Latvijas Universitāte. 80. Starptautiskā Zinātniskā Konference

Latvijas tautsaimniecības nākotne pārmaiņu laikmetā : Report of Abstracts

The conference session aims to provide a platform/opportunity for scholars, researchers and professionals from different disciplinary backgrounds to meet, exchange ideas, findings, research results and discuss the topical issues related to the economic development.

research product

Sekcija "Ergonomika un darba vide, industriālā inženierija": tēzes

The conference session aims to provide a platform/opportunity for scholars, researchers and professionals from different disciplinary backgrounds to meet, exchange ideas, findings, research results and discuss the topical issues related to ergonomics, work environment and industrial engineering.

research product

Latvijas valsts un sabiedrības izaicinājumi un risinājumi starptautiskā kontekstā (INTERFRAME-LV): Report of Abstracts

The conference session aims to provide a platform/opportunity for scholars, researchers and professionals from different disciplinary backgrounds to meet, exchange ideas, findings, research results and discuss the topical issues related to the challenges for the Latvian State and society and the solutions in the international context.

research product

Kritiskās domāšanas iespējas un robežas mūsdienu Latvijā: tēžu krājums, 2022.gada 3 marts

LU 80. starptautiskās konferences prioritārā pētniecības virziena "Kritiskā domāšana, inovācija, konkurētspēja un globalizācija" sekcijas "Kritiskās domāšanas iespējas un robežas mūsdienu Latvijā" referātu tēžu krājums. Tēžu autori: Kūle, Maija; Kiope, Māra; Svece, Artis; Kūlis, Rihards; Vēgners, Uldis; Balodis, Andrejs; Grīnfelde, Māra; Semjonova-Reinholde, Marija; Šuvajevs, Igors; Kūlis, Māris; Hiršs, Andris; Kovaļčuka, Svetlana; Pazuhina, Nadežda; Vilciņš, Reinis; Dzelme, Juris.

research product

New labour market developments in the context of digitalisation and social change: Report of Abstracts

The conference session aims to provide a platform/opportunity for scholars, researchers and professionals from different disciplinary backgrounds to meet, exchange ideas, findings, research results and discuss the topical issues related to the labour market developments in the context of digitalisation and social change. The session is supported by the project The Economic Integration of the Nordic‐Baltic Region through Labour, Innovation, Investments and Trade – LIFT

research product

Towards climate neutrality: economic impacts, opportunities and risks: Report of Abstracts

The conference session aims to provide a platform/opportunity for scholars, researchers and professionals from different disciplinary backgrounds to meet, exchange ideas, findings, research results and discuss the topical issues related to climate neutrality.

research product