Kaisa Oksanen

Digital Platforms for Restructuring the Public Sector

Many technological innovations have led to the emergence of the platform economy in recent years. This development is changing the entire landscape of business in the era of digitalisation. However, the impacts of the platform economy on public services and government are not well known. In this article we study the potential for the digital platform economy to help restructure the public sector. Firstly, central features of the new platform technology are explored, pointing to an algorithmic revolution, big data and cloud computing. Platforms are used in coordinating market transactions in an extremely efficient way. In order to apply the platform-concept to the public sector, an experimen…

research product

X2 : tiedon siirtämisestä yhdessä luomiseen

Tämä julkaisu, X2, on osa Jyväskylän yliopiston Agora Centerin Innovaatiokeskittymää tukevia keihäänkärkihankkeita. Tavoite on vahvistaa Keski-Suomen kehittymistä globaaliksi ja kiinnostavaksi innovaatiokeskittymäksi. Innovaatiokeskittymässä korkeakoulujen tulee olla aktiivisia ja merkittäviä ekosysteemin osia ja niiden osaamisen hyödyntäminen paikallisesti, kansallisesti ja kansainvälisesti on iso haaste. Oikein suunnatut rohkeat panostukset luovat uutta osaamista ja uusia innovatiivisia palvelu- ja asiantuntijayrityksiä. Kansainvälisen hanketoiminnan ja yhteistyön kasvun sekä yritysten tuotekehityksen sijoittumisen kautta työllistämis- ja hyvinvointivaikutus on merkittävä ja pitkäaikainen…

research product

Sustainable Innovation: A Competitive Advantage for Innovation Ecosystems

In this article, we elaborate the emerging concept of sustainable innovation and analyze the relevance of innovation as a means to solve wicked problems and enhancing sustainable well-being. We also examine the changing conditions for innovation creation: building global knowledge hubs and local innovation ecosystems. As a result, the drivers of innovation and opportunities to utilize the untapped innovation potential of people outside traditional innovation contexts are expanded and diversified. Ultimately, the success of sustainable innovation constitutes its impact on the well-being of people and vice versa: sustainable well-being is an important source of innovation and growth. The arti…

research product

Systemic Development of Service Innovation

This chapter explores the intrinsic characteristics of services and service systems and presents systemic approach to produce service innovations. The chapter consists of elaborating the characteristics of services and the principles of systemic development, discussing service matrixes, service systems, service strategies and business models, and special challenges related to the development of services and service innovations. Services are always produced in service systems consisting of combination of service personnel and information systems. Customers are involved in these systems by interacting with the front end of service organization. The key issue in service development and innovat…

research product

Tiekartta Keski-Suomen innovaatiokeskittymään

research product

Suuntana innovaatiokeskittymä

Suuntana innovaatiokeskittymä -kirjan taustalla on Jyväskylän seutukunnan kokema rakennekriisi, joka aiheutui Nokian tutkimuskeskuksen sulkemisesta vuonna 2009 ja päälle iskeneen taantuman tuomista irtisanomisista eri yrityksissä. On laskettu, että Jyväskylässä menetettiin vuosina 2009–2010 noin 1000 koulutettujen ihmisten työpaikkaa ja noin yhden miljardin euron vientitulot. Kriisin takia Keski-Suomi nimettiin yhdeksi rakennemuutosalueeksi ja selviytymiskeinoja pohtimaan asetettiin laaja-alainen työryhmä. Sen laatimassa Uudet urat -raportissa esitetään tavoite rakentaa Keski-Suomeen innovaatiokeskittymä alueen toimijoiden yhteisenä hankkeena. Jyväskylän yliopiston Agora Center sai tehtäväk…

research product

Digital Platforms for Restructuring the Public Sector

Many technological innovations have led to the emergence of the platform economy in recent years. This development is changing the entire landscape of business in the era of digitalisation. However, the impacts of the platform economy on public services and government are not well known. In this article we study the potential for the digital platform economy to help restructure the public sector. Firstly, central features of the new platform technology are explored, pointing to an algorithmic revolution, big data and cloud computing. Platforms are used in coordinating market transactions in an extremely efficient way. In order to apply the platform concept to the public sector, an experimen…

research product

Physical environment as a source for innovation: investigating the attributes of innovative space

Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate how physical spaces intersect with innovation and innovativeness, and what the most relevant attributes of physical space are for innovation. Design/methodology/approach – The paper reflects the changing nature of innovation, from technological advancements to services and meaning changes, and argues that the development of innovative spaces similarly embodies a diverse set of values such as collaboration, openness, and sustainability. Using a literature review, interviews, and benchmarking data, the paper examines the relationship between physical environment and innovation. Findings – The findings from both the literature review and t…

research product


Esittelee kiinnostavia keskisuomalaisia ilmiöitä ja ihmisiä. Nostaa esiin kiinnostavia ihmisiä ja ilmiöitä Keski-Suomesta.

research product

Demanding dialogue : political struggle in the 21st century Hong Kong

research product

Metropolin hyvinvointi

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