Giorgio Beccali

Environmental effects of the Sicilian Energy Policy

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Lo sfruttamento intensivo della risorsa solare può contribuire sensibilmente alla riduzione delle emissioni di gas clima alteranti. La crescita e la diffusione di impianti solari dipendono anche dalla capacità dell'industria di costruire e mettere in commercio collettori solari di nuova concezione ad alta efficienza energetica. Il presente lavoro descrive la realizzazione e la messa a punto di un circuito di prove sperimentali, presso il Dipartimento di Ricerche Energetiche ed Ambientali dell'Università di Palermo, relativo ad un impianto solare costituito da collettori solari parabolici lineari a debole concentrazione caratterizzati dal fatto di riunire in un’unica tecnologia chiamata CPVT…

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Integrated approach to the assessment of waste management systems within the SEA framework

This paper addresses the problem of evaluating the environmental performances of Urban Waste Systems. Specifically, the paper refers to the crucial problem of environmentally analysing the Urban Waste System Management Process. The application of the Dashboard of Sustainability has been deliberately suggested. The method has been selected because of its intrinsic simplicity and because it can provide the simultaneous evaluation of indicators which refer to different fields, such as the Environment, Economics and Quality in Institutional Services. The method has been applied to the city of Palermo. The results obtained have been compared to a couple of ideal scenarios.

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Life cycle assessment of a solar thermal collector: sensitivity analysis, energy and environmental balances

Abstract Starting from the results of a life cycle assessment of solar thermal collector for sanitary warm water, an energy balance between the employed energy during the collector life cycle and the energy saved thanks to the collector use has been investigated. A sensitivity analysis for estimating the effects of the chosen methods and data on the outcome of the study was carried out. Uncertainties due to the eco-profile of input materials and the initial assumptions have been analysed. Since the study is concerned with a renewable energy system, attention has been focused on the energy indexes and in particular the “global energy consumption”. Following the principles of Kyoto Protocol, …

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Dichiarazione Ambientale di Prodotto applicata ai Materiali Bioedili

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Studio per la redazione del Piano Energetico della Regione Siciliana, Rapporto di Terza fase, bozze dei piani di Azione

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Usi energetici dei residui agricoli della coltivazione cerealicola in associazione con colture no food di rotazione: un caso studio nel Comprensorio Madonita mediante GIS

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Parametri di traffico urbano nella raccolta differenziata dei rifiuti solidi urbani

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A LCA study for citrus products in the Italian context

A LCA study for citrus products in the Italian context

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New exergy criterion in the “multi-criteria” context: a life cycle assessment of two plaster products

This paper deals with the exergy analysis (EXA) of plaster materials and ranks the environmental burdens due to the production of such materials. The calculation of the exergy loss during the whole examined process represents a relevant index, looking at the technology improvement of a process, as a suitable tool in aid of the trade-off of alternative materials in the decision making. A life cycle inventory is performed for building plaster products and the matrix method is used. The authors extend the application of EXA to life cycle assessment, conducting an exergetic life cycle assessment, and propose an exergetic index in the framework of multi-criteria decision making. An exergy balanc…

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Application of Environmental Management Systems (EMS) to Natural Parks and reserves

Natural parks and reserves have to face problems concerning the conservation of their natural resources. Citizens and firms often perceive the institution of new protected areas more as a bind or a restriction to their activities than an added value of the territory. Following the principles of sustainable development, it is necessary to integrate the environmental protection with the needs of neighbouring urban areas and production sites. The implementation of an Environmental Management System (EMS) according to international standards (ISO 14001, EMAS) can support the Park administration in their complex management activities. This paper analysed the criticisms related to the application…

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Il tecnico di fronte alla sostenibilità ambientale degli edifici

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Forecasting household electricity consumption with a neural network-based approach

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Un approccio neural kriging per la stima spaziale dei campi di vento in Sicilia

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Applicazione del metodo GBTool ad edifici dell’area mediterranea

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POEMS: A Case Study of an Italian Wine-Producing Firm

Over the last decade, researchers paid much attention to concepts such as Design for Environment, Extended Producer Responsibility, Responsible Chain Management, and Eco-design. Many management tools and standards (such as EMAS, ISO 14001, LCA, EPD, Ecolabel) have been developed to support companies in the evaluation and management of their environmental performance and to pursue continual environmental improvement. The more recent development of the aforesaid fields looks at interorganizational environmental management. Such an approach can complement the more traditional intraorganizational corporate environmental management approaches and tools. A typical example of this new trend is the…

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Studio per la redazione del Piano Energetico della Regione Siciliana, Rapporto di Seconda Fase

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A Web-based Weather Monitoring Network in the city of Palermo

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Application of Sustainable building indexes in the Mediterranean Constructions

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Strumenti per la valutazione ambientale degli edifici

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The influence of air conditioning systems on the residential electricity consumptions: a neural network application

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Energy and Environmental Analysis of an Italian Wind Farm

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Schema del Piano Energetico Regionale della Regione Siciliana, Rapporto di Terza Fase

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Eco-profilo di un laterizio porizzato: confronto con altri manufatti surrogabili

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Life cycle assessment of a solar thermal collector

Abstract The renewable energy sources are often presented as ‘clean’ sources, not considering the environmental impacts related to their manufacture. The production of the renewable plants, like every production process, entails a consumption of energy and raw materials as well as the release of pollutants. Furthermore, the impacts related to some life cycle phases (as maintenance or installation) are sometimes neglected or not adequately investigated. The energy and the environmental performances of one of the most common renewable technologies have been studied: the solar thermal collector for sanitary warm water demand. A life cycle assessment (LCA) has been performed following the inter…

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Studio per la redazione del Piano Energetico della Regione Siciliana, Casi studio – Risparmio energetico nella rigassificazione del GNL

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Schema del Piano Energetico Regionale della Regione Siciliana, Rapporto Finale

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Efficienza energetica ed ambientale delle aree industriali- un caso studio di simbiosi industriale nella provincia di Palermo

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Determinazione del quadro complessivo relativo alla utilizzazione del Gas Naturale nel territorio della Regione Siciliana. Relazione di sintesi

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La Metodologia dell'Analisi del Ciclo di Vita (LCA) Applicata alle Tecnologie per le Energie Rinnovabili

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Hidden energy and environmental loads of solar thermal collectors: A case study.

The general aim of this work was to investigate a solar thermal collector and the energetic and environmental impacts related to this renewable technology. It was realised an eco-profile of an exemplary equipment, calculating the Cumulative Energy Demand (CED) and the Cumulative Emissions related to the production and use of a collector and the energy (or emissions) saved employing the renewable technology.

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Sustainable Strategies and Industrial Ecology: a new Approach for the Environmental Management

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Is the transfer function method reliable in a European building context? A theoretical analysis and a case study in the South of Italy

Abstract The available tools for dynamic simulation of the buildings thermal behaviour are manifold, and the most modern ones, known as TRNSYS, are founded upon the use of the Z-transform (ZT) set also called transfer function method (TFM). The transfer function method (TFM), recommended by American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), is one of the most modern tools available to solve heat transfer problems in building envelopes and environments. TFM utilises Z-transforms to solve the equation system that describes the heat transfer in a multi-layered wall. Due to an analogy with an electric circuit, it is possible to write the equation system in a mat…

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A neural classifier for the optimal selection of conduction transfer functions

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Sistema di rilevazione e pubblicazione dati meteo per la città di Palermo.

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Life Cycle Assessment of a building insulating biomaterials. A case study on the Kenaf-fibre thermo insulating board

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A web-based autonomous weather monitoring system of the town of Palermo and its utilization for temperature nowcasting

Weather data are crucial to correctly design buildings and their heating and cooling systems and to assess their energy performances. In the intensely urbanized towns the effect of climatic parameters is further emphasized by the "urban heat island" phenomenon, known as the increase in the air temperature of urban areas, compared to the conditions measured in the extra-urban areas. The analysis of the heat island needs detailed local climate data which can be collected only by a dedicated weather monitoring system. The Department of Energy and Environmental Researches of the University of Palermo has built up a weather monitoring system that works 24 hours per day and makes data available i…

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Requisiti di qualità dei dati negli studi di Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) e nelle Dichiarazioni Ambientali di Prodotto (DAP)

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The product oriented environmental Management Systems (POEMS): an experience in the Sicilian agricultural and food context

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Data Least Squares solution of the inventory problem in Life Cycle Assessment

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Eco-sustainable energy and environmental strategies in design for recycling: the software “ENDLESS”

Abstract This paper describes a model, named “ENDLESS”, useful to address the design process towards more eco-compatible solutions. In particular, this tool can support the designer in the choice of the product with an higher recyclability potential from a set of different alternatives. The model takes into consideration a Multi-Attribute Decision-Making method and allows calculating a “Global Recycling Index” (GRI) starting from a set of energy, environmental, technical and economic indicators. A weight is assigned to each parameter following the experience of the designer; a sensitivity analysis is then performed to state how the different assumptions can affect the final results. The mod…

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Life cycle assessment of building materials: A comparison by electre methodology

There is a growing awareness that in selection of building materials the designer must also consider environmnental impacts, either in global and local scale. Unfortunately, design community has an inadequate knowledge about the factors that affects environmental consequences of producing and operating buidings. To increase understanding on selection criteria and comparison of building alternatives in an “energy and environmental point of view”, is a significant goal for restraining gloabl enevironmental degradation. An interesting approach for assessing comparable products is the so called “multicriteria decision making”, but there is much debate about aggregation of criteria and weights a…

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Transferability to LDC of Some European standards concerning the environmental certification of products and services

Goal and Scope. Western developed countries (DC) are currently involved in an important process of releasing new rules and standards devoted to the environmental certifications of urban systems, in order of accomplishing the requirements established by the international protocols (Kyoto, among them), aimed at the reduction of greenhouse gases emitted in the atmosphere and at the limitation of the environmental impact as well. Within this frame, the European Union is giving a rising importance to the so-called 'Integrated Product Policy' (IPP), that is an integrated approach of the environmental policy, aiming to an improvement of the environmental performance of products and services during…

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Sintesi dello Studio del TEAM del PER per il forum con le parti sociali e Bozza dei Piani d’Azione

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Single thermal zone balance solved by Transfer Function Method

We present an algorithm that uses the Z-transform operator to face the problem of heat transmission in a single thermal zone composed by multilayered walls. The method is very flexible and could be adopted to calculate the transfer function coefficients able to simulate the thermal behaviour of a room in free floating. Knowing the transfer function coefficients, it is possible to simulate the dynamic profile of each inner surfaces temperature and furthermore of the inner air temperature. The proposed algorithm is fully described granting maximum clarity. The explicitness of all steps of the calculus make possible the definition of a method that is able to vary all of the calculus parameters…

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Energy and environmental analysis of a mono-familiar Mediterranean house

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Studio per l’istituzione di un centro di competenza per la sostenibilità ambientale e le fonti rinnovabili e valutazione dei percorsi per la diffusione delle energie rinnovabili e per lo sviluppo di un turismo sostenibile a Malta

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A decision support system to compare different strategies for achieving the Italian Kyoto Protocol commitment

Abstract: In order to meet the Italian Kyoto Protocol commitment, in 2002 the Interministerial Committee for Economic Planning (CIPE) approved the national allocation plan for the reduction of Greenhouse Gases (GHGs), envisioning various alternative scenarios. In this paper an extended impact assessment of the plan is accomplished and some further options are conceived and analysed in order to find an optimal trade-off among the different economic, environmental and social items at stake. After the selection of a set of independent indicators, nine different scenarios for the GHG reductions were evaluated and they were sorted according to the principles of the multicriteria analysis. The re…

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A Decision Support System applied to the Italian national allocation plan for the reduction of the GHGs emissions

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Analisi del regime anemometrico a scala urbana della città di Palermo

Allo scopo di valutare la possibilità di sfruttare l’energia eolica anche in zone fortemente urbanizzate recentemente la Comunità Europea ha posto tra le sue priorità scientifiche la redazione di atlanti eolici a piccola scala. Al fine di fornire dati che possano condurre ad una corretta valutazione eolica di centri urbani, nel seguente lavoro vengono analizzate le caratteristiche del regime anemometrico dell'area urbana di Palermo, registrate da un rete di monitoraggio automatica afferente al Dipartimento di Ricerche Energetiche ed Ambientali (DREAM) e composta da quattro stazioni meteo. Dopo un esame statistico preliminare, in cui le serie temporali della velocità del vento sono state div…

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Usi energetici dei residui agricoli della coltivazione cerealicola in associazione con colture no food di rotazione: Studio nel Comprensorio Madonita mediante GIS

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Studio per la redazione del Piano Energetico della Regione Siciliana, Sintesi del Rapporto di Seconda e Terza Fase Rapporto di Terza fase e bozze dei piani di Azione

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Life cycle assessment of a solar thermal collector

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Effetti energetico-ambientali di interventi di retrofit su un edificio residenziale monofamiliare in area mediterranea.

La rilevanza dei consumi di energia primaria nel settore civile d’utenza impone la necessità di definire strategie progettuali orientate al risparmio energetico, quali l’impiego di tecnologie alimentate da fonti rinnovabili, di materiali a basso impatto ambientale e di tecnologie energeticamente efficienti, in tutte le fasi di ciclo di vita dell’edificio. La durata della vita utile di un edificio, il tasso di sostituzione annuale del patrimonio edilizio e il tasso ancora minore delle demolizioni sono fattori peculiari degli edifici, per i quali gli interventi di riqualificazione energetica (retrofit) sugli edifici esistenti costituiscono soluzioni progettuali fondamentali al fine di ridurre…

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Ecoprofili di componenti edilizi

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