C. Geppert
Evidence for Increased neutron and proton excitations between 51−63 Mn
The hyperfine structures of the odd-even 51−63Mnatoms (N=26 −38) were measured using bunched beam collinear laser spectroscopy at ISOLDE, CERN. The extracted spins and magnetic dipole moments have been compared to large-scale shell-model calculations using different model spaces and effective interactions. In the case of 61,63Mn, the results show the increasing importance of neutron excitations across the N=40subshell closure, and of proton excitations across the Z=28shell gap. These measurements provide the first direct proof that proton and neutron excitations across shell gaps are playing an important role in the ground state wave functions of the neutron-rich Mn isotopes. publisher: Els…
Laser spectroscopy of the ground-state hyperfine structure in H-like and Li-like bismuth
The LIBELLE experiment performed at the experimental storage ring (ESR) at the GSI Helmholtz Center in Darmstadt aims for the determination of the ground state hyperfine (HFS) transitions and lifetimes in hydrogen-like (209Bi82+) and lithium-like (209Bi80+) bismuth. The study of HFS transitions in highly charged ions enables precision tests of QED in extreme electric and magnetic fields otherwise not attainable in laboratory experiments. While the HFS transition in H-like bismuth was already observed in earlier experiments at the ESR, the LIBELLE experiment succeeded for the first time to measure the HFS transition in Li-like bismuth in a laser spectroscopy experiment.
An improved value for the hyperfine splitting of hydrogen-like209Bi82+
We report an improved measurement of the hyperfine splitting in hydrogen-like bismuth (209Bi82+) at the experimental storage ring ESR at GSI by laser spectroscopy on a coasting beam. Accuracy was improved by about an order of magnitude compared to the first observation in 1994. The most important improvement is an in situ high voltage measurement at the electron cooler (EC) platform with an accuracy at the 10 ppm level. Furthermore, the space charge effect of the EC current on the ion velocity was determined with two independent techniques that provided consistent results. The result of nm provides an important reference value for experiments testing bound-state quantum electrodynamics in t…
Testing Time Dilation on Fast Ion Beams
We report the status of an experimental test of time dilation in Special Relativity. This is accomplished by simultaneously measuring the forward and backward Doppler shifts of an electronic transition of fast moving ions, using high-precision laser spectroscopy. From these two Doppler shifts both the ion velocity ? = v/c and the time dilation factor can be derived. From measurements based on saturation spectroscopy on lithium ions stored at ? = 0.03 and ? = 0.06 in the TSR heavy-ion storage ring, we achieved an upper limit for a [?2] deviation from Special Relativity of . In recent measurements on a ? = 0.34 Li+ beam in the ESR storage ring we used optical-optical double-resonance spectros…
Modern Ives-Stilwell Experiments At Storage Rings: Large Boosts Meet High Precision
We give a brief overview of time dilation tests using high-resolution laser spectroscopy at heavy-ion storage rings. We reflect on the various methods used to eliminate the first-order Doppler effect and on the pitfalls encountered, and comment on possible extensions at future facilities providing relativistic heavy ion beams at $\gamma \gg 1$.