Christelle Marlin

Hauteurs de neige et équivalent-eau du manteau neigeux d'un glacier artique : du terrain à l'interpolation, confrontation de méthodes (exemple du Loven Est, Spitsberg 79°N

National audience

research product

Hydrochemical response of a polar glacier facing the recent climate changes (Austrelovenbre, Svalbard, 79°N)

research product

Recent climate change observed in Svalbard since fourty years in Ny Alesund (79°N)

International audience

research product

Relation eau de surface-eau souterraine dans un bassin-versant glaciaire, glacier Austrelovenbreen, Svalbard (79°N)

research product

A IPY French-German Program (2006-2010) to survey a polar glacier (Austrelovenbre, 79°N, Spitsbergen)

International audience

research product

Hydrological and geochemical response of a polar glacier facing the recent climate changes (Austrelovenbre, Svalbard, 79°N)

research product

Le croisement d'information en remote et in situ sensing pour suivre la dynamique hydrologique d'un glacier polaire : exemple de la crue d'automne 2008, Loven Est, Spitsberg (79°N)

research product

Suivi hydro-glaciologique du glacier Loven Est (79°N, Svalbard) : premiers résultats après deux années hydrologiques très différentes

research product

PRISM - Permafrost, Rock, Ice and Snow monitoring in the Austre Lovén glacier basin (Spitsberg)

International audience

research product

Arctic Glacier hydrosystems as natural sensors for recent Climatic variations (Loven East Glacier, Svalbard, 79° N", hydro-loven-Flows)

research product

Automated high resolution image acquisition in polar regions

research product

Monitoring snow cover dynamics on an arctic hydrosystem using field measurements, remote and in situ sensing (Austre Lovenbreen, Spitsberg, 79°N)

International audience

research product

Data issues in a moving environment: remote and in situ tools to monitor glacier dynamics and their hydrological consequences in the Austre Lovènbreen basin

COM; International audience; The precise quantification of glacier movements over time is one of the goals of glaciology. Understanding how and where ice is appearing, melting, and what happens once it’s gone are at the core of the Hydro - Se nsor - FlOWS program (IPY #16, IPEV 304, ANR 0310) that just ended and will be one of the aspects of the new Cryo - Sensors program. Obtaining a precise digital elevation model (DEM) of a glacier surface is not straightforward. When using old datasets, caution should be applied to the interpretation made of the results as the variability tends to increase. Recent monitoring techniques (DGPS, airborne Lidar) do provide a higher level of accuracy but s…

research product

Understanding links between snow cover and mass balance using a dense monitoring network in a small Arctic glacier basin (Austre Lovénbreen, Svalbard 79°N)

COM; International audience; Glacier ice is the result of successive transformations of snow. All glaciers are therefore strongly linked with seasonal snowfalls. The frequency of snowfalls, the quantities involved, and the quality of snow all have an influence on the dynamics of glaciers. Snow cover is the prime source of new ice, but it also has a protective role in ablation areas of glaciers. From an hydrological point of view, snow also constitutes an important part of the outflows of glacier basins. A monitoring protocol based on a network of stakes and complemented with regular snow drilling campaigns has been carried out for 5 years on the Austre Lovénbreen (Spistbergen, 79 N). Overal…

research product

A terrestrial laser scanning survey to derive snow volume and water equivalent on the slopes of Austre Lovén glacier basin (Svalbard - 79°N)

COM; International audience; Steep slopes represent 35% of Austre Lovén glacier basin, a small valley glacier in Svalbard (79°N). Slopes and their dynamics do have an important impact on polar glaciers. They also are of high hydrological importance in the water budget of basins. One major issue in studying slopes is the fact that they are hard to instrument and both equipment and staff have to deal with the steepness of the field and the exposure to avalanches and rock fall. In order to minimize this exposure without giving up the required spatial and temporal precision, terrestrial laser scanning (TLS) is used. A monitoring program is now starting using TLS. TLS allows for remote high qual…

research product

Snowcover Survey on an Alpine Type Glacier in High Latitude (Austre Lovénbreen, Svalbard, 79°N)

International audience

research product

Impact of climate conditions on the hydrological response of a polar glacier system - Austrelovénbreen - Svalbard

International audience

research product

Spatial variability of snow cover in the slopes of a small arctic glacier catchment using Lidar data

International audience; In the Arctic, because glaciers are subject to dramatic changes due to climate shift, a major concern is to estimate the contribution of glacier basins outflows to sea level rise. Snow on the Austre Lovénbreen (a small alpine type glacier in Spitsbergen – 4,6km 2) has been well studied since 2007 thanks to a good measurement network and numerous field campaigns. It has been possible to estimate the runoff coming from the glacier itself. However, the glacier covers only 43% of the Austre Lovén catchment. Of the remaining 57%, 23% are constituted by the moraine area, and 34 % are the surrounding slopes, which are also important snow storages. This paper focusing on slo…

research product

Investigating snowcover volumes and icings dynamics in the moraine of an Arctic catchment using UAV/ photogrammetry and LiDAR

International audience; Means for assessing the contribution of the terminal moraine into the water budget of an Arctic glacier is investigated: on the one hand the terminal moraine represents a significant fraction (22%)of the catchment area of the glacier under investigation – Austre Lovenbreen, in the Brøgger peninsula, Spitsbergen – and on the other hand icings formation (or aufeis) each winter illustrates the contribution of subglacial water flow. While over the glacier, with a smooth surface readily interpolated, the winter and summer mass balances are assessed with only a few sparsely distributed stakes, such an approach is not valid with the rough topography of the glacier moraine: …

research product

Five consecutive years of mass balance observations to understand glacier reaction to present climate change (Austre Lovénbreen, Svalbard 79°N)

COM; International audience; Since 2008, mass balance is measured on the Austre Lovénbreen (Spitsbergen, Norway, 79 N) as part of the Hydro-Sensor-FlOWS program. The observations are made at a very fine scale: on the 4.5 km 2 glacier, mass balance is measured each September with 36 stakes. Snow cover is measured at the end of April. 20 air-temperature loggers give hourly data on the thermal state of the glacier. In addition automatic cameras provide 3 pictures per day. These pictures are used to determine whether ice is visible or snow covered all over the glacier. Climate parameters provided by the nearby Ny-Alesund weather station are also used. The influence of climatic parameters on mas…

research product

High time and space resolution analysis of Austre Lovén glacier seasonal and interannual dynamics (Svalbard - 79°N)

COM; International audience; Austre Lovén glacier is a small valley glacier in Svalbard. It has been retreating since the little ice age. Over the last five years, an extensive monitoring program has been conducted in this glacier basin. A network of 36 ablation stakes has been distributed at regular intervals over the 4.5 km² glacier surface. Mass balance measurements were complemented with regular snow drilling campaigns aiming at understanding the links between microclimatic parameters and glacier evolution. In addition, 20 automatic temperature loggers have been recording hourly data. 6 cameras provided 3 pictures a day covering most of the glacier surface and giving an accurate account…

research product