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Uusi tieto ja osaaminen yliopistosta yhteiskuntaan : JYU Accelerator chain : KINO - Kansainvälisen innovaatio-osaamisen kehittäminen korkeakouluissa ja tutkimusorganisaatioissa : syksy 2016
Innovaatiot ja yrittäjyys osana yliopisto-opintoja : opiskelijakyselyn tulokset
How Do Students Value the Importance of Twenty-first Century Skills?
Frameworks of twenty-first century skills have attained a central role in school development and curriculum changes all over the world. There is a common understanding of the need for meta-skills such as problem solving, reasoning, collaboration, and self-regulation. This article presents results from a Finnish study, in which 718 school pupils aged 11 to 15 years were asked to anticipate the skills they would need in the future. Accordingly, they were asked to value and rank the twenty-first century skills listed in existing frameworks and pick out those they regarded as the most important they had learned. Social skills and collaboration were ranked highest, both in the listed frameworks …
Main features of an ideal learning space : a user-based description
This paper presents a method to define an ideal learning space from a key user perspective. The target group, upper secondary school students in a Finnish city, was addressed through two online surveys. In these we sought to establish the features that the students considered to be most important in a learning space. The aim was to adapt the redevelopment of school premises to the users’ cultural practices. Two survey methods were employed in the surveys. In the first, students described in their own words what makes an ideal learning space. In the second, students assessed a list of 21 features using a three-point scale. They also assessed a list of 19 learning space factors in terms of th…