Fabio Florindo


Multistratigraphic records of the Lower Cretaceous (Valanginian–Cenomanian) Puez key area in N. Italy

Abstract We present a stratigraphic investigation of a Hauterivian to Cenomanian hemipelagic succession from Col Puez, in the Dolomites (Southern Alps, northern Italy). A composite section of seven segments was studied with bio-, magneto-, and chemostratigraphy, which enabled detailed and robust age calibration of the Puez succession. It also revealed the paleoceanographic history and helped identify the important global climatic events of that period. The age of the Lower Cretaceous Puez Formation in the Dolomites is refined as late Hauterivian to early Cenomanian. Ammonoids provide a detailed biostratigraphic subdivision that forms the basis for analyses of the faunal distribution and the…

research product

A 4500 year record of palaeomagnetic secular variation and relative palaeointensity from the Tyrrhenian Sea

A marine sediment core from the western Mediterranean provides a newhigh-resolution 4,500-year record of palaeomagnetic secular variation and relativepalaeointensity. In 2013, the 7.1-metre C5 core was recovered from the TyrrhenianSea as part of the NextData climate data project. The coring site, 15 km offshorefrom the Volturno river mouth, is well-located to record combined marine andterrestrial palaeoclimatic influences, and the fine-grained, rapidly deposited sedimentsare effective palaeomagnetic recorders. We investigate the palaeomagnetic field direction and strength recorded in the core, which provide a valuable high-resolution recordof Holocene geomagnetic variation in the area. Usin…

research product