients. The WHO study on "Psychological Problems in Primary Health Care" was used as a vehicle to estimate the proportion of patients with this diagnosis and to evaluate the validity of this diagnosis as well as of alternative concepts of brief depression with multiple episodes. This study applies a two-stage sampling scheme; 300 patients also underwent an additional interview tailored for variant…
The 1.5GeV harmonic double-sided microtron at Mainz University
Abstract At the Institut fur Kernphysik of Mainz University a harmonic double-sided microtron (HDSM) has been built to extend the experimental capabilities for nuclear and particle physics experiments to higher excitation energies. This novel microtron variant accelerates the 0.855 GeV continuous wave (cw) electron beam of the established three-staged race track microtron (RTM) cascade MAMI B up to 1.5 GeV. It consists of two normal conducting linear accelerators (linacs) through which the electrons are guided up to 43 times by a pair of 90°-bending magnets at each end. For beam dynamical reasons the linacs operate at the harmonic frequencies of 4.90 and 2.45 GHz. The extended facility is c…
Recurrent brief depression in general practice. Clinical features, comorbidity with other disorders, and need for treatment.
This study tested the clinical validity of the new diagnostic entity "recurrent brief depression" (RBD) in 300 general practice patients who participated in the WHO study on "Psychological Problems in Primary Care." Patients with current RBD reported of episodes major depression more often than did a comparison group of nondepressed general practice patients: however, the majority of RBD patients had not received a diagnostic of any well-established affective disorder during the last 12 months. RBD patients (without MDE) did not suffer more frequently from dysthymia, from nonaffective psychiatric disorders, or from somatic disorders. However, RBD was associated with a higher percentage of p…
Die elektronenstreu-apparatur am mainzer 300 MeV-elektronen-linearbeschleuniger
Abstract In this paper, we attempt to give a general survey and a comprehensive description of the most significant features of the facilities for electron scattering experiments at the Mainz 300 MeV Linear Accelerator, along with a list of literature, where more detailed information on certain subjects can be found. The accelerator provides energies between 80 and 300 MeV. Scattering angles are available up to 160° resulting in a momentum transfer region up to 3.0 fm −1 . The overall experimental resolution is 0.1%. Cross sections down to 10 −34 cm 2 /sr can be measured. The main features of the apparatus are: an achromatic magnet system with 90° deflection, a double focusing spectrometer,…