Kari Riikkilä
Musiikkiterapian ja taajuusalueiltaan vaihtelevan musiikin kuuntelun vaikutus autististyyppisistä oireista kärsivien lasten kommunikaatioon, kehitykseen ja käyttäytymiseen : - yhdeksän lasta käsittävä tapaustutkimus
Modelling the relationships between emotional responses to, and musical content of, music therapy improvisations
This article reports a study in which listeners were asked to provide continuous ratings of perceived emotional content of clinical music therapy improvisations. Participants were presented with 20 short excerpts of music therapy improvisations, and had to rate perceived activity, pleasantness and strength using a computer-based slider interface. A total of nine musical features relating to various aspects of the music (timing, register, dynamics, tonality, pulse clarity and sensory dissonance) were extracted from the excerpts, and relationships between these features and participants' emotion ratings were investigated. The data were analysed in three stages. First, inter-dimension correla…
Predicting Music Therapy Clients’ Type of Mental Disorder Using Computational Feature Extraction and Statistical Modelling Techniques
Background. Previous work has shown that improvisations produced by clients during clinical music therapy sessions are amenable to computational analysis. For example, it has been shown that the perception of emotion in such improvisations is related to certain musical features, such as note density, tonal clarity, and note velocity. Other work has identified relationships between an individual’s level of mental retardation and features such as amount of silence, integration of tempo with the therapist, and amount of dissonance. The present study further develops this work by attempting to predict music therapy clients’ type of mental disorder, as clinically diagnosed, from their improvisat…